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It was 6 AM, when Taehyung heard the phone ring.

He was tired, due to the fact he had woken up from his nightmare. He initially was set on ignoring the call. That is until, it rung on his work phone, which meant it couldn't be anything other than work. Right?

He thought so until he heard a familar voice on the other end of the line.

"...Hello? Taehyung- Oh my, you finally answered. I was getting worried." The alpha heard Jungkook whisper, small giggle. "Is everything alright?" He asks, nervous.

"...Ah, yes. I'm quite alright. You?" Taehyung asks, gulping.

"I'm alright as well. I was thinking we should see eachother today." Jungkook says softly, "I missed you."

"...I see." Taehyung bites his lip, while sighing. "Jungkook, this cannot happen anymore."

"Oh, you're right. I shouldn't call so early. Jimin might become suspicious." The omega says, and the alpha shook his head. "No. This is over. Sorry, goodbye." The alpha quickly hung the phone up.

Taehyung nearly cringed at the dull conversation he just had with Jungkook. It was meaningless and rather awkward. The alpha almost didn't feel bad.

The alpha frowns, pinching the bridge of his nose with a sigh.


The alpha nearly jumped, startled by his housemaid who usually remained quiet on her work days. He frowns, clearing his throat.

"Yes, Bora?" The alpha asks, looking at her.

"The television. Look!" The omega says, pointing at the small box which was on the local news.

Taehyung rose his eyebrows at first. Until, he read the headline.


"-Rumors circulated, about CEO Park Jimins affair between lawyer Kim Namjoon who has become rather a star when he convincted 29 year old Oh Isuel into life of imprisonment after the massacre in Seoul."

"Not only this though, many are pinning blame on KIMS PRODUCTION magazines as anorexia on paper. The rise of anorexia in Korea has tumbled and doesnt seem to have an end soon. Many young teenagers are being hospitalized within the span of every 3 days, this cannot be a coincidence. Hence why, experts believe anorexia is taught."

"Park Jimin may be the producer himself, an omega who has been very outspoken about his eating disorder during his high school years, and has shared to the public that he has damaged his own body beyond satisfaction. This may be infertility. Insiders say-"

"The press are idiots, Bora. Jimin wouldn't care, they talk about him all the time." Taehyung grumbled, switching off the television.

"No, sir. I understand so. I always listen to the news. You cut it off at the end, they mentioned an 'insider'-" Bora gasped, worried.

"Insider, my ass. Everybody who works for us signs a contract, and we would have someone to suspect, wouldn't we?" Taehyung rose an eyebrow, and the woman frowns.

The alpha sighs, before patting her shoulder. "I appreciate it, Bora. You are a great help. Sometimes, do not listen to the news. It poisons your ears."

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