Chapter 5:Sick Soo

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*Kyungsoo's Pov

*Coughs*Ugh..Getting sick during school days really is shit.I'm gonna miss so much at school..But I do kinda feel relieved that I'm not at school today..I mean..My diary is still missing.The person who found it must know that horrible secret.I just confirmed two days ago that I'm really gay..Well...Explains all the erection I get when seeing half naked boys..Gosh..I'm such a perv..

Its not like I've never had a girlfriend before..Its just that we broke up because I caught her cheating..She was pretty slutty.Hmm..I hope the guy or girl who found my diary doesnt know me..But she or he might show it to their friends,and find me,and bully me,and laugh at me..and..and..No!I'm over reacting..Right?*pulls bed sheets and covers his face*NOOOOOOOOOO!!NO ONE CAN KNOW!!!!!

"Kyungsoo-ah...Come down..Your friend from school is here!"My step mom said from downstairs.Could it be Chanyeol?But mom knows him..She would've just said his name instead of 'friend'. "Arraseo Umma!I'm coming!"I shouted back.I walked down the stairs and headed to the living room..Which is pretty far away..One of the disadvantages of living in a freakin huge house.I heard mom and my 'Friend from school' talking.As I reached the living room..I just feel like fainting right on the spot..It's that Jongin guy..And my diary... in his hands..Oh god..This can't be good..

Jongin's Pov*

Kyungsoo is staring right at me..He looks so pale.He must really be sick.."Hey..Kyungsoo..Are you okay?"I asked him.."Yeah..I'm alright..What are you doing in my house?"He won't even look at me..He should be grateful I'm giving back his precious little diary.Ugh..I even drove here..I got lost on my way but still...This unappreciating jerk..Hmm..Maybe I should play with him a little.."So Kyungsoo..I found this pretty diary..Is this yours?I really had fun reading it..Like about your nice brother..and also that thing about you being -"I got cut off by his hands pulling me roughly..

"Jongin..Haha..My friend..You can continue what you were gonna say in my room..C'mon.."He said while trying to  break my ..Haha..this is fun.."Umma..We're going up.."He said to his mom.."It's nice meeting you..Kyungsoo's Umma.."I said while smiling so ever politely..
Getting dragged by Kyungsoo up the stairs was pretty fun..Looking at his angry little face is pretty satisfying..He pushed me in a room which I assume is his..And "death" glarred at me.."Well Jongin!You know my secret huh??Why don chu tell the whole world then??I dont fuckin care!Laugh at me!I dont care!Bully me!I dont care!"He yelled at me.

What the..What is he blamming me for???"Fine!You asshole!You want me to tell??Fine!I came here to give you back your diary!Well now that I know you dont really care..I'll just take it back home then!"I screamed back and headed towards the door.."W-what?No..Give..It back!Wait!Jongin Im sorry!I dint know..Please..*cough*wait..*cough*"Now he's apologising?Well..Too late you jerk..I got out of his room and was heading to the stairs when I heard a loud Thump!Don't look back Jongin..Don't do it..Ugh..Dammit..I ran to his room,opened the door and saw Kyungsoo laying on the floor.."Kyungsoo!What's wrong??Are you okay?"I asked.He's not answering.I then carried him princess style and laid him on his bed..

"Ah...Jong..Jongin..Please..Keep my secret..Don't...Tell..anyone..I'm begging you.."He said weakly..What the..Do Kyungsoo..Don't act like you're gonna die!People will blame me!But still..I won't forgive you that easily."Fine..Kyungsoo..I won't..But you have to do something for me.."I said mysteriously.."Alright..What do you want?"He asked.."Be my slave"I said straight to the point..He din't answer and starred at me with weak eyes.."Fine..Jongin..I'll do it..So will you please..Give me back my diary?"He asked weakly..So I answered"Well..Kyungsoo..I'm not really sure if I can trust you..So I'm gonna give it back to you after I get bored of you alright?"Kyungsoo closed his eyes in deep thought and finally said"Okay..Jongin"Then he snoozed of to sleep..Pfft..Such a girl..I starred at his sleeping face..Hmm..He's kinda pretty..Huh!A boy who looks like a girl..Weird.

I headed towards the door to leave and looked back.."Hmm..I aint that mean..I'll just let his mom know he fainted..and leave her to take care of him.."I said to myself..I went back to his bed and whispered one last thing to his ear.."I can't wait to see you at school..And to be called your 'Master'..haha"I went out the door and left his house after letting his mom know..Well well...Do Kyungsoo...I shall now call you my "Soo Slave"...*smirk*

Author's Pov*

Kyungsoo wakes up the next morning and feels so much better.He remembers himself screaming and cursing at Jongin.He also remembers that he promised Jongin something..He forgot what..But he knows if he does what Jongin tells him to do,He'll give back his diary."Alright!I'll just listen to Jongin and it will be alright..Doing his homeworks for him and buying him lunch would be alright..What else would he ask for?"Kyungsoo said to himself.(He still doesnt know that he's a slave..Poor Soo)Kyungsoo went down the stairs and headed towards the door when his mum called him."Kyungsoo-ah!Come here for a min..."He stopped infront of the door and Sighed.."Yes Umma!I'm coming!"He said back.

He went in the kitchen and saw his step mum smiling at him." back from London..He wants to have dinner with the whole family"She said with teary eyes..Kyungsoo's dad has been in London for more than a month.He really loves Kyungsoo."Ah...Thats..Good..When is it?And where?"Kyungsoo said with a shaky voice..Kyungsoo does admit he misses his father very much.Kyungsoo's mother died when he was just 6.His father raised him by himself.He brought Kyungsoo to the company and all his staff loved Kyungsoo.His father was happy..but not happy enough..He needs something to make him forget the sadness in his heart when he lost Kyungsoo's mother.Then one day,he found that something.Well..that someone.Hyun's Mother.Kyungsoo's Step Mother.His New Wife.She was beautiful,smart,kind and a great cook.Although he would never love her the same he did with Kyungsoo's mother.
"He wants to meet at Kamjuni Restaurant at 7pm.Do you want me to pick you up at school?I could pick you after I'm done with the shop."Kyungsoo's step mum said.She owns one of the fanciest boutiques in Seoul."It's okay umma..I want to take the bus.I wouldnt want to trouble you."Kyungsoo said while holding her hand."Arasseo..son..Take care when you are waiting for the bus.I love you."She said sincerely to Kyungsoo.

To be honest..She loved Kyungsoo like he was really her own son.Hyun is the quiet type and doesnt really show his affection towards his mother.Hyun's father died in the war.It was hard for her.But ever since Kyungsoo and his father came in to her life,She started feeling happy again.Kyungsoo kissed her farewell and went to school.When he reached the school gates.He saw this tall figure walking towards him.

"Oh great.Kim Jong In.."He said to himself."Yo~Do Kyungsoo..oh wait..I mean "Slave Soo"..I've been waiting for you..And my beg feels really heavy.."Jongin said to Kyungsoo."Then you better start working out Jongin."Kyungsoo flatly replied him."Aww..Dont tell me you forgot everything that happened yesterday..Kyung..Soo.."Jongin purred to Kyungsoo's ear."Fine Jongin!What homework do you want me to do for you?"Kyungsoo said our of fury."Hoo..So you did forget..I'm dissapointed..I think you need to be punished.."Jongin again ..purred into Kyungsoo's ear."Punished?What are you talking about?Fine!I admit..I forgot most of the things I promised yesterday..So..What did I promised?"Kyungsoo asked curiously."Well..You promised.."Jongin said uncomplete."Promise what?"Kyungsoo asked again."That you..Do Kyung Soo..Would be my Slave..My Slave Soo.."Kim Jongin purred while smirking.And This was Kyungsoo's reply.."WHATTTTT THE FUCK ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT!!!???????" *Birds Flying*

A/N:Well..I quickly updated cause some of you even PM'ed me to you really like this that much?Love you guyssss..So..Slave Soo..Kinky much?XD..This fic includes Smut XD..Soon though..Not now..And I dint edit this so very sorry if there is any wrong spellings or typo..Read,Comment and Vote ♥♥♥

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