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"I need my contract, bills and my new modeling samples, Jungkook. Do you hear me?"

Taehyung glares at the omega infront of him, who had just finished sobbing, pitifully holding a position with his hands to his chest. The alpha sighs, looking back to his newly hired assistant, Jung Hoseok.

"N-No more us? No-No more sex, No more love, No more-" Jungkook sobs, irrational. Hoseok awkwardly stares at him, looking at his boss who seemed to writh with anger.

"I'm sorry, Hoseok. I need you here because I wanted you to help sort documents this omega was supposed to bring." Taehyung looks at Jungkook, who continued to cry.

"...No worries, sir." Hoseok nods.

"Are you going back to Jimin-ah?" Jungkook asks, snot down his nose as he sobs once again after he asked. The alpha rose an eyebrow, scoffing. "Go back? I never left, that's my husband. Pregnant at that. You were a mistake that I'm now trying to fix. Now I'm attempting to invest in marriage counseling because of you!"

"It takes two to commit adultery!" Jungkook cries, stomping his foot. Taehyung stares at him.

How did he find this goddamn brat attractive?

"Next time we meet, I need my belongings, omega. I'm going to call the police if you fail to bring them and let them know about your dept in college, since I'm also taking back my loan." Taehyung growls.

"You're underestimating me, alpha." Jungkook threatens, tearfully.

"Out." Taehyung says, and Jungkook stomped out. He shook the place with anger rising to his chest, wanting to make a scene so badly.

He didn't though. The scene could wait.

Taehyung sighs, looking down at his documents.

"Sir... excuse me if I'm out of place, but why is that omega so irrational?" Hoseok asks, and the alpha chuckles, heart breaking as he shut his eyes. "I made a stupid decision, and had an affair with him. He's obsessed now, and obviously hates my husband."

"Hate? How?" Hoseok asks once again, and Taehyung looks back with a risen eyebrow, before sighing and dropping his guard. "He makes threats when ever. However, when we were... together... he'd completely erase Jimin out the picture, it was odd."

Hoseok looks away thoughtfully, frowning.

"...I love my husband, Yoongi. Recently, he bared me my baby girl pup. I love that omega with the entirety of my being, and would never have an affair." The alpha says, "However, I don't know your situation, but... I believe that if you are at a point in your marriage where you no longer love him enough to only be attracted to him, you should simply divorce."

Taehyung stares blankly, his biggest fear... divorce.

"That's what you newly weds say." The alpha chuckles dryly.

"I've been married for 15 years. Nearly half my life." Hoseok says. "I've never been happier."

"Put yourself in my shoes, Jung." Taehyung frowns, arms apread. Hoseok chuckles softly, simply happy at the thought of his husband. "I'm afraid I can't. Nobody is as gorgeous as my Yoongi. I can offer you advice though,"

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