Meeting Your Soul Mate

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"Harry get up time to get ready to go." Hagrid told Harry shaking him awake. Harry got up and got dressed heading downstairs with Hedwig, the owl Hagrid had got named after someone Harry read about in a book, and his case containing all of his stuff. Getting downstairs he quickly ate some breakfast and Hagrid took him to King's Cross Station and gave him his ticket before disappearing. Harry looked down at the ticket and looked to see it said Platform 9 3/4 at 11 o'clock puzzled Harry headed to platforms 9 and 10 wondering where 9 3/4 was.

Draco woke up with his Mother leaning over him "Draco wake up dear. You need to get food and grab your bags ready to head to King's Cross." he nodded and got dressed quickly before taking his bags down stairs. He dropped his stuff off by the door with the other boys stuff, before heading to the dining hall to grab some breakfast. All the boys quickly ate before heading to the car and got in heading towards the train station.

"Come on boys it's nearly 11 and we still need to get to Platform 9 3/4." Harry heard a blonde woman tell a blonde boy and 3 ginger boys. He moved closer to them "Excuse me um... Could you please tell me how to get onto the platform?" He asked her politely. "Of course dear." she told him smiling. Looking towards the four boys he felt his soul mark burn gently. "Fred, George you go first." the woman told the twins. The two boys ran at the brick wall between platforms 9 and 10 and disappeared. "Ron you next dear." she told the other ginger boy. He nodded at her before doing the same as the twins. Harry looked at the blonde boy and felt his arm burning again.

Draco felt his arm burn slightly as he looked at the black haired boy. "You ready dear. You can go next if you want to." his mother told the boy. He nodded and ran at the wall. Draco tugged on his mother's arm gently. "He's my mate. My arm burns each time I look at him." he told her. She smiled at Draco "Follow him and introduce yourself then." He smiled and quickly ran through the barrier his mother following. On the other side of the barrier he saw the twins, Ron and his Soul Mate. He walked up to him "Draco Malfoy. This is Ron Weasley and his older brothers Fred and George. This is my Mother Narcissa" he told him putting out his hand. "Harry Potter" the boy told him shaking his had.

They both felt their soul marks as their hands touched. "Boys time to get on the train. It was loving meeting you Harry dear. Maybe you can come to ours for Christmas?" Narcissa told the 5 boys in front of her smiling softly. "I'd like that thank you, Mrs Malfoy." Harry responded. "Call me Narcissa Dear. Off you go Draco will help you find a seat." she told him. Draco nodded and held his hand out to Harry, Harry smiled taking it. They both got on the train followed by Ron and the twins. Once on the train they went to find a compartment, Fred and George running off to find their friends. Once the 3 boys found a compartment they sat down and waved at Narcissa as the train pulled out the station. They all sat down Draco and Harry next to each other with Ron sat opposite. "Hi I'm Ron" holding his hand out. "Harry" he responded taking his hand and shaking it. Draco smiled at Harry and squeezed his hand gently Harry squeezed back smiling.

"So Draco found your soul mate I see." Ron stated grinning at his best friend. Draco blushed and looked down slightly, Harry looked at Draco smiling at the blush covering his cheeks. They all chatted between the three of them getting to know each other. "Anything from the trolley dears" a lady asked from the door. "We'll have six of everything." Draco told her handing her the money. She looked surprised by the request but took the money and gave them the food. Draco handed Harry two of everything. Harry looked surprised but took it from him "Thank you Draco." Harry told him shyly. Draco smiled as they all dug into their treats, watching Harry's reaction to a the different foods. "These aren't real frogs are they?" Harry asked the two boys in front of him. "No. Don't worry they have a spell on them to bring them to life." Draco explained to Harry with a grin.

"So do either of you know any spells yet?" Harry asked them interested. Draco shook his head "I don't but I've read about the theory a lot." he explained to his Soul Mate with a soft smile. "Fred and George told me spell to turn Scabbers yellow." Ron explained motioning to his rat who was on his lap. Draco rolled his eyes "It's probably a joke." he whispered to Harry.
"Have any of you seen a toad?" a curly haired girl asked the three boys walking in. "A boy called Neville's lost one. Oh are you going to do some magic? Go on then." she told Ron who cleared his throat. "Sunshine Daisies, butter mellow, turn this stupid fat rat yellow" he spoke waving his wand at Scabbers, his face dropped as nothing happened. "That wasn't very good was it. Watch this" the girl said as she sat next to Ron. "Occulus Reparo" she stated as she pointed her wand at Harry's glasses, fixing the the frame.
Everyone's eyes widen at the fact it worked.

"Holy Crickets! You're Harry Potter, I'm Hermione Granger, and you are?" Looking at Ron with a disgusted face as he stuffed his face with sweets. "Ron Weasley" he said with his mouth full. "Pleasure" she responded looking at Draco. "Draco Malfoy" he introduced himself shaking her hand. "You better get dressed. We'll be there soon." she told the boys before walking out. The boys all looked at each other and quickly got dressed into their robes.
"Which house do you think your going to be in?" asked Ron as the train came to a stop and they got out. "You'll be Gryffindor, just like the rest of you brothers." Draco told him. "I don't know what house I'll be in. I don't want to be Slytherin but you know what my Father's like." Harry grabbed his hand out of instinct and gently squeezed it. Draco smiled at him and the three of them walked to Hagrid to get in the boats.

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