Chapter 12:Going out

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Author's pov*

Kyungsoo is panting.And all he could think of is "Why the heck did Kim Jongin kiss me?!And why the heck did I kiss back?He said he loves me?No!It's not like I like..him..or..anything.."Kyungsoo blushed."Hyung..I love you..Can you accept me?I'll be your forever..I'll love you no matter.."The tall tan boy said.

"What is wrong with him?All soft and stuff.And he called me hyu-Wait a minute..Oh SHIT!This is Kai!"Kyungsoo thought and screamed in his head."Hyung,Are you okay?You seem pale.."Kai asked,worried.His voice calm and soft,just like talking to a baby.Very different from Jongin's charismatic voice.

"Eh?Y-yeah..I'm fine.It's getting cold out here.We should go back."And as Kyungsoo was heading to the exit,he felt a hand pull him back.He was now just inches away from Kai's face.Their body touching and Kyungsoo blushing an obvious red."Hyung..Why are you acting like this?I-is this because..I kissed you?If it is,then I'm sorry.I couldnt help it.You were so cute and..and..I love you."Jongin sincerely said.

Kyungsoo doesnt know why everytime Kai said "I love you",his heart would beat so fast it feels like it's trying to escape.And he hated that."Kai..Can you stop saying that?And don't kiss me again.It makes me feel weird."Kyungsoo said,taking a step back."Why is it weird Hyung?"Kai asked with puppy eyes.Making Kyungsoo blush again.

"Well..I mean,You kissed me and said I Love You.But we haven't even got to know eachother.We also never hung out.So of course it's wei-" "Then let's go out on a date!"Kai interrupted."W-what??A d-date?"Kyungsoo asked,dumbfounded."Yeah a date!We can go tomorrow!Or maybe after!We can go to the cinema..or maybe the park!Wherever you wanna go."Kai said,excited.There was a long moment of silence as Kyungsoo is still trying to process what is happening.

"F-fine..It could be good since we're gonna see eacother often soon..And I want to go to the..park.."Kyungsoo said,looking down in embarassment."Really Hyung?I-I'll pick you up at..1?"Kai excitedly said."Yeah sure..It's getting late..We should head back soon."Kyungsoo said and headed towards the door,with Kai following behind him.

The walk was long and awkward.Not to mention it was freezing.But the atmosphere somehow had a romantic vibe to it.Kyungsoo could feel Kai brushing his hand with his.Like he wanted to hold hands."No,Kyungsoo..You can't have feelings for him!He's a jerk.Well,at least the other him."Kyungsoo thought.They were now infront of Kyungsoo's house.Kai smiled.Kyungsoo blushed.It was like a freakin teens romance movie.

"Well,I guess I'll see you tomorrow..At 1?"Kyungsoo asked to confirm."Yeah..At 1.Good night..Sleep tight."Kai smiled and walked away after Kyungsoo went in.He sat on the sofa.Thinking what happened."So..I have a date..Hm..I HAVE A DATE!"Kyungsoo screamed into the fluffy sofa.He then felt hands hugging him from behind."Who..Huh..Could it be..Hyun?!"Kyungsoo thought and started to panic.He slowly looked behind to find out the owner of the warm arms.

"Tao!Huh....Thank god its you..I thought you were H-" "Hyun?The retard that tried to touch you?"Tao cut him off."Yeah..How'd you know?"Kyungsoo now felt confused."Hm..Lets say I have my resources."Tao said as he giggled.

"I wanted to save you but..I guess you already have your hero huh?"Tao said as he sat down beside him."Ohh!You mean Jongin...He's not my hero.It was just a coincidence.Besides,he didn't actually save me."Kyungsoo snorted.

"Ahh..So stopping a psycho that tries to take your virginity isn't saving you?You got probs Sir."Tao joked.It was now 12:07 a.m. but still Tao and Kyungsoo talked.Its been awhile since they had this kind of conversations.And they soon dozzed of to sleep on the sofa.

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