14. Twinkle twinkle whiskey bar

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This was crazy. We were up for another round with some pretty awesome bands and shit was about to get real.

"First round on me!" Jay announced and dragged us all to the bar. There were also Joel, Joonas and the brown haired singer, sitting next to the bar and having drinks.

"Told you" Joel said as he noticed me at the bar again. I looked him and smiled a little meanwhile Jay ordered five vodka shots. There was something in those ice blue eyes that intrigued me I just didn't know what. And I shouldn't even be thinking about it. I did not want things to get too weird with us. Not that they already were. When the drinks were given to us, each of us reached for them and looked at Jay.

"What?" he laughed looking at us with questioning face.

"Aren't you gonna say anything?" Eric asked and took a seat next to the bar.

"Umh.. Like what? Yay?" he asked raising his eyebrows. We all waited him to say atleast something. He was the one who got us into this.
"That will do. Yay!" Ben laughed and we shot the drinks down. The aftertaste was terrible and my body reacted to it by trembling a little. Rob was already getting us new round and I sat on the stool, next to Joel, in front of Jay. Both men had their eyes focused on me and it felt slightly weird. I kept looking at them in turns. Joel, Jay, Jay,Joel, like some tennis game, before Joel opened his mouth while reaching out  his hand to Jay's direction.

"I'm Joel"

So Jay, meet my saviour, saviour meet my hot muscle man. Fuck like this wasn't weird enough between all of us already. I could still remember how Joel looked at Jay when he was over. And the way Jay's questioning eyes burnt holes on my back when he first saw Joel.
"Jay. And these are Eric, Rob and Ben. And yeah, our own Nita Strauss you already know I guess. I saw your show, it was pretty energetic" Jay shook Joel's hand and drank down the new shot Rob had just got to us. Oh yes. Jay liked to call me Nita Strauss sometimes, because she was my idol. She was one of the best female guitarists I knew and I absolutely loved her. I was still holding my shot in my hand because of the short awkward moment between the guys. Once they got into the talk mode, I peacefully drank it down.

The more time passed the more shots found their way down my throat. At some point I found myself talking with some girl band who also got through, they seemed to be quite nice and because the mood was hyped up, we decided to pull out a small extra show. Without Jay, Joel or any other guy I was previously hanging noticed, me and the girls made our way to the stage. As soon as instruments were all wired up, I took the mic and looked at the pretty drunk crowd.

"What up guys?"I asked and yes, I was slightly intoxicated but not too much, yet. And I wasn't the only one. The girls behind me were giggling like teenagers but I didn't pay too much attention to them.

"You ready for one more song?" Julia, the other singer asked and we got the attention. I saw Jay looking at me from the bar, with Joel, both covered with confusion, forming "what the fuck" with their lips. I smirked to their direction and moved my eyes back to the crowd.

"We thought that this party needs something extra, so... Enjoy" I laughed quietly and looked the girls.

"I'm on a battle field like oh my God! Knocking soldiers down like house of cards..." we started to sing Porcelain Black's One woman army.

We got the crowd wild. Mostly men. And once we got down from the stages a bunch of guys were all willing to buy us drinks and who know what more. The offers came from one side to other, each wilder than the previous, but I wasn't interested in any of them so I kindly declined and made my way back to the bar where my guys and Joel with his friends were still chatting.

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