Starting the Potion

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Harry wakes up on Sunday morning, finding his arm rebounded but stiff. Lily smiles and walks over to him "How's your arm feeling Sweetie?" she asks. "Stiff." Harry responds. "That's expected." Lily smiles, stretching and bending Harry's arm and fingers "I'll get you some breakfast and then, once you've finished eating, you can leave. I'm sure Draco, Ron and Hermione are looking forward to seeing you." she continues. harry smiles and nods "I heard my name." Draco smiles, walking over. Harry smiles and hugs Draco "I'll go get your breakfast." Lily smiles, leaving the two twelve year olds. "How you feeling?" Draco asks. "Good, my arm is a bit stiff but mum said it's normal." Harry smiles. "Good, we over heard Sprout telling Kettleburn that McGonagall has put Lockhart on disciplinary measures. He's not allowed to perform spells around students unless he's demonstrating something in class, if something happens then it's going to go further and the board will be involved." Draco tells him. Harry nods and smiles as Draco tries to fix his bed head for him "It's a lost cause Draco, James' is just the same. You'd think with Fleamont being the creator of Sleekeazy's that the Potter hair would be better, apparently not." Lily jokes, walking over with a bowl of porridge for Harry.

"Wait, Grandpa invented Sleekeazy's?" Harry asks, looking at his mother in shock. "Yeah, when we move into Potter Manor you'll meant him and your Grandma. They have a portrait there." James smiles, walking in. "I was just telling Draco that Harry's hair is a lost cause, just like yours." Lily smiles. "I'm hurt Lilyflower!" James playfully pouts. "You'll get over it." Lily tells him with a smile. James wraps his arms round her and tickles her slightly "James!" Lily laughs. Harry smiles and starts eating his breakfast "How's our favourite Seeker?" James asks, ruffling Harry's hair. "All his bones have grown back, his arm with be a bit stiff but that's to be expected." Lily tells her husband. "Good, need to make sure he's ready to beat Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw next." James smiles, Harry grinning. "Definitely." he tells his father.

As soon as he's eaten and got dressed, Harry leaves the hospital Wing with Draco "Where are Hermione and Ron?" Harry asks. "Working on the potion, we overheard McGonagall tell Flitwick about Colin this morning." Draco explains. Nodding, Harry follows Draco to the girls bathroom "It's us." Draco says as they walk in. Hermione opens the cubicle and lets them in "Sorry we didn't come to see ups with Draco, we thought it'd be best to get started as soon as possible." she tells Harry. "It's alright, Draco explained." Harry smiles reassuringly. "The sooner we get a confession out of Nott, the better. D'you know what I think? He was in such a foul temper after the Quidditch match, he took it out on Colin." Ron tells them.c"There's something else. Dobby came to visit me in the middle of the night." Harry explains. "As in my family's house elf?" Draco asks in shock.

Harry nods and explains everything to them "The Chamber of Secrets has been opened before?" Hermione asks. "This settles it, Francis Nott must've opened the Chamber when he was at school here and now he's told dear old Draco how to do it. It's obvious. Wish Dobby'd told you what kind of monster's in there, though. I want to know how come nobody's noticed it sneaking around the school." Ron frowns. "Maybe it can make itself invisible. Or maybe it can disguise itself, pretend to be a suit of armor or something, I've read about Chameleon Ghouls-" Hermione starts. "You read too much, Hermione." Ron teases, pouring dead lacewings on top of the leeches. "So Dobby stopped us from getting on the train and broke your arm. You know what, Harry? If he doesn't stop trying to save your life he's going to kill you." Draco sighs, shaking his head. "We'll work out what's going on." Harry reassures him, squeezing his hand.

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