First Night At Hogwarts And Breakfast

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Harry sat on his bed and Draco sat on the one opposite. "The people I live with are my Aunt Petunia, Uncle Vernon and my cousin Dudley" he started to explain. "They hate magic and won't even let the word be said in the house, but they hate me more. I didn't even know Magic existed til a couple of days ago. When I asked what happened to the parents they told me they died in a car crash. They make me do nearly all the housework, get the leftovers and have never got me anything for Christmas, Easter or my Birthday. The clothes I own are cast offs from my cousin and are way too big. My room even used to be Dudley's spare bed room." He looked up at Draco who had tears in this eyes.

"So where did you sleep before?" Draco asked hoping it wasn't too bad. "The cupboard under the stairs." Harry mumbled. When Draco heard this he was angry, really angry. "They made you sleep in a cupboard. How dare they? You don't deserve any of that. Hell I wouldn't wish that on anyone. Well maybe some, but still." Draco ranted making Harry giggle and the 'maybe some' part of his rant. When Draco sat down he kept mumbling insults about the Dursley's. 'Stupid Muggles' 'A cupboard seriously?' 'No braincells between them' were a few Harry caught before Draco stopped mumbling and looked up at Harry. "You know anytime you want you can stay round mine. Mother wouldn't mind and Father's barely there anyway." he told Harry, making the green eyed boy smile at him. "Thank you Draco" he responded shyly.

The boys sat there and chatted for a bit before Harry asked why Draco's Father would be disappointed in him for being a Gryffindor. "Father is.... a hard man to live with. He has high expectations and only likes 'pure bloods'." Harry looked at him in confusion at the phrase. "Someone who is descending from only wizards and witches, no muggle blood at all. Anyway he thinks that Slytherin is the best house as it only allows pure bloods. Nearly my whole family we're in Slytherin, even my mother but she doesn't act like the 'cliche' Slytherin." Draco explained. Harry nodded at this and reached over and grabbed Draco's hand on comfort. Ron came into the dormitory seeing them both sat there. "Cheer up mates. We have finally found one of the most important things in this castle." the two looked at him puzzled. "The beds!" Ron cheered as he jumped onto his bed. Harry and Draco laughed at their friend before they all decide that it was time to get ready for bed. Quickly changing into their pajamas they climbed into their four poster beds. Harry rolled so he could see Draco, smiling Harry slowly drifted off to sleep, with the other close behind.

Draco was the first to wake. He looked round the dormitory looking at the boys in the room who had come in later than the three friends. Seamus was a brown haired boy with a few freckles across his face, Dean was a dark boy with slightly curly hair and finally Neville with dark brown hair. Draco recognised the name Neville Longbottom but shook it off. Looking at the time he decided to write his Mother a letter.

Hogwarts is amazing. I am so happy to have found Harry, he is shy at first but once you get talking he opens up. He got into Gryffindor. I found out that he lives with his muggle Aunt, Uncle and cousin. They treat him badly, he does most the housework, gets the leftover food, gets given his cousin's old clothes, has never been given presents and until last week he slept in a cupboard under the stairs. They told him that his parents died in a car crash, he didn't even know about magic til a few days go.
Ron is, well he's Ron. He got into Gryffindor, as we guessed. He got excited over the food and the beds so I guess he's loving it here. Fred and George said they'll help us get around til we get use to where everything is, as did Percy.
As for me. Well Father will be disappointed. I got into Gryffindor, I love it here but I'm worried what Father will say. At least I'm in the same house as my brothers/best friends and my soul mate.
How are you and Father? Is he going away at Christmas? Could Harry stay at both Christmas and Easter please?
Love you,
Your Son Draco x

He placed it in his bag to take to Fabian, who was in the owlery, at either break or lunch. "Draco?" he heard a sleepy voice ask. Smiling he turned around to see both Harry and surprisingly Ron awake. "Good Morning you two." he greeted them. "Ron what are you doing up so early? Are you feeling alright?" he joked. "I told him if he didn't get up he'd miss breakfast." Harry told him laughing, Draco joining in. The three got dressed before heading down to the Great Hall.

Once arriving they sat next to the Fred and George. "Morning young children." they said in unison. "Morning identical weirdos." Draco responded with a cheeky smile. Laughing the twins carried on eating their breakfast. The trio dished up some food and began eating aswell with smiles on their faces. Professor McGonagall walked round distributing every one's timetables, looking at theirs they saw they had potions first. "We got potions first with Professor Snape." Ron told the twins. "Good Luck with that. He hate Gryffindors, actually Draco will be fine." Fred responded. "Which one is Professor Snape?" Harry asked "and why will Draco be fine?" "He's the one at the end of the table, black hair. I should be fine as he's my godfather." Draco explained to him. Harry nodded and looked at the table, seeing a man with a slightly pointed nose and black greasy hair talking to Professor Quirrel. He suddenly felt a weird sensation run through him making him look away. "We better go get our books ready for class." he said to the other two first years. They nodded and headed to Gryffindor Tower with the twins.

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