33. Naïve little girl

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The chat with Niko didn't really give me any insight into Joel's head or what was going on in there. My confusion level was over all the limits already and I had no clue how much whiskey I had already poured down my throat but the World seemed to be spinning faster and faster every second. That could also be the reason why it was extremely difficult to really understand how human mind works. Or how Joel's mind works to be precise. All I knew was that whiskey wasn't going to give me any answers. Besides, it should be a smart move for me to go home now and luckily it was like there, next door. Yet knowing me and my situation I couldn't go there alone because I wasn't in condition to even get the door open. I looked around but I did not see Jay anywhere, maybe he was on the balcony or in the bathroom, no clue. But Joel was here, sitting on the sofa. I took a deep breath and tried to walk to him without doing any random gravity checks and oh boy how much consentration it asked.. 

"Joel.." I carefully sat next to him.

"Yeah?" he lift his beer on his lips and emptied the bottle.

"Can you.. maybe..help me home?" It probably wasn't the smartest thing to ask him to help me home but I really had to go or I'd get myself into worse situation than I already was.

"Why don't you ask Jay?" He asked and put the empty bottle on the table. I sighed and rubbed my forehead. Can hangover hit you while you're still drunk? Because that was exactly how I was feeling at the moment and even trying to think where Jay was killed my head.

"I don't know where he is and I just wanna go to sleep before I do anything I might regret when I'm sober... Please, Joel.." I mumbled and supported my hand on his shoulder. Joel looked around, guess he was looking for Jay but he was still nowhere to be seen. Maybe he had left and I just can't remember it.

"Yeah, sure..Come" he stood up and gave me his hand. I took it and stood up after what we walked to the corridor and Joel took my jacket and I grabbed my shoes. He then opened the door and turned to mine.


I pointed the jacket and Joel started to search for the keys. It did not took long until he found them and opened the door for me. We went in he closed the door behind us.

"Do you want water or anything?"
I shook my head and pointed to the bedroom. Joel nodded and wrapped his right hand around me to keep me up. How the hell I drank so much again? But hey, at least I realized that I should come home before I do anything stupid. Guess I was getting better at this. Alina should be proud now...

"Okay.. You should just sleep it off now" Joel said and helped me on my bed. Only that.. I did not let go of him on time and as a result, I sort of pulled him on top of me and in that action our lips quickly touched for a very short second that felt like hours...

"Whoops.." I chuckled and studied his beautiful eyes. Joel looked at me confused and I wasn't sure was he about to say something or not, but he parted his lips for a moment and then closed them. Our eyes were locked on each other and Joel was still figuring out should he say something or not.

"What?" I asked. Feeling his body weight on top of me did not bother me at all, to be honest. But it would become a problem if Jay walked in now. Well we were not doing anything but it could look like we were doing something because neither of us didn't really know how to remove us from this situation. Might be because of the drunken confusion was dominating and it was hard to decide should we kiss or should I push him away? Sober me probably would push him away but the way alcohol messes up with your mind is so freaking weird that all kind of thoughts started to race in my mind and thinking back to the night when I asked him to stay with me in his bed.. At this state of mind I could literally do anything.

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