34. The cause of the shitshow

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The rest of Sunday went by taking care of Jay and his headache. On Monday I had few clients but the rest of the week I did not take any new customers so I could just focus on more essential things. We had our most important show ahead and I needed the time to make sure everything was just perfect. The other guys of course had their day jobs too, so I was the only lucky one who got to stay at home and practice.

On Wednesday we were supposed to meet at Ben's around 5PM. At 4:40PM I was waiting Jay at the parking lot of the gym. While waiting him I scrolled in my social media and once again some gym pics from Julia popped up and I had the urge to throw up. The locker room looked rather familiar and soon I realized it was the same gym where Jay was working. Weird. Her previous gym photos were taken somewhere else but whatever. Maybe she took some bodypumps here or who knows what. I kept scrolling and suddenly Alina's name was flashing on screen.

"Yo, sis.. been awhile.. Again" I answered and laughed quietly. There has been so much going on that being in touch with family or other people hasn't been the priority.

"Yeah, it has..How are you doing?" she laughed and I heard her boyfriend's voice from the background too. Last time we spoke we had a serious chat about my drinking problems and for obvious reasons I did not like the topic. I knew I should take it more easy but.. Once a habit, always a habit.

"It has been crazy... You know we got to the final round! So it has been just practising and practising, not much time for anything else" I said and kept looking at the doors to see if Jay showed up. It was easier not to tell Alina about the situation between me and Jay because that wasn't her favourite topic to talk about. She did not like the fact that I had slept with him so she for would hate to hear that it was still going on. But where was that dude now? We were going to be late if he did not come like right now. So I put my phone on speaker and went to messenger.

"Oh! That's a great news. So the finals are when, this weekend?" Alina asked and guess they sat into their car or that's how it sounded.

Heidi: Duuuude, I'm waiting

"Yeah.. On this Saturday... Are you coming?" I asked hopefully. Alina has been only on few of our gigs and those were years ago. She hasn't seen what we were now and I really wanted her to show up. I needed her support on the most important day of my life.

Jay: On my way ;)

Heidi: Hurry up :*

"I wish I could but.. We're going to Lahti on Saturday.. It's Rauli's mom's birthday.."Alina sighed and I saw Jay walking out from the gym. My heart rate got higher the closer Jay got.

"Oh.. Okay.. Well then. If we win the thing then there will be a lot of gigs coming so you better not miss those then" I smiled and opened the boot for Jay. He threw his stuff in and then joined me.

"Sure, I wouldn't miss this either but you know.... I kind of have to go there.. And also... we have some news... " Alina said and I heard from her voice how she was smiling. Jay put a seatbelt on and quickly smacked a kiss on my lips before I asked Alina what the news were.

"You see.. We found out that we're.. Having a baby" my sister's happy voice carried into my ears. I froze for a moment but then a smile climbed on my lips.

"Wow! Congratulations! That's great news" I smiled and looked at Jay, who seemed to be happy about the news too. Could we have a baby someday if we get that far... ?
"Thanks, it was a total surprise for us too but guess it is time for us" Alina said and I started my car.

"It will be great! Hey listen, we're gonna go to the practise now.. I'll talk with you later, ok?"

"Sure! Have fun!"

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