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A couple mornings later Hedwig drops a letter in front of Harry from Hagrid. "It's Hatching." he tells the other three quietly. "Let's go." Ron smiles. "We can't we have lessons. We'll get in trouble. We'll go at morning break." Hermione tells them. "Shhh." Harry tells them looking pointedly at Nott who was looking in their direction.  Draco glares at him making Nott glare back before looking away. After double Herbology the four friends rush down to Hagrid hut at knock on the door. Hagrid opens it looking rather flushed "It's nearly out." he tells them ushering them inside. They gather round the table and look at the egg, which has big cracks in it. A funny clicking noise comes from inside the egg as it shifts slightly. There's a sudden scraping noise as the eggs splits open. The baby dragon flops onto the table, Harry leans in slightly to get a better look at it.

It has a skinny jet black body with huge spiny wing. It's head has a long snout with wide nostrils, stubby horns and bright orange eyes. Harry leans back as it sneezes making a couple of sparks fly out its nose. "Isn't he beautiful?" Hagrid smiles. He reaches his hand out to stroke the baby making it showing its fangs and snap. "Bless him. He knows his mummy!" Hagrid smiles. "Hagrid, how fast do Norwegian Ridgebacks grow?" Draco asks. As Hagrid goes to answer his face suddenly pales before rushing to the window. "What's the matter?" Ron asks. "Someone was looking through the window. It's a kid, they're running up to the school." Hagrid explains. Harry and Draco look out the door and realise that it's Nott.

Over the next week Nott keeps giving the four of them making them nervous. They spend most of their time with Hagrid trying to reason with him. "Just let him go set him free." Harry urges. "I can't, he's too little. He'd die." Hagrid tells him. They look at the dragon and realises that it's grown three times in size. "I've decided to call him Norbert. He really knows me now. Norbert! Where's Mummy?" Hagrd asks the dragon. Draco looks at Harry before turning to Hagrid. "Hagrid. Give it a fortnight and Norbert will be as long as your house. Nott could go to Dumbledore at any moment." he tells him. "I know I can't keep him, but I can't just dump him." Hagrid says biting his lip. Draco looks at Ron "Charlie!" he exclaims. "What?" Ron asks. "He's studying dragons. We could send Norbert to him. He can look after him before realising him into the wild." Draco explains. "Brilliant! How about it Hagrid?" Ron asks him. Hagrid hesitates but agrees to let them send Charlie an owl.

The week following drags by slowly as they wait for a reply from Charlie. Wednesday, just after midnight, Ron appears from under the cloak. "It bit me! I'm not going to be able to write for a week. That dragon is the most horrible animal I've ever met. The way Hagrid goes on about it you'd think it was a fluffy rabbit. When it bit me he told me off for frightening it. And when I left he was singing it a lullaby." Ron rants showing the other three his bandage wrapped hand. A sudden tapping on the window makes them turn to see Hedwig. Harry takes the letter and the four of them put their heads together to read it.

Dear Ron,
How are you? Thanks for the letter - I'd be glad to take the Norwegian Ridgeback, but it won't be easy getting him here. I think the best will be to send him over with some friends of mine who are coming to visit me next week. The trouble is they mustn't be seen carrying an illegal dragon.
Could you get the Ridgeback up the tallest tower at midnight on Saturday? They can meet you there and take him away while it's dark.
Send me an answer as soon as possible.

The four of the look at each other. "We've got the cloak. It shouldn't be too difficult. I think that it's big enough to cover two of us and Norbert." Harry tells them. Draco nods "I'll do it with you." he tells Harry.

By the next morning Ron's bitten hand had doubled in size and the bite had gone a nasty shade of green. By the time the afternoon came he had no choice but to go and see Madam Pomfrey. Harry, Draco and Hermione all rush to the hospital wing when classes end for the day. "It's not just my hand, although it feels like it's going to fall off. Nott told Pomfrey he wanted to borrow one of my books. He kept threatening to tell her that it wasn't really a dog that bit me. I shouldn't have punched him at the match, that's why he's doing this." Ron rambles. "Ron, calm down. This will all be over at midnight on Saturday." Hermione soothes. However this made Ron panic more "Oh no. The book Nott borrowed has Charlie's letter in! He's going to know how we're getting Rod of Norbert." he realises. The other three don't have a chance to respond as Madame Pomfrey comes over and tells them that Ron needs to rest.

The three friends head back to the common room and sit down. "It's too late to change our plans. We haven't got time to send Charlie another owl. We'll have to risk it, we've got the cloak, Nott doesn't know that." Harry explains. Draco nods "This is the only way we can get rid of Norbert." he agrees. Hermione bites her lip and nods in agreement as well. Draco and Harry head down to Hagrid's hut and knock on the door. When he opens the door Hagrid stands next to a large crate which contains Norbert." he has lots of rats and brandy for the journey. I've also packed his favourite Teddy bear for him, incase he gets lonely on the journey. Inside the crate they hear a ripping sounding making Draco and Harry look at each other. "Bye-bye Norbert. Mummy will never forget you." Hagrid cries as Draco and Harry cover themselves and the cloak.

They slowly make there way to the tallest tower. "Nearly there." Harry pants as they reach the corridor beneath the tower. All of a sudden they hear a noise up ahead making them almost drop the crate. They move to the side of the corridor as Professor McGonagall walks past dragging Nott by his ear. "Detention! And twenty points from Slytherin. Wandering around in the middle of the night, how dare you-" she shouts. "You don't understand, Professor, Harry Potter is coming. He's got a dragon!" Nott tells her. "What utter rubbish! Don't tell such lies! I shall see Professor Snape about you!" McGonagall tells him. The two boys walk up to the top of the tower and throw off the cloak. They both start chuckling about Nott as they wait for Charlie's friends. After about ten minutes the see four people on broomsticks come into view. They help attach Norbert to the brooms and watch them fly off with the crate. Smiling they walk down the stairs, their smiles drop when they find Flich at the bottom waiting for them. They realise they left the cloak att thw top of the tower. "Well, well, well. We are in trouble." Filch smiles.

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