New Hogwarts Staff

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As August goes on Harry spends more time with his parents, getting ready for when he has to leave them for School. One day they sit in the Malloy Manor garden, Harry and James playing catch with a Quaffle with Lily watching them, when an owl flies down and lands next to Lily "What is it Lily?" James asks as Lily reads the letter. "It's from Minerva, she wants to hold a meeting with the three of us." Lily responds. "When does she want to see us?" James asks her. "As soon a possible." Lily tells him. "Why don't we leave now then? We got a while til we have to be back for dinner." James suggests. Lily nods "We'll apparate to Hogsmeade, that way Minerva will have warning before we arrive." she decides. "This mean we can go Honeydukes aswell? Fred and George told me about it." Harry asks. "I'm sure we can." Lily smiles at her son. Harry smiles as James kisses Lily's head "Come on, we don't want to leave Minnie waiting." he tells his wife and son.

The three of them apparate to Hogsmeade and let Harry go to Honeydukes to get some sweets before heading up to the castle. They get let through the protective enchantments by a teary eyed Hagrid who smiles "I'm so happy to see you both." he tells Lily and James. "It's good to see you again Hagrid." Lily tells him as they start walking up towards the castle. Harry grins as Fang starts running back and forth with a stick, taking it he throws the stick for the dog who runs after it and brings it back. Laughing Harry carries on doing this as they walk, reaching the castle soon after "You're more than wlecome to come for a spot of tea if you have time after your meeting." Hagrid tells the family. "I'm not sure we'll have time today Hagrid but I'll send you an owl and set up a time this week for us to come see you." Lily tells him. "I'll look forward to it. See you soon." Hagrid smiles before walking off. Harry gives Fang one last pat before following his parents into the school and towards the Headteacher's office.

Arriving at the gargoyle Lily checks the letter "cattus murelegus" she tells the gargoyle which then jumps out the way for them. "Wasn't the password just cat cat in Latin?" James asks. "Yep." Lily responds as they head up to the office. James knocks on the door as Harry holds onto Lily's hand, remembering the last time they were in there "Come in." McGonagall calls from inside. Opening the door James leads his wife and son inside "James, Lily, I'm glad you could come. Sorry to drag you to school on your holiday Harry." McGonagall greets. "That's alright Professor." Harry smiles. "Not to seem rude Minerva, but why did you call us here?" Lily asks. "I wanted to ask you both something. How would you both like a job here? James, you would be taking over my old position as Transfiguration teacher and Head of Gryffindor House. Lily, you would be part co-teaching with James but also help Poppy in the Hospital Wing and me with any errands I may need. Dumbledore left his post too often and I don't want to do the same." McGonagall asks. Lily and James both look at each other "Could we have a moment to discuss this?" James asks. "Of course, I have a couple errands to run anyway. You are welcome to stay here and talk." McGonagall responds before walking out the office.

"It's a good offer, neither of us have jobs at the minute." Lily starts. James nods "Transfiguration always was my best subject and you were training to be a healer." he adds. Harry smiles "It also means you get to see me more." he tells them. "We can't forget that now can we?" Lily smiles, kissing his head. "I think we should take the offer." James tells Lily. "I think we should aswell. Besides Harry is right, this way we see more of him. We've only just got him back and I don't want him out of my sight for a long time." Lily agrees. Harry smiles "Does that mean I have to start calling you both Professor?" he asks. "Only in lesson Mr Potter." James jokes ruffling his son's hair. Just then McGonagall walks back in "Have you both come to a depiction or would you like more time?" she asks going over to her desk. "We would be happy to accept your offer Minerva." Lily smiles. "Amazing. I'll send you your contracts in the next couple of days. I will also owl your fellow Professors." McGonagall tells them. "Minerva, could you tell Severus where we are staying aswell? I need to have a word with him before we start up for the term." Lily asks. "Of course, I'll owl him tomorrow so you can have the rest of your day with Harry. I am looking forward to having you both as Professors in September." McGonagall smiles. "As are we Minnie." James nods. Harry smiles "Come on then, we better head back for dinner. We'll see you in September Minerva." Lily says. "See you in September. Enjoy the last couple weeks of holiday." McGonagall responds as the family leaves.

The three Potter's head back to Malfoy Manor and into the living room where they find everyone sat either talking, reading or watching Draco and Ron play Wizard's Chess "Where did you three disappear to?" Sirius asks, looking up from where he's lying on the sofa with his head on Remus' lap. "Meeting with Minerva. We have an announcement." Lily responds. Everyone stops what they're doing and turn to face them "What is it?" Regulus asks. "You're looking at the new Head of Gryffindor and Transfiguration Professors." Lily smiles. "You're teaching at Hogwarts?" Draco asks with a smile. James nods "I'm the new Head of Gryffindor and Transfiguration Professor. Lily is co Transfiguration Professor and is going to help Poppy in the Hospital wing along with running errands for Minerva." he explains. "Never thought I'd see the day Prongs became a Professor." Sirius jokes. "Professor Prongs has a ring don't you think?" Remus asks his soulmate. Narcissa shakes her head at her cousin and his husband "I think this calls for a celebration, how about we go out for dinner tonight instead? We can save the roast gammon for a cold lunch tomorrow." she suggests. "Sounds like a plan to me." Regulus agrees, everyone else agreeing aswell.

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