Chapter 15:My Only one

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Author's pov*

"I hate you..because..You made me,Kim Jongin,a straight guy,fall in love with a man.Do Kyungsoo."Jongin says softly.It made Kyungsoo confused.Very confused."Wh-what are you talking about?!Stop!Stop trying to fool me!I won't fall for this anymore!"Kyungsoo yells and tries to run away but was stopped by Jongin's strong grip.

"Do Kyungsoo.."Jongin whispers.His voice seems sincere and soft.But Kyungsoo still thinks it's a trick.He starts tearing up."Stop this Jongin..I-I don't wanna be hurt again.Stop playing with my feelings..I beg you."Kyungsoo pleads,not looking into Jongin's eyes.Jongin's heart broke as he knew he was the one who made Kyungsoo cry.

He took a step forward and bent down till he was just a few inches away from Kyungsoo's beautiful crying face."I'm not fooling you..I admit I did in the past but that was because I felt scared.."Jongin says soflty as he wiped Kyungsoo's tears away."I was scared..that I would fall in with a man.That I would fall in love with Do Kyungsoo."Jongin continues.His words made Kyungsoo look up at him.

"To be honest I'm still scared.But..there's a part of me saying that you're worth it.You're worth being scared for.My body feels weird when I'm around you..Not Horny weird but much more deep..I feel warm and happy when I'm with you.And when you held hands with that Jungkook kid..I honestly felt like ripping his head off."Jongin says and the last part made Kyungsoo eyes grow wide.

Jongin held Kyungsoo's right hand and starts kissing it.Making Kyungsoo gasp."You're different.Your hands..your eyes..your lips..looks perfect.You're perfect."Jongin says and pulls Kyungsoo closer."I'm not gay.But I can't figure out why I'm so attracted to you.."Jongin whispers in Kyungsoo's ear.Kyungsoo blushed and pushed Jongin away.

"B-but you have Krystal!She'll get angry!"Kyungsoo protested cutely,making Jongin laugh."Haha..You're so naive.Yeah Krystal is my girlfriend..But I don't love her.I love her body.And did you forget that you're my fiance?"Jongin giggles.Kyungsoo blushed at the realisation.He forgot they're getting married.Kyungsoo doesn't want to get hurt again.So he tries to find a way to avoid Jongin.

"Well..I don't like you!So..You better quit than waste your time!"Kyungsoo protests awkwardly.What Kyungsoo said makes Jongin laugh and a smirk painted on his face."Oh really now?"He says huskily.His voice so sexual it could kill.He goes closer to Kyungsoo but Kyungsoo steps back until his back hits the wall.Jongin places both of his arms at the side of Kyungsoo's head so he wouldnt be able to escape.and now they're face are only inches away from eachother.

"Are you sure you don't like me?"Jongin teases.Making Kyungsoo shiver.Jongin places his hands on Kyungsoo's face and carreses it."Your face is red..Hyung.."He purrs to Kyungsoo.There was a huge difference on how Kai and Jongin says 'Hyung'.Kai says it with love and caring voice.While Jongin sounds sensual and lustful..

Their lips are just centimeters away from eachother.Kyungsoo could feel Jongin's hot breath hitting him.Jongin looks at Kyungsoo with lust and starts breathing heavily."Oh god Do Kyungsoo..What have you done to me?"Jongin says.He rubs Kyungsoo's thigh with his hand and Kyungsoo's breath hitches.

"You look so inviting.."Jongin purrs and smashes their lips together.Jongin bites Kyungsoo's lower lip and licks it.Kyungsoo could not help but kiss him back.He loves Kai but he also has a crush on Jongin.Jongin darts his tounge in Kyungsoo's mouth making him moan.Their tounges moves passionately inside making Kyungsoo blush a bright red and body hot.Jongin grabs Kyungsoo's waist and pulls him close,grinding on him.Kyungsoo moans at the friction and embraces Jongin to deepen the kiss.The make out is hot and rough.Jongin was about to touch his member when...

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