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Jimin gets a kick out of running away.

Maybe that's what his husband thought, but honestly...he might be right. That's because that's the only time the omega truly felt free.

It didn't matter either way. All it was was labels and theories created by people surrounding him. Obviously, he couldn't be at home to relax because all he and his spouse did was brawl on every single topic they could think of and pull on each other's hair. Their marriage was becoming loveless, and Jimin was realizing he wasn't the one in charge of fixing it.

So, where did he go you may ask?

A XXX theatre. The place where pimps, prostitutes and hustlers gathered in the flesh.

Listen... he came here with the intention to have a drink and watch omegas dance. Not because he wanted to have sex tonight. If he wanted to cheat, he'd rather divorce Taehyung first. He can't prove his innocence, but he knows his own intentions. That's all that mattered to him.

Here he sat on a stool in the corner of the big ball room. Many omegas and alphas chatting with erotic dancers shaking their body off to the public. Jimin sipped on his drink made by the bartender who seemed to have taken interest in him, but once again... Jimin wasn't here for a partner.

"Say, omega... your husband is Kim Taehyung. Right? Why are you here?" Said bartender asked, and Jimin nearly sighs. He was a teenager, probably a side job his parents weren't aware about. He turns back, a risen eyebrow. "Why do you ask?"

"No reason. I just, I'm a fan...really! Self Haven is-"

"Your favorite magazine to stroke your cock to? I know, I hear this all the time." Jimin says, and the alpha looks dumbfounded. "Does Taehyung-"

"Mr. Kim or Kim Taehyung. Do not disrespect my husbands name." Jimin rose an eyebrow. "You youngsters have no respect nowadays. A dying generation, really."

"I'm 18, sir. Old enough for you!" The alpha tries to flirt, and the omega nearly laughs in his face.

"Beomhan! My boy, give me a bottle of smirnoff and some tempura. I am hungry." A omega suddenly pops up, laughing so very loudly and was likely exposed. Jimin turns to look at him, and gasped.


"Seokjin! Hello!" Jimin says, waving. Said omega turns his head with risen eyebrows. "Jimin-ah." He says softly.

"Hello...! How have you been, dear?" The omega smiles, and Seokjin looks down, chuckling nervously. "Well, I've been good. How about you, Jimin-ah?"

The omega who sat in front of Jimin-ah had always been deemed as awfully rude and disrespectful, but Jimin always assumed it was not true considering how respectful he is to his face.

Unless, he picks and chooses who he would give a front to.

"It's been better. Why are you here, Seokjin? You look stunning." Jimin chuckles, and Seokjin smiles, stroking his own hair. He wore a purple dress that exposed his belly, and wore grey diamond heels. Absolutely gorgeous.

"...Initially, just to get my mind off work. I love going out, you know." Seokjin smiles, and Jimin giggles. "So do I! I just needed a drink and to watch something new in my life."

"Well, how are you? Really? You mentioned that it's been better." The elder frowns, and the younger looks down. "...Well, it's really only that Taehyung and I are having some problems."

"Oh...Taehyung." Seokjin whispers. He knew that alpha too well.

"Yes, I...well, we haven't spoken on it... but I feel as though my marriage is plummeting." He says sadly. "He doesn't know I am here, so i'm definitely getting an earful when I am home, but-"

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