Flying Lessons

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Harry never thought that he would meet someone he hated more than he hated Dudley, well that was until he met Theodore Nott. Luckily Gryffindor only had Potions with the Slytherins so they didn't have to see Nott that much. Well they didn't until the three boys spotted a notice pinned up in the common room which caused a groan. Flying lessons starting on Thursday - Gryffindors with the Slytherins. "Just what I wanted. To make a fool of myself on a broomstick in front of Nott." Harry said darkly. He'd been looking forward to learning how to fly more than anything. "You don't know that you'll make a fool of yourself, besides even though he's going on about being brilliant I bet it's just talk." Draco told him comfortingly and rubbing his thumb on the back of his hand. Just then an owl came flying towards them landing on Draco's shoulder with a letter in its mouth. "It's from Mother" Draco smiled as he ripped it open.

My Dearest Draco,
It is lovely to hear from you. Your Father and I are well. He tried to kick up a fuse about you being in Gryffindor but I shut him down by telling him that he needs to stop thinking about himself. He will come round I will ensure it. As for Christmas he won't be at home, but I will make sure he will make it up to you.
Tell Harry he is more than welcome round our house anytime, he will be treated as my own. I can't believe the muggles treat him like that if it carries on I will talk to Dumbledore about it. No one should be treated like that, let alone a child.
Enclosed you will find eight chains with small pendants on them. Two of them are for you and Harry, the other's are for Ron, Fred, George, Percy and their Soulmate, I have sent a couple to Bill, Charlie and Ginny.
They are Soulmate pendants they give the wearer's the ability to talk the one another where ever they are. I thought that they would be useful for you all.
I'll send you a package with your favourite treats within the next few days. Send a message back with what treats Harry likes and I will send some.
Hope everyone is well. See you at Christmas.
Love Mother x

Draco pulled out the pendants he gave one to Harry and took the matching one for himself. He then gave Ron two matching ones. "These are Soulmate pendants they give us the ability to talk to each other no matter where we are." Draco explained as he put his on. His turned red, Harry's Green and Ron's dark blue. He stood up and went over to the twins giving them two each and explaining what they are. Fred's turned yellow and George's went orange. They went over to Angelina Johnson who's pendant from Fred turned pink. George smiled at his twin not knowing who his Soulmate was yet. Heading over to Percy and giving him his which turned purple. Percy walked over to Penelope Clearwater and gave her the matching one which turned a light blue.

He walked back over to Harry and Ron, sitting next to Harry giving him a kiss on the forehead. They looked over at Ron who was nervously looking at Hermione before walking over to her. "Hermione. Um I don't know whether you know this but. Uh." Ron stuttered. "That we are Soulmates?" Hermione asked smiling. Ron nodded before giving her the matching pendant. Hermione smiled putting it on watching it turn a light brown. She stood up and gave Ron a kiss on the cheek before dragging him over to Harry and Draco who were smiling at them. The four of them looked at Neville who was looking at a parcel puzzled. Looking at what Neville had Hermione explained that it was a remembrall. Nott snatched the remembrall from Neville, the three boys jumped up half hoping for a reason to fight Nott. However McGonagall suddenly appeared "What's going on?" she asked. "Nott's got my remembrall, Professor." Neville told her. "Just looking." Nott responded.

At three thirty Harry, Draco, Ron and Hermione all headed down to the flying ground for their first flying lesson. Madam Hooch approached "Everyone stand by a broom and put their right hand out above it and say up." Hooch tells them. "UP!" everyone shouted. Harry's and Draco's brooms jumped into their hands immediately. Ron's a few seconds later, Hermione's rolled round a bit and Neville's didn't even move. They all mounted their brooms, much to Ron, Harry and Draco's delight Nott got told that he'd been doing it wrong for years. Before anyone had a chance to rise off the ground, Neville suddenly shot off the ground. He went shooting round the grounds before smacking into a wall and landed on the floor with a thump.
Hooch ran over to Neville. "Broken wrist, let's get you too the hospital wing. No is to leave the ground other wise ill have you kicked out of the school quicker than you can say quidditch." she glares.

"Did you see his face? The great lump." Nott snickered "Look what he dropped. I think I should leave it somewhere for Longbottom to find. How about... up a tree?" "Give it here Nott!" Harry yelled. "Come and get it Potter." Nott smirked as he flew up. Harry grabbed his broom "Harry don't!" Hermione told him. Harry ignored her and flew up towards Nott. He smiled as he felt a rush of joy knowing this was something he could do. "Give it here or I'll knock you off your broom." he shouted as he reached Nott. "Catch it if you can." called Nott as he threw it into the air. Harry watched it as it fell towards the ground in slow motion. He shot through the air towards it and caught it just before it hit the ground. He landed on the ground and was bought into a massive hug by Draco. "Please be careful, you could have got yourself seriously hurt." he whispered holding onto Harry. Harry nodded as they pulled away and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"HARRY POTTER." they heard McGonagall call. "Never - In all my years at Hogwarts - how dare you - might have broken your neck." "Professor it wasn't his fault." "Enough Mr Weasley. Potter follow me now." Harry saw Nott, Crabbe and Goyle snickering at him as he followed McGonagall.
Neither spoke as they made their way through the castle. "Excuse me, Professor Flitwick could I borrow Wood?" A burly brown haired fifth year walked out the classroom looking confused. "Follow me you two." They followed the Professor into an empty classroom. "Wood I have found you a new seeker." Wood looked at Professor McGonagall in delight. "He is a natural on a broomstick. Was that your first time on a broom Potter?" Harry nodded silently. "He caught the remembrall from a fifty foot dive, didn't even scratch himself, Charlie Weasley couldn't even do that." McGonagall smiles. "Ever seen a Quidditch match Potter?" Wood asked. "Wood is the captain of the Gryffindor team." McGonagall explained. "I'll talk to Dumbledore about bending the first year rule. Also Potter your father would be proud he was an excellent player himself."

"You're joking." Ron exclaimed "Seeker? You must be the youngest house player in about-" "-a century, Wood told me. I start training next week." Harry told his three friends. "Don't tell anyone though as Wood wants it to be a secret." Draco smiled and kissed Harry on the cheek before starting to write a letter in response to his Mothers.

Thank you for responding so fast. The pendants were an amazing present for us all. Ron found his Soulmate a girl called Hermione. Fred obviously gave his to Ange and Percy gave his to Penny.
I have amazing news. Harry got onto the Gryffindor Quidditch team. The youngest in a century. Can you come to his first match?
Harry enjoys all the same treats as Ron and I.
Hope that you can come to the match.
Love you,
Your Son, Draco x

Once he finished he did a bird call and the owl from that morning landed on his shoulder. "Take this to Mother please." he told the owl. The owl chirped and flew off, just as the twins walked over. "Well done mate, Wood told us we're on the team aswell - beaters." a happy George told Harry. "We're going to win that cup this year. We haven't since Charlie left. You must be good Wood was basically jumping for joy when he told us." Fred said. "Anyway got to go Lee reckons that he's found a new secret tunnel." "Bet it's the one behind the statue of Gregory the Smarmy we found in our first week. See You." Just as they left Nott and his two goons appeared. "Enjoying your last meal Potter? When you back off to the muggles? " Nott spat. "Alot braver now you have your goons on the ground." Harry responded cooly. "I'd take you on my own anytime." Nott told him "Tonight if you want. Wizards Duel. No contact only wands." "Fine I'm his second." Draco growled. "Okay Midnight in the trophy room, Crabbe is my second." Nott responded before walking off.

"What's a wizards Duel? And what do you mean you're my second?" Harry asked Draco. "A second is someone who takes your place if you die" Ron says. "But you won't as it only happens in adult duels." Draco quickly says glaring at Ron and holding Harry's hand. "The most he'll do is shoot sparks at you." "What happens if I can't do anything back?" Harry asks. "Punch him on the nose." both Draco and Ron said at the same time. "I'm only going to warn you. If you get caught you'll lose more points for Gryffindor. However, as my Soulmate is involved I am obliged to help you" Herminone tells the three boys smiling. "I think we've corrupted her" Ron jokingly whispered to Harry and Draco causing the four of them to laugh.

Author's note: Who do you think is going to be George's, Ginny's, Charlie's and Bill's Soulmate's?
I know I haven't updated in ages. I've been really busy with coursework and trying to get everything ready for our exhibition. I will hopefully be updating more now.

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