Chapter 21:More problem

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Author's pov*

Kyungsoo and the gang made their way to their villa.With the girls following at the back.

"Are you sure about this Jonginie?I mean,we don't even know..They might be..spies...."Kyungsoo whispered the last word causing Jongin to giggle."Haha..why are you being so serious..Besides,Tao is here.Isn't he supposed to protect you?"Jongin stated."That's the point.He'll protect ME.Not you and the others.What if you get hurt?"Kyungsoo said,worried.

Jongin sighed and smiled.

"That kind of talk really makes me weak you know?It's so cute that you care about me that much..Haha"Jongin teased.

Kyungsoo blushed a bright red and playfuly punched Jongin."I care about you and also the others.Not you only alright?Okayyy?"Kyungsoo stated,unintentionally cute.Jongin pinched Kyungsoo's cheek and kissed his lips,shocking Kyungsoo as it happened in just a blink of an eye.

"You idiot!This is still a secret from most of them!Especially the girls and my brother!"Kyungsoo whispered angrily and punched Jongin on the stomach.Hard.

Jongin bent down and coughed.Kyungsoo,not expecting that to happened,patted Jongin's back and smiled at Sehun who looked back to see what the noise was coming from."Jongin accidently ate a fly..haha no problem here!Hahaha"Kyungsoo said ever so innocently.Sehun nodded and continued to walk along.

"Evil.."Jongin coughed.


They reached a beautiful,classic and,not to mention,big villa that was right next to the beautiful beach.The beach was empty so it was obvious that the beach and villa was private and owned.

"Holy Shit!!This is so awesome!I brought my trunks right?It's in my bag right?Did somebody steal my trunks?!!"The overly excited Chanyeol screamed,to no one..probably himself.Kyungsoo slapped the back of Chanyeol's head."Shut up dude.You're attract the monkeys.They'll think it's a mating call."Kyungsoo said.Chanyeol,shocked,covered his mouth quickly and tried to whisper to Tao."I don't want to get raped bt monkeys.Save me if that happens,okay?!"Chanyeol begged.Tao just sighed.

"Wow this is so beautiful and romantic!Jongin your dad owns this right?"The blonde one said and clinged onto Jongin's arm."Yeah.It is.."Jongin answered bluntly."So..It's basically yours too right?Well your family owns it.Am I right?"The blonde asked,curious.Jongin stared at her as she was acting kind of odd and suspicious."Well,you could say that."Jongin answered and slowly removed his arm from her hold and went to Sehun.The blonde frowned and  headed towards her girls.

"You don't look like you're getting close to him,Mira.He keeps ignoring you.And he keepa hanging around that other guy."The brunette said to the blonde.Mira huffed."You mean that loser?He won't be a problem.Besides,if Kim Jongin let's us girls stay with him,especially in his private villa,he is definately interested.He will fall for me."Mira stated."Well,I hope you're right then."The other one sighed.


They walked in the villa and got greeted by a beautiful asian woman."Master Jongin.You are back.Welcome all of his friends."The young lady spoke in fluent korean."Yeah I'm back Catrina.It's been 2 years since we saw eachother eh?"Jongin said casually.Catrina giggled."Yes master.You were still a teen going through puberty back then.Not as tall as you are now."Catrina stated,making the whole gang laugh except Mira.

"Okay everyone.I will show you to your rooms.Please do follow me."Catrina said politely.

They walked through the halls and one by one saw their rooms.They were all big,beautiful and had a beautiful ocean view.Sehun roomed with Jongin in his parents room.Chanyeol,Kyungsoo and Hyun roomed together in Jongin's room.Tao stayes alone in a linked door room next to Kyungsoo's room,originally used to be Jongin's brother's room.The girls stays in the guest room.

"Kyungsoo.Look at this.Hurry!"Chanyeol gestured Kyungsoo to come to him."Look.It's a picture of Jongin.When he was little.And there's an older kid next to him." Chanyeol said.It was a picture taken infront of a carnival and Jongin was next to another boy who resembles him."This could be his brother that died in the accident..They look oddly simillar."Kyungsoo thought and just stared at the picture.

"Kyungsoo!"Chanyeol shouted.Making Kyungsoo snap out of his day dream."You din't have to shout you know..."Kyungsoo glared at Chanyeol.Chanyeol just smilled goofily."I know I know but Sehun texted me and said to meet them on the beach!It's swimming time!"Chanyeol shouted and stripped down.

"Dude please save your huge body to those who really wants to see it..And when did you even get so close to Sehun that you guys exchange numbers?"Kyungsoo asked."Well you know me Kyungie..I get along with everybody."Chanyeol smiled.Kyungsoo sighed but nodded as he knew that Chanyeol was indead very easy to get along with.That was why they are best friends.


They walked to the beach,except for Chanyeol,he ran.

The view was beautiful,the sun was shining bright,the ocean blue and the beach umbrella ready for those who wants to take a precious nap.It was perfect for Kyungsoo and the only thing he's missing is,Kim Jongin.

Kyungsoo looked around and saw Kai and Chanyeol playing with the water while Tao,Hyun and the girls were having a sand castle competition.He put on his shades, getting ready to relax when he saw Mira walking back into the villa.He did not know why but he felt something was off and decided to follow her.

Kyungsoo quitely stepped into the villa and saw Mira on her phone.

"Yeah everything is going well.

Yes he let us in his villa...

It's probably going to be tonight..The plan will work."Mira talked to an unknown voice through the phone.Kyungsoo heard eveeything but was still puzzled.Who was she talking to?Why was she hiding it?And what is the plan?

Mira ended the call and was making her way out the door when Kyungsoo slipped and landed with a loud  Bang! .Kyungsoo covered his face hoping Mira wont notice him,but obviously he was wrong.

"Oh my,well isnt it Kyungmun.."Mira said cheekily."It's Kyungsoo.."He said and stood up."Yeah whatever.So did you hear anything..when I was talking on the phone?"Mira asked curiously.Kyungsoo gulped and thought hard of a lie."You were on the phone?Oh I thought it was just a rat calling for a mate."Kyungsoo said bluntly and with the pokery pokerface he could ever make.

"There's rats here?!!OHMYGUCCI!!!NO NO NO!!"Mira screamed like a woman trying to give birth to quadraplets.Kyungsoo covered his ears as Mira continued screaming.But soon,the others quickly ran into the villa to check on what has happened.

"Whats wrong?What happened?"Jongin asked worried and held Kyungsoo's shoulder.As Kyungsoo was just about to answer, "He told me he heared rats!I am scared to death of rats!"Mira stated and hugged Jongin.And Jongin was shirtless.(A/N:-_-')

"Calm down..Shh..It's okay."Jongin tried to calm her down by carresing her hair and hugging her back.Kyungsoo felt a little jealous at heart but he knows Jongin was just being nice."C-can I..stay with you tonight?Please..I feel like you're the only one I'm safe with..Only you."Mira whimpered.Kyungsoo frowned and gestured for Jongin to not agree with her.

"But,I can't..I'm re-" Jongin's sentence gets interrupted by Mira's loud cry as she collapes on the floor like she was dying.Kyungsoo rolled his eyes while the others tried to calm her down."Sleep in the ocean if you're so scared of rats.."Kyungsoo thought and smirked to himself.Jongin will never agree to sleep with only her  tonight.

"Alright alright!You can sleep with me tonight.Just calm down."Jongin said as he continued to carress her hair.

Well again,Kyungsoo was wrong.


A/N:I'M ALIVEEE!!!OMG I DO NOT KNOW HOW LONG HAS IT BEEN SINCE IVE UPDATED OH PLEASE FORGIVE ME FOR THE LONGGGGGG UPDATE TT_TT I hope you guys like this chapter and I am so sorry for taking that long like I have school in the morning and im in the student council(prefect) then homework at afternoon and so tired at night ughhh 16 year old life.I hope my loyal commenters and likers will still stay I really love your comments it makes me so happy and I'll update soom lovelies since next week I have a week long holiday yayy!= ̄ω ̄= Vote & Comment!💕

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