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"Shh... hush, pretty doll. You might get us caught."

Jimin gasps as his mouth was held tightly by the palm of his boyfriend, a small giggle escaping. "Caught? We're in college, Kim. How dare we have a relationship?" He says through the gaps of the alphas fingers.

Taehyung smiles, removing his hand and kissing Jimins lips, "How dare we! Having sex before marriage." The alpha gasps, and the omega laughs, hugging him tightly.

"...Nobody will hear us, you big dummy. We're roommates. There is no one we're expecting." Jimin snickers, and Taehyung nods, pressing a kiss to his neck. "How I love you, I can't remember life before you."

"You don't have to." Jimin whispers softly, staring at him with eyes that nearly shined from looking at his handsome mate. "Life before us doesn't matter at all, Taehyung." The omega sweet talks, scooting the alphas hair behind his ears before kissing his cheek.

"Let us be like this always." Taehyung says, snuggling into Jimins body, who he got snug with every crevice of his hips.

"We will if we put our efforts." The omega smiles brightly, lying on his back. Taehyung smiles back, kissing his lips. "I will. One day, I'll make you my husband, a promise."

"I definitely count on that, soldier." Jimin teases, letting Taehyung lay onto his chest.

The omega traces his fingers onto his boyfriends body, frowning. Feeling every cut and bump on his skin from his past life. How at home nobody bared to love his boy, and would mistreat him.

He hugs him tightly, his bruises passing onto his own skin. He loves Taehyung, so much. There was nothing he could compare his love for his alpha.

Taehyung notices his touches, gripping his wrist and squeezing it lightly, reassuring him. Jimin smiles, completely safe. Once thinking it would always be this way.

Only for it to end up with the two sleeping apart in the same bed.

Jimin held himself tightly as Taehyung was sound asleep the other side of the bed. The omega barely composed enough to sleep as sound as he did, he would not stop crying, his head a jungle that would remain dark all day because of the trees.

The omega shuts his eyes, wondering where it went wrong...how different it could be.

Where would life head from here?

The omega lifts himself up, wiping his tears.

Jimin looks down at the ground with a blank stare, twirling his toes to possibly get a feeling that he was there and grounded.

He didn't, though.

Instead, he felt something else. Dread.

Dread when he heard Taehyung wake up from his sleep, and the alpha turning to face him. Jimin couldn't help but just coward his head, playing with his nails nervously.

"What are you doing, Jimin?" The omega heard his husband speak in a tone so cold that he shivered. "Nothing, Taehyung. Go back to bed."

"Does your stomach hurt?" The alpha asks, "You are so skinny, that pup is possibly stretching you out."

Jimin looks back at Taehyung, a frown on his lips. "Will you please leave me alone?"

"No, I will not." The alpha says, now getting up. "Why are you trying to start a fight when we've barely woken up, omega? Quit causing trouble."

"I'm only asking you to leave me alone." Jimin says, looking at him angrily. "You must be deaf."

"How about you quit acting this way and come here, yeah? Let's cuddle." Taehyung tries to soothe, and Jimin growls, lifting his fist to threaten him. "You no good- you ring me out to be the hostile one! You are the one causing trouble, you goddamn-"

"Do not threaten me, omega. You do not want this." Taehyung warns, scent turning into pure dung. "Don't be so cowardly."

"Your father was right to beat you endlessly when you were a teenager." Jimin laughs, "He possibly didn't smack you hard enough, had he killed you...I wouldn't be upset!"

Taehyung gets up, grabbing his wrist before throwing him onto the bed, trembling with anger. "Tell me that what just came out your whore mouth did not actually come out."

"I wish he had killed you, done more than beating you." Jimin laughs, and Taehyung stares at him as he layed on top of him. "Take it back." He whispers, gulping as his eye twitched.

The omega remained silent, staring at him with no emotion. The alpha felt his muscles tighten with the urge to slam his fist into his nose, wanting to hurt him terribly, make him cry and beg.

"I could hurt you." Taehyung threatens, and Jimin smirks, wrapping his arms around him. "Do it." He taunts, before the alpha smacks his lips onto his, causing the omega to moan immediately.

The two rub their lips together as the alpha ruts into the omegas intimate parts. Kissing like they loved eachother so, so much.

Maybe they did, maybe they did love eachother so, so much.

"Taehyung..." Jimin whines, waiting on the alpha to make the next move, to fuck him into the bed, but Taehyung didn't. Instead... he got off and moved to the edge, staring at the omega.

Jimin was only accepting having sex with him because he missed him.

"Let's have sex, Taehyung..." Jimin frowns, tugging his shorts. The alpha looks at him with the glance of hurt, before shaking his head. "...We don't need to have sex."

"I want to." The omega frowns, "It's okay if you don't want to."

"I...I do, I just-"

"I forgot Jungkook fulfilled you, I guess you don't have sex with hags anymore." Jimin chuckles, saddened. "Pregnant hags, that is."

Taehyung just stares, watching the omega lay down and get comfortable. Throwing the big weighted blanket they slept with over his body.

He ruined their life, for some moppet.

It would never be the same with Jimin. They won't love like before.

Taehyung covers his mouth, tears falling down onto his cheeks. Pitiful tears.

He silently cried, staring into the dark.

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short chap

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