Quidditch and Stories

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A couple days later Harry sits finishing his homework with his mother's help "There all finished." he smiles showing Lily who smiles. "Nice job Harry, you've got the hang of potions now." she praises. "I think it's mainly your help mum." Harry tells her. "Don't be too hard on yourself, you knew quite a bit yourself. You just needed help getting there." Lily tells him. Harry nods and smiles as James and Sirius walk in joking around "What have you two been up to?" Lily asks in a concerned tone. "Nothing." the two of them say at the same time, James sending Harry a wink. "Mhm." Lily frowns. "You still got the leaf in your mouth Prongslette?" Sirius asks Harry. "Yep, everyone else should aswell." Harry responds with a smile. James ruffles Harry's hair "A true Marauder." he praises. Harry smiles as Sirius looks at the potions homework "You got the hang of it then." he praises his Godson. "Yeah, mum helped me understand it better." Harry responds. Sirius nods "Probably because of Snivellus you needed the help." he comments. "What's he got to do with it?" James scowls. "He's the potions master at Hogwarts." Sirius glares. "He's what?!" James exclaims. "He kinda has something against me aswell, it's why I have trouble with Potions. Hermione helped at school though." Harry explains. "We'll talk to McGonagall about it Sweetie." Lily tells him making him nod.

Narcissa and Draco walk in, Draco going straight over to Harry "You want to play Quidditch this afternoon? Ron and his family will be back by then." Draco asks. Harry nods "Sounds good." he agrees with a smile. "I hear the word Quidditch?" James asks. "Yeah, we're going have a game later when Ron and his family get back." Harry smiles. "Count me in." James grins. "And me." Sirius adds, resting his elbow on Harry's shoulder, Narcissa and Lily smile at them before going back to their conversation. Just then they hear a crash followed by Remus' scream making James and Sirius laugh "What did you two do?" Lily asks. "JAMES! SIRIUS! I'M GONNA KILL YOU!" Remus shouts. "We may have booby-trapped Remus' book shelf so when he got a book off the books would fly off the shelf at him." Sirius grins making Draco and Harry start laughing. Remus storms in glaring at his partner and best friend "Really?" he asks. "What?" James asks, acting innocent. "Don't you 'what' me James. You two go clear up the mess you've made." Remus tells them. "Moony!" James and Sirius whine. "Now." he tells them. Sighing James and Sirius look at each other before walking out "They looked like toddlers that had been caught with their hands in the cookie jar." Harry laughs with Draco.

Later the Weasley's get back making Draco and Harry run to get their brooms, the Weasley children doing the same (Percy being forced) "Dad, Padfoot, hurry up!" Harry calls as they pull on their shoes. "We're coming Prongslette." Sirius smiles walking down the stairs followed by James. Regulus walks out the library "What are you doing?" he asks. "Playing Quidditch, want to come?" Draco asks. "I'll have to borrow a broom." Regulus responds. "There's spare in the shed." Narcissa says walking out the kitchen with Lily. "How we going to do it, there's twelve of us?" Ron asks. "Six on each team, one beater each." Bill suggests. "Sounds like a plan, who's seeker?" James asks. "Dibs on Harry." Draco, Ron and the twins say at the same time. "If you're on the same as Harry one of you will have to be a chaser." Charlie points out. Fred and George look at each other and start playing rock paper scissors to see who plays chaser "Why are you four so invested on being on Harry's team?" Regulus asks. "Because he's the youngest seeker in a century." Ron responds making James and Regulus smile at Harry. "I'll be seeker on the other team." Regulus smirks. "I'll be the third chaser for you five." James tells Harry's team. "I'll be beater for you guys." Sirius tells the others.

Harry's Team
Harry - Seeker
James - Chaser
Draco - Chaser
George - Chaser
Fred - Beater
Ron - Keeper

Regulus' Team
Regulus - Seeker
Ginny - Chaser
Charlie - Chaser
Bill - Chaser
Sirius - Beater
Percy - Keeper

As the game starts Harry shoots into the air and starts searching for the snitch, Regulus doing the same from the other side of the pitch. The others on Harry's team start passing the quaffle between them, scoring their first goal after a few minutes. Lily watches Harry from the ground where she is stood with Remus, Molly, Arthur and Narcissa "You'll have to come to the school matches this year, Harry really is a natural." Narcissa tells her. Lily smiles "He reminds me of James, flying around up there." she remarks. After about half hour Harry suddenly dives as he spots the snitch, Regulus close behind him; just before he hits the ground he veers up "Got it!" he exclaims with a grin. James flies over to his son and pulls him into a headlock, ruffling his hair "A true Potter." he grins releasing him. Regulus shakes his head and James' antics "I can see why you were put on the team in your first year." he tells Harry who smiles. The twelve of them land and Lily hugs her son "Well done Sweetheart." she tells him, kissing his head. "What about me?" James pouts. "I guess you were good aswell." Lily teases, kissing him and making him smile.

After cleaning up everyone heads inside, Harry, Ron and Draco heading to the spare study to wait for Hermione to arrive. After a while she comes through the fireplace, after having her house linked up to the Floo Network by Narcissa at the beginning of the summer. Smiling Ron hugs her and gives her a small kiss before letting the other two hug her in greeting "How has your day been?" Hermione asks as Ron helps her brush the soot off her. "Good, we had a game of Quidditch earlier." Harry smiles. "James, Sirius and Regulus joined us, we also managed to get Percy to join in for once." Ron adds as they head out the study and to the living room. "Hermione, I'm so happy you could join us for dinner this evening." Narcissa smiles. "Thank you for inviting me." Hermione responds with a smile. "I have an idea." Sirius pipes up. "Uh oh." Regulus says, looking up from his book. Sirius playfully glares at his brother "Why don't you children tells us stories about your time at Hogwarts so far?" he asks the children. Harry grins "I got the perfect one to start on." he pipes up. "What?" Draco asks. "My first Quidditch game and what Hermione did to Snape." Harry grins. "Yes." Ron and Draco agree. "Harry." Hermione groans going red. "What happened?" Lily asks.

Harry smiles "It was my first ever Quidditch game, Cissa came to see it and was in the crowd with Draco, Ron, Hermione and Hagrid. Anyway partway through my broom started jerking and jolting, making Hermione realise that someone was cursing it. She took Hagrid's binoculars and spotted Snape in the teacher's stand muttering and not breaking eye contact. Thinking it was him she ran round the stands and under the teacher's benches..." he trails off laughing. "Well?" James asks. "She set fire to his rob to make him break eye contract." Draco laughs, everyone else joining in. "That's amazing!" Sirius manages to get out. "Was it Snape who was cursing the broom?" Remus asks. "It turns out it was Quirrell, but when Snape jumped up he knocked Quirrell over making the curse stop." Ron explains. "Tell them how you caught the Snitch, Harry." Fred starts. "Best catch I've seen." George adds. Harry goes slightly red "I got down close to the ground and started broom surfing after it. My broom got over balanced and I nearly swallowed the Snitch." he explains. "Only your son would catch the Snitch by nearly swallowing it." Regulus tells James. "We'll it is definitely an unorthodox method of catching it, I will admit." James chuckles, ruffling Harry's hair.

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