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Before the four friends new it they had spent two months at Hogwarts. To Harry the place felt more like home than Privet Drive even did. The lessons were becoming more and more exciting and the weather colder. On Halloween morning they woke up to the wonderful smell of pumpkin and spices coming from the Great Hall. Once the four friends entered for breakfast the found a variety of baked goods. As the morning lost arrived an owl landed in front of Hermione. "That's Mother's owl." Draco said puzzled. Hermione smiled and took the letter reading it.

You are very welcome for the food and drinks. I thought that you would be missing the muggle world and its food. Draco has told me all about you and Ron has told his Mother aswell who told me. I will send another package with food and odd bits to you and the boys soon.
As for the book I am more than happy to let you into our family library where you can borrow some of the books. I myself enjoy reading and would love to talk to you about them.
As you probably know the boys are coming to the Malfoy residence for Christmas. You and your family are welcome to join us. I would love to meet your parents and I would enjoy the female and adult company aswell. Let me know at the Quidditch match.
P.S. Please call me by Narcissa or Cissy or Cissa.

"What's it say?" Ron asked. She gave the letter to boys as she put some pumpkin pastries on everyone's plates and poured for pumpkin spice hot chocolate for everyone aswell. "So do you want to come at Christmas?" Draco asked her smiling and handing back the letter. "I will have to check with my parents but if they say so I would love to." she responded grinning.

Once everyone had eaten they headed of to Charms their first lesson of the day. Professor Flitwick decided that it was time for the to learn the levitating spell. Something they had been dying to learn since he made Neville's toad zoom round the room. Flitwick decide to pair people up himself this time. Harry with Seamus, Draco with Dean, Ron with Neville and much to the fours dismay, Hermione with Nott. Both Harry and Seamus were struggling with the spell. Seamus flocked his wand a bit to vigorously and ended up setting the feather, which they were trying to levitate, on fire. "Professor I think we're going to be needing a new feather." said told Flitwick. Across the room they heard Hermione telling Nott that he wasn't performing the spell right. "It's Wingardium LeviOsa you have to make the gar nice and long. For instance, Wingardium Leviosa" She told him making the feather float gently in the air. "Look everyone Miss Granger has done it. 10 points to Gryffindor." Professor Flitwick told everyone. The three boys looked at her smiling. "Your so bossy no wonder none of the girls in your dorm talk to you. I bet Malfoy, Potter and Weasley are pity friends." Nott whisper to Hermione.

At the end of the lesson Harry, Draco and Ron were looking for Hermione who had rushed of rather fast without them. "I don't know where she is, but I can tell through the mark she's really upset about something." Ron said worryingly. "Let her calm down for a bit, then we'll go looking for her again." Harry said to the other two boys. However they couldn't find her all day and when it came to the feast they overheard Lavender tell Parvati that Hermione was crying in the toilets and wanted to be left alone. Draco looked at Ron "We'll go after the feast and take her some food." Just at that moment Quirrel burst through the door "TROLL IN THE DUNGEONS. THOUGHT YOU SHOULD KNOW." he shouted before fainting. Everyone started screaming. Dumbledore silenced them "Prefects take your houses back ti your common rooms." he told everyone. As everyone stood the three boys looked at each other "Hermione!" they said in unison before running towards the girls toilets.

Just as they got there they heard a scream from inside. Running in they were hit with a horrible smell and sight. There was the troll and so was a trapped Hermione. "Confuse it." Draco said as he started throwing stuff at it. "Oy, Peabrain!" Ron shouted causing the trill to turn and look at him. This gave Harry time to run to Hermione and tell her to run. However Hermione was terrified and frozen to the spot. Harry turned and saw both Ron and Draco cornered by the troll. He then did something both brave and stupid. Getting a running jump he jumped on the back of the troll bit in doing so accidently stuck his wand up his nose. The troll howled in pain and started swinging it's club around trying to get Harry off. Draco quickly thought of the first spell in his head and shouted "Wingardium Leviosa."

Suddenly the club was in the air and fell on the Trolls head knocking it out. Harry grabbed his wand out the trolls nose and went over to Draco. Ron rushes over to Hermione to make sure that she was okay. "Ugh Troll bogies" he said looking at his wand. Draco shook his head and pulled Harry in for a massive hug. McGonagall suddenly came bursting into the room followed by Snape with Quirrel bring up the rear. "What on earth were you thinking? Why aren't you in Gryffindor common room? Your lucky you weren't killed." she told them with a cold fury in her voice. "Professor, it's not their fault. I was in here and didn't know about the troll. They came to get me. If they hadn't I'd be dead." Hermione told her. "Well if that's the case. I award each of you boys five points for shear dumb luck. Dumbledore will be informed. Now the four of you back to your common room everyone is finishing the feast there." she told them.

The four of them walked out the bathroom. Hermione and Ron walked slightly ahead holding hands and talking to each other. Draco took Harry's hand and swung it gently between them "You're and idiot for jumping on that things back you know?" he told him. "It was the only thing I could think of to stop it attacking you and Ron." he told him blushing and looking down. "Maybe in future just hit it with something." Draco chuckled. Harry nodded as they arrived at the common room. "What you two chuckling about?" Ron asked the pair, they just shook their heads in response. Rolling his eyes at them Ron pulled Hermione into the common room with the two boys following.

"Hermione? Why were you in the bathroom? We heard Lavender say that you were crying." Ron asked her. "Nott said that it was no wonder I had no female friends and that you three were pity friends. I know your not but it just reminded me of things people said to me when I was a kid." she told them looking down. Ron glared "If he says anything again tell me and I'll punch him." he said anger in his voice Hermione laughed at him. "I'm sure you will. My knight in shining armour." kissing him on the cheek with Draco and Harry laughing at him.

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