The Quidditch Match

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The next day started very cold. Everyone was in the very noisy excited Great Hall with Cissa. "You've got to eat." Draco tells a very nervous Harry. "I don't want anything." he respond. "Just a peice of toast." Hermione tried. "I'm not hungry." Draco looked at his mother. "Harry dear atleast eat something small." Cissa told him. He looked at her and nodded before eating an apple. Soon Eleven o'clock came and everyone headed to the stadium. In the stands the Gryffindor first years made a banner out of an old bed sheet that read 'Potter for President' with a large Gryffindor Lion, drawn by Dean, underneath. Hermione then made it flash different colours with a tricky charm she learnt.

Meanwhile in the changing rooms Harry and the rest of the team had changed into their scarlet robes. Wood cleared his throat. "Okay, men," "and women" Angelina butted in. "And Women. This is it." "The big one." said Fred. "The one we've all been waiting for." Gworge finished. "We know the speech off by heart we were on the team last year." they told Harry. "Shut Up you two. This is the best team Gryffindor has had in years. We're going to win. Right it's time. Good luck everyone." Harry followed Fred and George onto the pitch. They were all greeted by loud cheers. Madam Hooch was refereeing the match. She stood in the centre of the pitch with her broom next to her. "Now I want a nice fair game, all of you." she said particularly looking at Slytherin's captain Marcus Flint. Out of the corner of Harry's eye he saw the banner flashing. He smiled suddenly feeling braver. "Mount your brooms." Hooch told them. She then blew her whistle.

They were off. "And the quaffle is immediately taken by Angelina Johnson of Gryffindor, an excellent player. Nice pace to Alicia Spinnet." Lee Jordan the twins best friend was doing the commentary closely watched by McGonagall. "Slytherin take the quaffle, Captain Marcus Flint goes to score. Oh he's stopped by the Gryffindor keeper and captain Oliver Wood. Wood passes the quaffle to chaser Katie Bell. She dives rounch Flint and- Ouch hit in the back of the head by a bludger. Slytherin is possession by Adrian Pucey but is blocked by a bludger sent by one of the twins. Johnson back in possession of the quaffle. Heads to the goal posts. She scores. POINT TO GRYFFINDOR!"

In the stands Hagrid had just joined Ron, Draco, Hermione, Percy and Cissa. "Been watching from my hut. No sign of the snitch yet?" he asks. "Not yet but he's keeping out of trouble." Cissa tells him with a smile. High above them Harry was doing the game plan he and Wood had come up with. Stay out the way til you spot the snitch. He quickly dodged a bludger which Fred quickly hit toward Flint. Harry saw a streak of gold and quickly head down to the snitch, Terence Higgs the Slytherin seeker doing the same. They were both head and head til Harry got forward a little. Suddenly Flint smacked into Harry pushing him of course. All the Gryffindor started shouting foul. Hooch declared that it was and gave Gryffindor a chance to score which they did. "So after that obvious and disgusting bit of cheating-" "Jordan!" McGonagall cuts him off." "I mean after that open and revolting foul-" "Jordan I'm warning you." "All right. Flint nearly kills the Gryffindor seeker, which could happen to anyone."

Harry's broom suddenly started to lurch causing him to have to grip the broom tightly with his hands and his knees. He tried to move to ask Wood to call time out but revised he couldn't move his broom at all. Noone had noticed Harry's broom lurching higher and out of control til Draco spotted it. "Mother something is wrong with Harry look." he told Cissa pointing. "Did something happen when flint knocked him?" Ron asked. "Nothing could be doing that other than dark magic. Brooms have protection spells." Cissa told them. At this Hermione took her binoculars and looked through the crowd. "Wait here" she said "I know something that could work." before she ran off she leant to Ron and whispered "It's Snape". At this point the twins had tried to get Harry but caused the broom to rise higher. After that they circled below incase he fell. Hermione had got to where the teachers were and snuck under the benches setting Snape's robe alight causing him to loose focus and stand knocking over Professor Quirrel in doing so.

In the air Harry's broom stopped bucking and he started searching for the snitch again. He then spotted it he started speeding to the ground before he fell forwards and fell to the ground. He stood up and coughed. The snitch fell out and he caught it waving it in the air. Gryffindor erupted into cheers. "He didn't catch it. He nearly swallowed it." complained Flint to Hooch.
Harry was greatest by his friends after the game. Draco gave his a quick kiss and then hugged him as tight as possible. "If you do that again I swear." he told Harry pulling away. "Well done dear. You Father would be impressed by your flying skills and proud of you for winning the match by almost swallowing the snitch." Cissa told Harry with a hug. Harry smiled and hugged her back. Soon after everyone said goodbye to Cissa before she left, needing to get home before Lucius got back.

After she left Harry, Draco, Ron and Hermione headed to Hagrid's hut for a cup of tea. Hermione explained to Hagrid, Harry and Draco that it was Snape who'd jinxed the broom. "Rubbish why would Snape try and hurt Harry?" Harry decided to tell him the truth. "Because I know that he tried to get past the giant three headed dog on Halloween." he told Hagrid. "How do you know about Fluffy?" he said "Fluffy?" "Yeah he's mine I lent him to Dumbledore to guard the-" "Yes?" "Don't ask me anymore about it. Snape isn't trying to steal it." "But he tried to kill Harry!" Hermione exclaimed. "I know a jinx when I see one. I've read about them you have to maintain eye contact. Snape wasn't blinking." "Your wrong. I don't know why Harry's broom did that but it wasn't him. Forget about what Fluffy is grading it's between Dumbledore and Nicholas Flamel." Hagrid retorted. "Aha so Nicholas Flamel is involved is he?" Draco said smugly. Hagrid looked annoyed with himself.

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