Chapter 6:Slave Soo+Reunion

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Kyungsoo stood infront of Jongin.Shocked."Wha-what?You're lying!I'd never agree to something like that!Slave??Are you kidding me?!"Kyungsoo protested."Well..I kinda knew this was gonna happen.So I kept your precious diary..Just In case."Jongin said as he pulled out a glittery book out of his bag.Kyungsoo gave a quick glare to Jongin before agreeing."Fi-fine..You win Jongin.Just..don't bring my diary all around like that.You might lose it and someone might find it."Kyungsoo said worried."Huh,They won't even dare lay a hand on my stuff.I'm Kim Jongin!I got a rep y'know."Jongin winked to Kyungsoo."And when can I stop being your slave?A week..Or two weeks?Kyungsoo asked curiously."Well..It depends..If I get bored of you..I'll just throw you away.But..If I like being your master..I'll maybe keep you for a year."Jongin said like he was talking to a toy."So..What do you want me to do?No dirty stuff."Kyungsoo asked.Jongin closed his eyes such as in deep thought."Hm.I did say my bag was heavy..And I'm also kind of hungry.I also feel like bitting someone.*smirks*"Jongin purred the last sentence."I could carry your bag.And also line up in the caffeteria for you.And if you feel like bitting,you can bite your girlfriend.You don't need to act flirty with me and all just because I'm gay."Kyungsoo whispered the last part to Jongin."Hehe...Alright..But I'll still maybe touch you.And you can't protest.Its an order."Jongin said seriously.Kyungsoo went quite for a moment.After a little more thinking.He then..Finally agreed.So,as he was heading towards class with Jongin's bag on his shoulder.He stopped when Jongin called him out for one last thing."Oh and Kyungsoo..You now..have to call me 'Master'.."Jongin said smirking as Kyungsoo ruffled his hair in anger.

-In the Cafeteria-

"Erghhh!That Idiot,Pabo,Baka 'Master' of mine.Call him master??Pftt..No way no way!Kyungsoo...Calm yourself down..I'll just make him get bored of me..Yeah..I'll just do what he wants,and he will start getting bored because I'm so obedient and sooner or later..He'll throw me..erhem!I mean let go of me.."Kyungsoo said to himself."Er..Sir,Why are you talking to yourself?"A familliar voice said."Ah!Tao..I'm not talking to myself..Im just talking to..Wait,I was talking to myself.Ahaha.."Kyungsoo said embarassed.Tao is Kyungsoo's most trusted friend aka bodyguard.

Kyungsoo's dad hired him to protect Kyungsoo wherever he goes.Although Kyungsoo's stepmum doesnt really know about this whole bodyguard thing.Actually,his father kept it from her because she'll start saying "Kyungsoo is a big boy" or "How can you trust the bodyguard?Maybe he's a spy?" And Kyungsoo's father will start getting a headache.Tao's father used to be Kyungsoo's dad bodyguard too.But he died when Tao was just 10,So Kyungsoo and his dad took him in to live with them.Although Tao will be hidding in his own room when their at home.Tao looks so much older than Kyungsoo even though he's just 17.Tao studied hard enough to skip a year and be Kyungsoo classmate."Oh,Alright sir.Your father called me to send you to your reunion this evening."Tao said to Kyungsoo."Tao...We've known eachother for more than 10 years.You are more of a brother to me than Hyun.You should really stop calling me 'Sir'.And yeah,Wait for me outside the school gates."Kyungsoo said caringly to Tao at the brother part."Alright Sir!"Tao said seriously as Kyungsoo walked away."Huh..Why doesnt he listen to me and just call me Kyungs-"His sentence got interupted by a familliar figure across the school hall.It was Kim Jongin.And..He's making out with a girl.

Kyungsoo immediatly wore the I don't 'give a f*ck' face and passed by."Ugh..I just hate PDA.Sheesh..I could even hear their tounges clicking together!"Kyungsoo thought.He looked back,just a little bit.And saw them(as expected)still kissing.But this time,Jongin's eyes were open and is  looking at Kyungsoo.His lustful eyes.Kyungsoo could not help to blush and quickly ran to class."Ah!What is wrong with that perv??I hate that kind of guys.The ones that act like they're hot and can get anyone.Well,He is hot..But that doesnt mean he can get who he wants..pfft."Kyungsoo said to himself as he sat down."Yo~What's up with you?You look moody today."A tall nerd said."Shut up Chanyeol!"Kyungsoo screamed.

-After school-

Kyungsoo saw Tao outside the front gate.He was heading towards Tao when someone yelled out to him."Yah!Slave!Wait up!It's an order!"Jongin screamed.Kyungsoo could not do anything but listen to him since its an 'order'.He looked around to make sure no one heard the 'Slave' word that Jongin screamed out."Yes?Jong- Er.. I mean Master?Why did you order me to stop?"Kyungsoo asked iritated."Don't use that kind of tone with me You slave!From now on.You have to wait for me after school everyday.And if u dont..I'll punish you."Jongin said smirking."W-what?No!No punishment!I said no dirty stuff!"Kyungsoo said blushing."Who said anything bout doing anything dirty?"Jongin said confused."Shit..I misunderstood him!"Kyungsoo thought."Wait...Did you think I was going to do something dirty to you?"Jongin purred."W-what???You're crazy!You heard wrong Idiot Master!Ugh!I'm leaving!"Kyungsoo said irritated.He could hear Jongin laughing behind him."Goodbye,My slave."Jongin said laughing."Ugh..Idiot Jongin..Tao-ah!!Lets get going."Kyungsoo said to Tao.

It was a long quite time from the bus stop to the restaurant Kyungsoo was going to meet his dad.Tao and Kyungsoo have always felt awkward if they were alone.Kyungsoo would sometime try to start a conversation but will be always answered awkwardly by Tao.Kyungsoo could not help but always feel some sexual tension from Tao.That was why he always felt awkward.When they reached their destination,Tao bowed to Kyungsoo as Kyungsoo went in the restaurant.He took a deep breath before opening the door to a private dinner room at the back of the fancy restaurant.

"Erm..Anyone in here?Umma?"Kyungsoo said nervously."Kyungsoo,We're here."The fammiliar voice of his step mum said.Kyungsoo stepped in further into the private dinner room and stopped.He saw..his dad..smilling at him..But,He looked different..He looked pale.Like he's sick.

"Hello..My son"Kyungsoo's dad said weakly.Kyungsoo could see his step mum with swollen eyes.Like she had just finished crying.Kyungsoo said down awkwardly beside his father."H-Hi dad..I missed you.."Kyungsoo said with teary eyes."Me too son..Me too"Kyungsoo's dad said hugging his crying son."Erhemm..I seems almost all of us are here."Mr.Do said."Almost?"Kyungsoo asked curiously.Suddenly,someone oppened the door and went in."Hyun!You're here!Come sit."Kyungsoo's step mum said.Kyungsoo stopped breathing for a sec."Hy-Hyun?"Kyungsoo said with a shaky voice.And what Hyun said next made Kyungsoo felt chills."Kyungsoo..I'm back."

A/N:Hyun is back!!!!!ASDFGHJKL!For those who forgot.He's Kyungsoo's step brother who sexually harrasses him..Ewww..XD and also sorry if this one is too short and also for the broken english. T.T I got no time to edit this!I've reached 500+ views!OMG THANK YOUUU!YOU GUYS MAKE ME SOO HAPPY!I LOVE YOU GUYS!MUAH×3 ♥♥I'll update soon!Vote and Comment guys and gals! ;) Love ya'll

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