Chapter 20:Uh Oh

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*Kyungsoo's pov

Ugh.Ugh.Ugh.I can't even sit next to my boyfriend peacefully..What a hilarious coincedence that not only are the girls going to the same location as us,but they're sitting right behind us.Wow.

"Ommo!So Jongin-ah,when was your last girlfriend?"One of the girls,the blonde,asked through the gap of mine and Jongin's seat."Er..Um..Last month I guess.."Jongin answered.Well,he is being asked about his last "girlfriend" not his "boyfriend".I'm probably his first boyfriend.And I don't think he's ready to come out to the public yet.He still wants people to think he's straight for some reason.

"Ahh..That girl really lost a trophy there..Keke."The girl smirked."Umm..How bout you Kyungsoo-shi?When's your last girlfriend?"She asked me.I can see Jongin peeking through the corner of his eyes,waiting for an answer."Me and my girlfriend broke up a like a month ago."I replied.I could see the surprised faced of Jongin.Hah!He never expected I had a girlfriend before huh?!Well..He is right..Jongin is the first person I dated.And not to mention he's my fiance'.

"Woah Kyungsoo..I'm sure you'll find someone else."She said,pittying me.Bitch don't pity me.I'm gonna eat Jongin's face infront of you so you gonna feel like an empty pussy bitch.(A/N:SatanSoo mode on XD)

Jongin cleared his throat once in awhile.Like he wanted to talk to me.I could feel his stare on me when I look out the window.

I felt something warm touching my hand.His hand was on top of my hand.He closed his eyes like he was drifting off to sleep.But his hand still holding me tight.I felt secure with Jongin..And in a while I could hear him snoring.I stared at his face.He is beautiful..It is like his face has been craved by angels..

"Omo!!Jongin looks sooo cute sleeping!Agh I need to take a picture!"One of the girls sitting behind us said.She quicky took out her camera.Ok now this is some stalker shit right here."I'm sorry..But it's rude to just take pictures of somebody sleeping just like that."I protested.She looked at me with frustrated eyes.

"Ugh why do you care,loser?Who are you to him anyway?A person like you could never have any connections with a guy like Jongin.It's odd."She said like it was a fact.But ouch that hurt.Maybe I am not  fit to be with him.But with his problem(DID),I just have to stick with him no matter what.

"It's non of your business.Just please put your camera away.You look like a stalker."I bluntly said.But she proceeded to take pictures anyway."I said put it away!Stop it."I shoved the camera out of my way.She glared at me and smirked.Then in a second she threw her camera away.It landed with a loud bump.

"Hey you!What's your problem?Why did you do that?!"She suddenly screamed at me.What..What the hell is going on?"What your problem?"I asked seriously.Soon the stewerdess came and Jongin woke up.Wow what great timing*sigh*

"Is everything alright here?"She asked."No!It's not!He just threw my camera when all I wanted to do was take a picture of the clouds!"She said and started sobbing.Oh my god this bitch.Jongin stared at me,confused."Is this true?"He asked."No!She's lying.She tried to take pictures of you!"I shouted,making people stare.

Jongin frowned at the tone of my voice.The stewerdess took the camera and gave it back to the girl."Wow.Taking pictures of clouds?How would my hand reach so far to the window?Well that's the only place you could get a clear shot."I stated.Her face changed as she got flustered,trying to figure out a way.Then she started sobbing louder.

"N-n-nooooo!!!He..i-is..lying!!Uwaaaa!"She sobbed so loud that everyone was looking our way and the stewerdess was trying to calm her down.I wanted to ask what the fuck is really wrong with her but got interrupted by Jongin."I'm sorry.I'm sure he dint mean to do that.If there is any damage on your camera,I will pay for it."He seriously said.Wow..I've never really seen him so serious like this.

"Oh..M-my camera is fine b-but I need someone to comfort me..Would you mind sitting.. next to me?"She asked with her nose dripping with snot.Ugh bitch.

Jongin then asked permission from the stewerdess to change sits,which she approved.Then Jongin started to ignore me.What?I din't even do anything but stick up for him.This is not fair.Now I know why that bitch din't want her friend sitting next to her.She had this planned!I'm gonna get you..


Author's pov*

Jongin and the gang had arrived in the Hawaii airport.Along with the girls."Ahhh..There's so many people.And..damn..Look at them chicks"Chanyeol said as he looked at the women passing them.

Hyun looked really uncomfortable with many people around."Hey..Um..Are you okay?You look..pale."Chanyeol appeared and asked Hyun.Hyun jumped to the side in shock."Erm..Yeah..I-I'm fine.."Hyun stuttered.Chanyeol stared oddly at Hyun.He pulled Hyun's sleeve so they would be closer."You don't look fine.Stick near me,you look like you're gonna black out any moment."Chanyeol said and smiled,making Hyun blush.

"Okay okay..Let's head to our villa.Sehun,go catch a taxi."Jongin ordered.Sehun stomped his foot and pouted,but went to catch a taxi anyway."Omo!You guys are going to a villa!Wow!That's so nice..we have no hotel to go.."The blonde girl said.Kyungsoo chukled in disbelief."You planned a trip to Hawaii but dint plan which hotel you'll stay in?"Kyungsoo asked.

The girls ignored him and went to Jongin."Jongin-ah~Can we stay with you guys?Please...It's dangerous for us girls here.Men might come and bother us.."The brunette said and pouted."Umm..But aren't we men too?"Kai asked and gestured to himself,Kyungsoo,Chanyeol,Hyun and Tao.

The girls clinged to Jongin closer and rubbed their breast against him."But..If you want to touch us,we wont mind.."The blonde purred.Kyungsoo frowned and made his way to the girls."Hey.Don't just suddenly say you wanna stay with us and all.Go find your own shelter."Kyungsoo said angryly.

"No.Kyungsoo,it is dangerous for them to have nowhere to go..And I promise..I won't touch them..I swear."Jongin whispered the last sentence out and smiled."Okay girls.Sure you can stay with us but only until our trip is over."Jongin said and made the girls cheer."Yay!Thanks so much!Jongin we'll give you a gift later!"The blonde on smirked and suddenly gave Jongin a kiss on the cheek.

Kyungsoo made a fist and clenched his teeth."No..I don't feel right about this.."Kyungsoo thought to himself.The girls skipped infront of them and one of the girls looked back at Kyungsoo."Loser"She mouthed.Kyungsoo thought again."Really not right.."


A/N:Heyy yalllsssss...Yay an update.Sorry if this chapter was boring haha.I promise the next one will be more dramatic muahahahahaha..And I'm also gonna update my other books sometime soon so stay tuned haha So vote and comment loveliessss~~❤

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