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You're supposed to be mature as an adult.

That's the normality. When you hit the age when your brain is fully developed, you are supposed to act like an adult. That's the point...

You're supposed to have critical thinking skills, and solve problems with the skills you've developed during the past years of your life. That's why life is difficult, so you don't struggle as an adult.

Atleast, Jimin thought it was like that when he was a pup.

Now, he knew it was a myth. A lie. Adult hood is a sham, and so is the concept of maturity. You're never really any of those two.

Because, if adulthood and maturity really existed, why was he taking his husband's cock after a heated argument?

Sex solved everything between the two. Which is why Jimins sobs and tantrum turned into lewd moans and whimpers. It's just him and his husband.

Jimin held onto the corner of the bed as he was rocked into, per usual, no condom was in sight. It didn't matter either way, considering his uterus was useless and they aimed to have a child. It's a surprise.

Having his husband groan into his ear while feeling the raw girth of his beloved inside of him, it's like a happy marriage. Only that the happiness stayed in bed.

Taehyung kissed Jimins lips, the omega wrapping his arms around the alpha as they blew their hot breaths against each other. The two dancing in the sheets together, the only time their rythms were paced. They loved hard in bed, but it was always gentle, as if his husband intended on hurting him only in a certain way.

It was different when he had Taehyungs pleasure in his ears, the occasional whimpers at every stroke he had to his penis. Jimin would even smile a bit, because he caused it. He made him feel good.

It was times like these Jimin held onto, and even when he felt the warm release of his husband, he'd feel upset. The love was over, and it was back to the bitter marriage they have.

As Taehyung came undone, he huffs, looking at Jimin with a pant. He pulls out his penis and shakes it a bit before tucking it back into his boxers. The omega frowns, humming. "Do you want me to clean you off?"

The alpha nearly chuckles, but shakes his head. He's calmer, and approachable post-orgasm. Jimin smiles too, before he's scooped and placed over Taehyungs bicep. "Good god, what were we even fussing about?" The alpha asks.

Jimin knows, they were fighting about the party yesterday. About how the omega caused a scene and made the company look like it's ran by two berks. He decided against reminding him though, because they were in a better mood.

The omega shrugs, giggling softly. "Taehyung," He says softly, and the alpha looks down, "Yes?"

"We must head to bed now, its nearly one in the morning and I have to monitor a photoshoot tomorrow." Jimin says softly, small belly airing out as he lied on his side. Taehyung smiles, nodding as he gripped the omegas bare flesh and kissed his lips.

"Goodnight, my love." The alpha says softly, and Jimin doesn't answer, shutting his eyes.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

Jimin woke up to a phone call. That he initially assumed was on the work phone.

The omega usually got up to answer, since he wanted to be included in his own company, he did so. He had to monitor a photoshoot later and help his team choose and print photos for the latest magazine. It was a daily thing, and he felt in different about it.

Only today, as he walked down the steps to answer the ringing that came from their personal wires, with only a thin blanket draped around him, wearing thin lace underwear, he heard a soft voice behind the line. The omega frowns when he heard a small pant, looking back at the maid who was beginning to start his and his husbands breakfast.

"Hello?" Jimin says, annoyed.

"Ah, Hello." He heard a soft voice behind the line. "I am looking to talk to Kim Taehyung. Is he here?"

"Who is this?" The elder asked, tightly holding the blanket to the front, panties clear as day through the sheets.

"I-I'm, mmh. A future business partner, if you will."

"I'm sorry, but I am his business partner, given that I'm his husband. Who are you?" The omega angrily says, and the omega behind the line whines.

"No, no, I misspoke. I meant I want to work with him. I'm sorry, I'm only a sophomore in college. Could you please pass the phone to him?" The omega spoke in a whiny tone. Jimin nearly cringed at thinking of the youngster behind the line, who was probably kneeling himself in the penis thinking about his husband.

"It is very rude to call so early in the morning, especially to our personal number. Where did you even- nevermind that. Please don't call again."

Jimin frowns when he was suddenly gripped on the shoulder, seeing Taehyung with a risen eyebrow. "Who is it for?"

"...You." The omega frowns, before sighing and handing the alpha the phone. Taehyung rolls his eyes, watching Jimin walk away defeatedly, the maid walking away with him.

"Hello, this is Kim Taehyung, who is this?" The alpha asks, eyebrow risen with a frown. "Ah- Sir, I-I've been calling all morning, it's Jeon Jungkook. The boy from last night?"

"Ah, Jungkook. Hello. What is it?" Taehyung asks, and the omega lets out a breath. "Please, please may I get a job today. I need the money, I got a bill last night when I came home and I could nearly faint thinking about it, sir- I'll do anything."

The alpha nearly snorts, covering his mouth when he saw Jimin peaking through the door. His omega has always been one curious little thing. Taehyung turns the other way and hums, "My, you're in a tough situation. Aren't you?"

"Yes, sir. I've been doing my hardest to catch some labor but- jobs here in the rural part of the city are not sustainable, sir. Please, help. It was luck I even found you last night." Jungkook says softly, nervousness creeping in his voice.

"Do you not have a partner, omega? You aren't very bright, my Jimin is intelligent and scored in the game considering who he married." Taehyung smiles, knowing well enough that the omega was the reason he was living in luxury.

"Please." Jungkook whispers, "My time is running out sir- I have no quarters left." The omega says softly.

"Remember what I said yesterday? My private work? If you're up to it, how about you head to the small photography studio in Varcien town and ask for a photographer named 'V'. That's me." Taehyung says softly, before the line cut.

With a smirk, he hung the phone back up and looks at the kitchen, with plates placed on the table filled with korean delicacies. Smiling, the alpha looks at the maid, who had come back and bowed at the alpha. "Thank you, as always, Bora. Very delicious." He says, walking away as the woman stares, knowing about the terrible affairs this man was up to.

Taehyung walks away, and than sees Jimin with big eyes. "What was it about? The call?"

"I have a appointment later with a new model. I'm contracting them myself because...I see potential." The alpha says softly, and the omega looked at him with bigger eyes. "Who-"

"You'll meet them if they pass. Alright?" Taehyung says, and Jimin nods, nervous.

That omega on the phone sounded real needy.

"Let's shower and dress for the day, Bora is making our breakfast." the alpha begins walking up the stairs, as Jimin trailed behind. "Yes, of course."

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*


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