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Jungkook has a history of causing trouble.

...No, you aren't getting deja vu.

These kind of troubles couldn't be pinned on history, but instead himself.

Troubles like... the countless times his ex boyfriends would have to fight off a knife he held because he threatened to kill them and than himself.

Or... when after a long hot night together, his boyfriends would wake up with Jungkook on the floor, arms slit.

...Yeah, Jungkook isn't all there in his head sometimes.

Most of the time.

What Taehyung didn't know, that his new little youngster boyfriend, is severely mentally ill, and irrational. Though, why did he have a boyfriend when he is married to begin with?

"Tell me about... Jimin."

The alpha hums, looking up at the omega who sat on his lap. Plush thighs as he gently rocked on him. Taehyung smiles, "Jimin-ah? Oh, that's just my love."

"What is so beautiful about him?" Jungkook pouts, puffing the cigarette Taehyung passed to him. The omega coughs, cringing, handing it back.

"...What's so beautiful about him? Well, everything. I love him, he's gorgeous and kind-hearted. That's my omega." The alpha gushes, humming. "Hes incomparable." He cooed, pressing the cigarette on the night stand.

"If you love him so much... than why are you with me?" Jungkook asks, frowning.

"Because... I love you too." Taehyung smiles, lying through his teeth.

" me? Why?" Jungkook asks, looking down. "Nobody has ever loved me before."

"Oh, come on. You're beautiful too, and I can tell you things I can't tell Jimin. We've only been seeing each other for a short period of time but I am infatuated with you, pretty thing. I'd make you my second bride if it were possible." Taehyung says, rocking Jungkook on his leg. The omega frowns, "...Jimin-"

"Stop worrying about Jimin." Taehyung hisses, gripping Jungkooks chin. "He's not here. It's all about you right now. Why do you not like that?"

The omega looks down, remaining silent, hugging Taehyung tightly, chest to his face.

The alpha looks around, widen eyes as he hugged the omega back.

"...My dad, before he died, would take me out to dates. Never once would he hug or tell me he loves me. I think he'd show it through his money. You remind me so much of him." Jungkook whispers, and Taehyung looks at him, big eyes. "...I see. What... what happened to him?"

"He was stabbed to death, so was my mother. They died the same day." The omega frowns, tearing up. "I miss my papa everyday."

"Oh... gods. I'm so sorry to hear that." Taehyung says, hand on the omegas cheek. "You didn't deserve to endure that." He whispers, kissing Jungkooks lips, gently.

The omega nods, kissing back. He hurt. He missed his father everyday.

The omega continues to cry softly, head over the alphas shoulder as he was rocked, this time like a child. Like a father and child, but he didn't feel as though it was wrong. It just felt fatherly, only because Taehyung was so much older than him. That is all.

"Do you want to go out to get your mind off it?" Taehyung offers, looking at Jungkook as the omega sniffles. "What if somebody sees us?"

"...That is true. I could clear a restaurant out for us. How does that-"

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