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Jimin really didn't like being woken up early.

Especially on his day off, where his only duty was being pregnant and keeping himself and his unborn pup safe. That's all he wanted to do today, but all peace faded when he heard the dreadful knocks on his door. Ones that sound hurried.

"What is it, Bora? It's awfully early..." Jimin groaned, stretching himself out on the bed. The woman frowns, "Mr. Kim, the phone is ringing an awful lot. I let it go through voicemail at first but... It's becoming worrying."

"Must be some hungry businessman." The omega sighed. "Okay." He says to himself, getting up with a moan. He held his hip as he waddled to the door, opening it.

"I'll prepare you breakfast." Bora says once she handed the phone to Jimin. The omega sighs, nodding before picking up the line. "KIM'S PRODUCTION, Kim Jimin speaking."

"Is this Kim Taehyung's spouse?"

"Yes, this is he..." Jimin frowns, eyebrows scrunching worryingly.

"This is Haesoo from Varcien Memorial Hospital, your husband is here after being wounded by a gun shot."

Taehyung? Wounded?

Jimin looks down, eyes widened with tears threatening to escape. "...What? I-Is he alright? Oh my god..." He hissed desperately, the only thing coming to mind is Jungkook.

"We suggest you come. Once again, Varcien Memorial Hospital, alright?"

"Yes, VMH. I'll be there." Jimin says, hanging up quickly. "Bora! Bora!" He shouts, trying to not burst into sobs. "Bora... Please forgive me for being so unprofessional but can you drive?"

Jimin walks down the stares, teary eyed as Bora looked up at him from the stairs. "Are you alright Mr. Kim?"

"Oh, Bora. Please answer. My Taehyung has been shot." Jimin says, beginning to cry as he picked at his nails. "He's been shot, Bora!" The omega cried, immediately hugging the woman tightly.

"I can drive, Mr. Kim. Oh, let me turn off this stove." Bora quickly does so, as she remained in Jimins arms. "Please take me to Varcien's Memorial Hospital. That's where he is." Jimin cries.

Bora nods, hurrying to fetch her keys to her vechicle. Jimin runs out the door, holding his pregnant stomach for comfort.

Oh god, his Taehyung.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

This type of car ride was one that was never comparable.

Jimin had been driven to many places. Some 5, maybe even 10 hours away.

Though, none have ever felt as long as this car ride took. A whopping 30 minutes with sheer dread, and once they neared the scene, Jimin got to witness the phenomenon of celebrity deaths.

Paparazzis surrounded the streets of HOTLOT motel, and the omega saw cameras pointing at a certain door that was being interrogated by officers. Jimin begin to sweat, looking at Bora. "Quick, Bora, quick."

The woman simply nods, speeding up just a bit for the comfort of the omega. Jimins toes curled as he thought about the hospital.

In no time, they arrived. Jimin was quick to exit the car and leave Bora behind. He nearly begin sobbing at the mob around the hospital who were anchors on the news. Photographs were taken everywhere, and the scene was all too real. All too upsetting.

Jimin quickly attempted to run through the crowd, but ultimately was chased down.

"Kim Jimin, what are your thoughts on the current situation?"

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