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Stress. All it was was stress.

Jimin, even if facing a situation with the public, refused to cancel the doctors appointment he had the next day. So, as he currently left the clinic, handbag clenched as he felt hopeless to concieve this child...he spots somebody peculiar.

The omega stood still, watching this heavily pregnant omega waddle with who seemed to be his husband. He blinks, big eyes... wishing he and Taehyung would share a moment like this together.

Jimin stared, nearly fiddling with his fingers as he contemplated approaching him.

Until, he did.

The omega got up and went towards the very young looking omega who had naturally cradled his belly when he was approached. The two look at each other, before Jimin broke the silence.

"Hello, I'm Kim Jimin. I couldn't help but come up to you to let you know how gorgeous your stomach is." The omega says, a little red.

"I..I know who you are." The omega says softly, "I'm Min Yoongi."

"Oh, you do?" He asks softly, "Min Yoongi... wow! What a gorgeous name for a gorgeous mother who- will have a gorgeous pup." Jimin says, and Yoongi looks at his husband awkwardly.

"Thank you, Mr. Kim. We really appreciate the compliments. Though, we should head home. It is getting late, after all." The big alpha says in a low tone, his omega looking up while nodding.

"Thank you, Hoseok." Yoongi whispers.

"Oh, please! It's only 4. Please, let me treat you two. There is a coffee shop down the street." Jimin urges, while staring at Yoongis stomach.

Hoseok looks at his husband, whos biggest weakness was saying no to people. Yoongi shrugs, before nodding reluctantly. "Okay..."

Jimin could nearly squeal when he recieved approval, throwing his hands up and shaking them in glee. He smiles, "Yes! I heard pregnant mothers really do enjoy warm bread and coffee!"

"Actually, coffee makes me ill." Yoongi says softly, walking besides Jimin as they left the clinic, Hoseok pacing behind them as he watched the two tiny omegas chat.

"It does? My, I only thought so because of the magazines I read at the clinic. Do you come there often?" Jimin asks.

"This is my first time here, since this is my first pregnancy..." Yoongi frowns. "Are you expecting?"

"Yes! I mean, no. I hope to do so soon. I really do want a puppy, it's only just- well... I'm a bit infertile." Jimin giggles softly, but the other omega could tell it was a bit dry.

"That's quite upsetting. You seem very healthy, why is that so?" Yoongi asks, hand on top of his stomach. "I assumed you moneyed people would be able to have everything with your money."

"...I put most of my money into these appointments." Jimin says sheepishly.

"Oh no, that's not something you should be doing." Yoongi frowns. "Do you come here just to check if your pregnant?"

"Yes and to recieve medication." Jimin adds on.

"How about you quit taking the medication and sort with your alpha on a full night of intercourse." Yoongi offers information, and Jimin listens tentively. The two make a stop outside the coffee shop.

"I will buy, don't you two worry!" Jimin smiles, and Yoongi stared at him, heart hurting.

"Your husband, where is he?" He asks softly.

"He is working, I believe." The omega says, unsurely. The elder looks down, and than at Hoseok.

"Please, enjoy your coffee on your own. Hoseok and I have to go, like I said, coffee makes me ill." Yoongi shoos, and Jimin stares at him, big eyes.

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