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Like any other day, Jimin was alone in bed.

This night though, he was not completely alone. Instead, his body draped under a big blanket as his big and pregnant belly was warm under the covers.

The omega had not completely come to terms with his pregnancy, which made him feel odd about it. He had wanted a pup so badly. At times he'd pray to the god above to sprinkle him in baby magic, but to no avail.

Until now, where his only company was his expected child.

Jimin had his eyes shut as a candle was lit beside the bed, his hands rubbing onto his own body with small moans as he touched crevices he didn't mean to touch. He wasn't masturbating, no. He was just touching his body, getting in touch with his new body.

He had always been used to being skinny. Even dealing with anorexia since he was a teenager. He was used to being skin and bones, and maybe that's how he liked it. He likes his body being blown away by the wind. He loved the worried looks he'd get from his husband when he felt his ribs, because it was the only time he'd pay attention to him.

Now though, its different. He has a baby in there.

He has to eat.

But, he doesn't hate it.

Jimin actually has recently learned the delicious taste of meals he'd fear of being too fattening. He's learned how delicious salmon is, and how olives are great with crackers. He learned that cake is sweet and buttery, and that they filled his cheeks up to have a glow. He's tasted soup with sesame oil and sausage. He even decided he'd try American pizza.

He was happy, and full.

He'd even share meals with Bora and Namjoon in the same room together, the three becoming close and learning a lot about eachother.

They loved it, and they have so much fun in each and every of their meetings.

He was content. Atleast, he thinks so. That is until his husband dreadfully comes home from work.

Jimin remains with his eyes shut when he heard his husband enter the room. He gulps, pretending he's asleep as he heard Taehyung shed his shirt off with a sigh. The work day having a clear impact on him.

Taehyung walks toward the bed, shedding his pants as well and leaving his boxers on. He looks down at Jimin with a small frown, twirling his hair with his finger before bending down and sitting on the floor.

"Jimin?" The alpha calls out, big eyes.

"Yes, Taehyung?" The omega responds softly. The alpha smiles, grabbing his warm hand. "...Oh, god, love. You... you look gorgeous." He says nervously as Jimin opened his eyes.

"You're ever so busy, you've missed the process." Jimin says softly, and Taehyung nods. "I know. I know... I need to tell you something."

Jimin remains silent, giving him an OK.

"I'm sorry for what I've caused in our marriage. I want to fix it, because... I've realized I don't see myself with any other omega but you." Taehyung whispers, before sighing. "I'm getting us a therapist, so we can fix this hole I caused. We're having a baby soon, and we can't hurt them with this rough patch."

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