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Jimin knew he was in the wrong when after every fight he would have with Taehyung, he'd childishly run to his best friend, Namjoon...

but, could he help it?


Here he found himself, early in the morning after Taehyung dismissed himself to bed, infront of Namjoons home in just a robe wrapped around his body. It was cold, and he seeked warmth from somebody.

As he knocked on the door, it took no amount of waiting for it to be answered by the alpha himself, given that he had been expecting him either way. Namjoon gasped when he saw the omega, immediately letting him into his home.

"...You have been crying." The alpha immediately points out, shutting the door behind him. The omega, already comfortable in this home, makes his way to his living space and waited for him to follow.

Jimin looks back at Namjoon, shaking his head with teary eyes. "It is nothing." He whispers.

"It cannot be nothing. You called me with your voice shaking in tears." The alpha whispered, sitting the omega down as he looked up. "...How was it? When you divorced Seokjin?"

"Complicated." Namjoon chuckled dryly. He and Seokjin did not fancy eachother in the slightest. The only thing they had in common is that at one point they had a child, who now rests 6 feet below the ground near the border.

"No...that is not the answer I seeked for." Jimin looked down, shutting his eyes. He felt absolutely weak.

"Why? Are you considering divorcing Taehyung?' Namjoon asks, sitting besides the omega who stared at him with big eyes. "...I do not know."

"What has that big oaf done to you?" Namjoon chuckles softly, Jimin staring at him with big doe eyes.

...What has he done to him?

The omega winced, trying not to remember. He looks down, belly stirring as his heart sank. He hurt thinking of his beloved husband.

"No, nothing...emotions are just very high. Currently." Jimin whispers softly, before sighing and looking at Namjoon. "He'd kill me if he knew that I am here, though." He giggled.

"I see why. He doesn't quite like me. It's alright." Namjoon chuckles. "I would be jealous as well if I were him."

"Hush, you." Jimin smiles, tilting his head and hugging him.

"Do you ever have company nowadays?" The omega asks, and Namjoon chuckles. "Company..?"

"You know what I mean. As in, partners? Ever since Seokjin, I've seen no attempt from you to have another love in your life." Jimin giggles, and Namjoon smiled. "Seokjin left me traumatized, Jimin-ah. He would beat me in his tantrums, I guess I'm too afraid to find somebody else."

"Please, that man loved you." Jimin shrugs him off, and Namjoon stares at him with a bitter taste in his mouth. "...No, he did not."

"He bared you a child and allowed himself to be your first wife, of course he did." The omega smiles and the alpha frowns, hand gripping his own thigh. "...Don't speak on things you know nothing about, Jimin-ah. You and I both know my baby is gone and so is he, and for very valid reasons."

"Your childs death will never have a valid reason, Joon." Jimin looks up, "I'm sorry, perhaps I overstepped."

Namjoon sighs, wiping tears that threatened to fall out. "I'm sorry, I did not mean to get emotional. It's a very difficult situation."

"I definitely understand." The omega hugs the alpha tightly, kissing his cheek.

"You? How are your attempts of concieving your pup?" Namjoon asked, and Jimin smiles awkwardly, almost hurt. "I...I think i'll move on from that idea." He says softly, "Taehyung doesn't want to have a baby, and I can't have it either way... so I'm going to try to let go."

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