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Jungkook has a history of causing trouble.

Ever since he was a pup, everything has been handed to him. Atleast in a way where he had no need to have more than he could bite. His parents, two divorcée's that only have the duty to take care of their little accident.

The two parents were emotionally unavailable. Which may be the reason why Jungkook is the way he is. Clingy, extremely obsessive and doesn't let go even if it kills him.

Nowadays, he's a college student in major dept from a tuition he unsuccessfully paid off with his parents false beneficairy after their sudden death in the late 70s.

So, when he finally got in contact with millionair Kim Taehyung... INSIDE the comfort of his rich home, it was an opportunity he could simply not miss. Which is why, he stood in the cold rain as he walked through Varcien town, looking for the photography studio.

This town is abandoned, and lights flickered from the many run down shops and street lights that haven't been modeled in years. There were many alleyways that either contained alphas waiting to snatch an omega like Jungkook or cats feeding in the garbage bin. No in between. Sniffling, he finally walks down to a very small shop, that nearly recembled an apartment that had the a simple sign in the front with only 'ㅂ' written on it.

Unlike what Taehyung said, he didn't even have to ask for him. He knew where he was and arrived to where he seeked to be.

Jungkook smiles, walking into the shop and suddenly flinched when he saw many women walking around in skimpy outfits and very tall high heels. The omega stumbled back at the crowd, nervous.

"Oh, wow. You're gorgeous." The omega heard, looking up with big eyes. A tall woman stood over him, smiling. "My, you stick out like a sore. You're the only boy here! What are you doing here?" She asks, playfully.

Jungkook gulps, not being much of a people person. "Uhm- I'm looking for V." He nearly whispers, red cheeks.

"Oh, V? No wonder he came in today. Yeah, yeah... he did say he was expecting somebody." She hums, "Well...Go to that elevator and press 2. Don't be scared when it says floor 8. It's just broken." The tall pale woman says, and the omega nods, hands clamped together before walking towards the elevator, pressing the button.

Jungkook frowns, waiting on the slow machine until he heard a bell, and hopped in. Pressing 2, he looks up and sighs when he read floor 8. She wasn't lying.

He leans back, body leaning against the railing as the bumpy elevator came to a stop. Jungkook looks up with big eyes, and saw Taehyung, conversing on the telephone.

Jungkook steps in, but waits by the entrance. He already caught the alphas attention, but Taehyung simply held a finger up so he'd wait on him.

"The photoshoot went well? Oh, that's great. I'm glad." Taehyung smiles. "...Are you not going home? You really should, Jimin. I'll be there when I can."

"I'm going to the clinic! I didn't originally plan on going, but I want another treatment so I can have our pup." Taehyung heard Jimin say softly. The alpha grins, "Well, just let me know when you're back home. Don't wait on me, I might take a bit. You know, these new models are difficult."

"Yes, yes. Of course, my love. I'll leave you be now, good luck!" Jimin says, and Taehyung blows out his nose. "Yes, thank you. I love you." He says softly, before hanging up.

Taehyung lifts his head up, looking at Jungkook and signaling him to come towards him. The omega gulps, walking to the alpha.

"How much do you weigh?" Taehyung asks.

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