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Taehyung wakes up, gasping as he was shaked by Jimin who was up and dressed gorgeously. The omega looks down, his belly peaking through his fancy dress. "What is it, Jimin-ah?" The alpha asks, big eyes.

"Did you ever figure out the location where Jungkook is at? I got dressed and ready, so I need it now." Jimin says, frowning at him. Taehyung looks up, eyebrows furrowing. "You are not going alone, Jimin. Don't be an idiot. You'd be poking the bear."

"What the hell would he do? Kill me?" Jimin says, now annoyed at his husbands persistence to keep him home. Taehyung frowns, nodding. "Yeah. He could. Now go back to bed."

"No, Taehyung! We need to settle this. Now! I am over this omega ruining our relationship! We need our companies documents and that's it!" Jimin begin to raise his voice, recieving a tug to his arm as the alpha pulls the entirety of his body back into bed.

Jimin gasps, upset. He was back onto bed as the alpha lied on top of him. "You're messing up my blouse!"

"Stop being so angry." Taehyung sighs, and Jimin glares at him. "Why shouldn't I?"

"I'll get those documents, my love. Okay? I swear. But, I don't want you doing it. I doubt he'd do anything to me, but you're the person he's against. Remember, he's infatuated with me. You're my husband, and the one who is baring my child. I'm not letting you go alone."

"Fine." Jimin says, his words going in one ear and out the other.

"I'm serious, omega." Taehyungs eyes thin, and Jimin stares at him, eyebrow twitching. The alpha held him down with a small smile. He sighs, "You mischievous little thing."

Jimin gasps, embarrassed.

"Get off me you big oaf!" The omega whines, before he is kissed on cheek. The alpha smiles, humming a little tune to calm his husband down.

"What are you doing, Taehyung? Let me go-" He tries to shake him off, before his husband cuddles into him, pressing a kiss to his lips.

Jimin frowns, cooing when he heard the familiar song, as his husband begin to sing it.

"I could spend hours in your eyes." Taehyungs grins, as he sang. Jimin stared at him, big eyes.

"I was passed so quick by your sign." Taehyungs croons, Jimin leaning in and hugging him tightly.

"So won't you..." Jimin sang too, cheeks red. "Please, stay the night."

"I want you here so i'm alright." Taehyung smiles, cheekily. Jimin coos, being rocked.

"I wanna fall..." The too close in, pecking each other's lips. "Into you."

"Taehyung..." Jimin calls out softly, his back arching. "My father, I dreamt of him last night." He says, frowning. "I feel like...we should visit him. It's time."

"You've never allowed me to see him... are you sure?' Taehyung says, heart thumping. Jimin nods, "Lets bring him tea. His favorite is peppermint."

Taehyung nods, gulping.


As the two walked through the gravesite, Taehyung had to cover Jimin with his coat twice to hide him from paparazzi. The two struggled to enter, but they eventually got in with the help of their fame.

They hoped not to disturb anyone, as there was many people visiting their loved ones. Jimin smiled, almost excited to visit his father, nearly hopping.

"Hi, papa!" Jimin says, when they finally found his grave. The omega fell onto his knees, immediately dusting the marble. "Wow, they haven't cleaned you at all." The omega sighs, picking the grass that had grown.

Taehyung kneels down besides Jimin, staring at the tombstone. PARK JUNSU. 1903-1975 "A strong alpha & and a loving father."

"Hello, Mr. Park." The alpha greets, bowing.

"Look at this... even a mushroom has grown here. I pay so much for this plot and they can't even cut the grass." Jimin hissed under his breath, "So many people come here just because they know he's my father. I need to move his casket soon."

"We could put a gate around his grave." Taehyung says, staring at the dirt. Jimin shook his head, "He would hate that. He always said he was no different than other people. He'd hated superiority when he was alive. It's no different now that he's gone."

The alpha nods, grabbing the tea they brought. "Mr. Park... Jimin-ah and I are expecting our first child. I hope you find this news well, because it is your first grandchild as well."

The omega nods, pouring a cup for himself, than his father, and lasty, Taehyung.

"They're as small as a golden nugget. I know they'll be big like their father, though." Jimin teases, smiling. Taehyung nods, sipping his tea.

"I apologize that you've met me until this point, sir. Thank you, even though you opposed of me marrying your son...for giving him the choice. I wish you had stayed around, sir. I love your beautiful son." Taehyung says, breathlessly. "I've tried. Maybe you know. I'm definitely going to hell for what I've done, sir. Please forgive me for hurting your child." He says softly, teary eyed.

Jimin stares at him, eyes beginning to tear up when he saw Taehyungs. The omegas hand tremble as he saw Taehyung begin to cry. Guilty.

"...I said it was okay, Taehyung. We're going to move on from this, okay? We will-"

"I'm sorry, Jimin. You should've listened to your father about marrying Namjoon. I've hurt you so much." Taehyung cries, heart hurting.

"I married you because I love you Taehyung! Nobody amounts the love I have for you." Jimin argues. "You're all I want, and all I need."

Taehyung stared at him, before he was embraced tightly. "My love..."

The alpha hugs him back tightly, afraid to ever be on the edge of losing him again. He had played a game of rope, and he nearly lost.

"My father would've loved you, Taehyung." Jimin smiled softly, and the alpha nods in his shoulder getting his back rubbed by his husband.

The omega chuckles breathlessly, holding his big mate before grabbing the tea beside his fathers tombstone. He tips it over, and watches the ground drink the flavored water.

He feels Taehyung pull off him, and once he did, he pressed a kiss to the cold stone. "I'll see you later, papa." He whispers before looking up at his husband, who was still recovering from his cries.

Nodding, he grabs his hand, before he begin to walk off with him.


happy Wednesday

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