Dadfoot And Moomy

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Harry walks down to breakfast with Draco to find Sirius and Remus reading the paper while eating "Morning you two." Sirius smiles looking up. "Morning." Harry responds with a grin. "So Harry, we were thinking. You want to spend the day with us? We can do whatever you want." Remus asks him. "Can we go to the Aquarium? I've never been, the Dursley's always left me with Mrs Figg." Harry asks shyly. "The Aquarium it is. We'll go after breakfast, Draco would you like to come with?" Sirius asks. "I'll check with mum when she comes down in a minute." Draco responds. "I'll ask now." Sirius decides standing up and going to the door of the dining room "CISSY! CAN DRACO COME TO THE AQUARIUM WITH HARRY, REMUS AND I?" he shouts. "SIRIUS ORION BLACK STOP SHOUTING OR I'LL DYE YOUR HAIR GREEN WHILE YOU'RE ASLEEP! BUT YES HE CAN!" Narcissa shouts back. Sirius smiles and turns round to find Harry, Draco and Remus laughing with tears in their eyes "She wouldn't really touch my hair... would she?" Sirius asks with a panicked look on his face making them laugh even harder.

After breakfast Harry and Draco hold onto Remus and Sirius as they side along apparate to an empty street near the aquarium "Come on then you two, to the Aquarium!" Sirius exclaims pulling Harry and Draco in the wrong direction. "Padfoot! Wrong way!" Remus laughs grabbing the back of Sirius' leather jacket. "I knew that, I was just testing you." Sirius smiles. "No you didn't." Harry grins. "I was too." Sirius pouts. "Was not." Draco retorts, smiling. "Was too." Sirius tells him. "Was not." Harry grins. "Was too." Sirius whines. "Was too." Remus grins. "Was not." Sirius says before freezing and pouting when he realises what Remus did. "Come on!!! I want to see the Sharks!!!" Harry grins jumping up and down excitably. "Come on then Prongslette." Sirius smiles grabbing Harry's hand and running in the correct direction, Harry holding Draco's hand so he is dragged along aswell.

Once inside the aquarium Harry drags Draco to the first attraction, the Shark Walk "Woah look at that one, it's huge!" he grins pointing at a shark that just swam under their feet. "That one is a Sand Tiger Shark." Sirius smiles checking the book they got from the desk at the entrance. "Look at that one, it's all spotty." Harry laughs. "That's a Dogfish." Remus tells the teens. "Maybe we should call it Sirius." Draco suggests making them all laugh. "Boys, why is it hard to trust a shark? They tell Great White lies." Sirius grins. "That was terrible." Draco deadpans while Harry groans. "Come on then. There's octopuses up here." Remus tells them after a minute while looking at the map. "Moony, why did the Octopus blush?" Sirius asks as they start walking over to the octopus tanks. "Don't Padfoot." Remus warms. "Because he saw the Ocean's bottom." Sirius grins. "We're going to have this round the whole aquarium aren't we?" Draco asks. "Probably, I mean Dadfoot isn't the best at jokes." Harry smiles. "Oh God not you aswell." Remus groans. "If I'm Dadfoot does that make Remus... Moomy?" Sirius grins.

The group of four walk round the aquarium seeing rays, turtles, more sharks, starfish, different coloured fish, anemones, jellyfish, eels, crocodiles, frogs, penguins, seahorses, insects and crustaceans. Harry and Draco hold hands as they look round the shop "What do you want Harry?" Sirius asks from behind them. "Err, a shark plushie?" Harry asks shyly picking up one of the small plushies. "Anything else cub?" Remus asks. "I'm allowed something else?" Harry asks. "You can have whatever you want pup, we're not going to stop you." Sirius promises, trying not to call the Dursley's out on the way they treated him. "Can I have the shark book aswell?" he asks. "Course you can. You and Draco go get one, Draco find some stuff you want aswell, Sirius and I will be over there looking at the t-shirts." Remus tells the teenagers. "You can also pick something out for Cissa, Hermione and each of the Weasley's aswell." Sirius adds. Nodding the teens go over to the books while the two adults go over to the t-shirts "How could Dumbledore leave Harry with the Dursley's? I don't want him going to them for that night at the end on the summer." Sirius sighs. "Neither do I. We could try and argue it with Dumbledore but I doubt he will listen, Cissa has already tried multiple time." Remus responds. "Let's get them each T-shirt before we go get some lunch." Sirius concedes looking at the shirts. "What about a shark one for Harry and a turtle one for Draco. Those were their favourite animals they saw." Remus suggests making Sirius nod in agreement. As they find the right sizes Harry and Draco wonder over with their arms filled with stuff "We found stuff for Hermione, Mum and the Weasley's." Draco explains as Harry starts looking at the shark book he picked up. "Let's go pay before going to get lunch. Where do you want to go Harry?" Remus asks. "Hmm?" Harry says looking up from his book. Sirius chuckles "Where do you want lunch?" he asks. "Don't mind." Harry shrugs before looking back at his book "Did you know that sharks can grow up to 50,000 teeth in it's lifetime? Baby sharks are born with their first set of teeth." he asks, reading it out from his book as everyone starts paying. Remus chuckles "Harry I'm going to need the book so we can pay, you can have it back after." he tells him. Harry nods and hands the book to Remus.

After eating lunch in a nearby cafe, with Harry saying random shark facts from his book, the four of them head back to Malfoy Manor "There are about 500 species of sharks, some of them are only tiny but others can be upto 400 feet." Harry says as they walk inside. Narcissa and the Weasley's look up and smile as Harry continues to ramble about sharks "I'm taking it someone enjoyed the aquarium?" Cissa asks Sirius quietly as they watch Harry hand out the gifts they got everyone while still talking about the sharks. "It took us a while to get away from the sharks, he absolutely loved them." Sirius responds smiling at his godson as Remus helps him get the label off of his shark plushie. "It's good to see him acting like a child, from what he's mentioned about the Dursley's he didn't have time to be a child." Cissa smiles making Sirius nod in agreement.  "Cissa, we got this for you." Harry smiles handing Cissa a necklace with a green fish pendant hanging from it. "Thank you Harry." Cissa tells him as she places it round her neck. Harry smiles and goes back to Draco who smiles as Harry starts reading more things from his new shark book.

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