Chapter 13:In Love

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Kyungsoo's Pov*

I cant believe that...That..Son of a..THAT ASSHOLE!Ugh!How could he say I'm no one..And he even broke his promise!..Wait..Ha..It wasn't him who made that promise,It was Kai.Ah!Now I feel guilty.And what's with the girl?Hmm..No wonder he's called Sex God.Or for me Man Whore.

"Sir!Kyungsoo!Where are you?!"Someone screamed.Wait,that Tao?I've always hid in this kind of place since I was a child.No one could find me."Ah there you are Kyungsoo!"Well except for Tao."Kyungsoo..Why do you always hide inside the tunnel slide?"Tao asked.I feel really comfortable in the slide.Like the slide protects shields me from all my troubles.

"I like it in here..I'm not getting out."I answered.Then I felt hands pulling my feet.OMG It feels like a freakin paranormal movie."Tao!Let go of me!I said I'm not getting-Ugh!"I felt my butt hit the ground.Tao starred at me.Like he knew what I was feeling inside."That ass hole doesn't deserve you."Tao said as he stroked my face.His hands are warm.

"You always seem to find words that can make me smile Tao."I stood up."Lets go home."I smiled and ran to the car.Tao..really makes me happy.

Jongin's Pov*

Tears..tears..tears..It kept flowing through my face.Why the heck am I crying?!Jiyoung just stood there and starred."What the hell you lookin at bitch?!"I screamed out."Wow..So Kim Jongin can cry huh?You look cute when you cry.."She jokked.Ugh that bitch."Get out of my house!And don't ever do what you did to me last night ever again!"I screamed to her face.So she climbed up the stairs took her clothes and went out.But ofcourse before that she slapped me.

It's not everyday a freakin babe goes to your house,drunks you and starts molesting you.Yeah,She drunked me.It's not like I wanted to sleep with her,But everytime I drink..I loose myself.Still,the tears wouldnt stop.I don't get it..Why am I cryi-Wait..Is it..because of that Kyungsoo?Ugh Kai..

-2 hours later-

I'm sitting on my couch..Watching a movie..Hugging a pillow..And..STILL CRYING MY EYE BALLS OUT!No..I can't take it anymore!I'm going to see him.So,I took my car keys and drove really fast.And I kinda almost hit a dog.Luckily It ran away fast.Kyungsoo..My tears better stop when I meet you.

Kyungsoo's Pov*

I was playing cards with Tao and Hyun in my room when suddenly,*screechhhh!* a noise came from outside my house.What the..Whats this noise?I was really curious so I took a peak through the window.Shit!It's Jongin!And he's walking to my door..with..teary eyes?

"Who is it Kyung?"Tao asked."It's freakin Jongin!Why the hell is he heading towards the door?!"I said nervously.No No No..I don't want to see him.I just hope mom wont let him in the ho- "Kyungsoo!!Jongin is here!Come down to the living room!" Ugh..Forget I said that."Mom!I'm kinda busy..So..I can't go down.Tell him to go home!"I screamed from inside my room.Tao looked really pissed and worried while Hyun looks like he doesn't give a shit.

I stood infront of the window.Getting ready to escape outside if Jongin comes in.Tao and Hyun sat on my bed.Like waiting for a show or sometin.*Thud!Thud!Thud!*I could hear his heavy steps already.Okay..I'm ready to escape..I just have to jump out to the roof..Then *SLAM* He's here damn!

But before I could jump out,he grabbed my waist and I felt warm liquid..touching the back of my neck.He's crying.But why?"You jerk!This is all your fault!I'm crying because of you!Why did you have to make Kai like you dammit! tears."He screamed weakly.He then turned me around so I would face him.He's eyes are really red,and his nose is red too.His lips are pale.And I couldn't help but get attracted to that kind of face he's pulling.

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