Back to the Dursley's

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Harry sighs as he puts his change of clothes and his pyjamas into a bag ready to go to the Dursley's for the night "That all you're taking?" Draco asks. "Yeah, don't want Dudley taking anything." Harry responds zipping the bag up. "It's only a night and we can owl if you want." Draco says wrapping his arms round Harry and hugging him gently. Harry nods and turns so he can hide his face in Draco's neck. As they hug Cissa knocks on the door and pokes her head in "Breakfast is ready when you are." she tells them. Pulling away they both nod before heading down with her to the dining room where Sirius, Remus, the Weasley's and Hermione are already sat. Harry sits next to Sirius, Draco sitting the other side of him "I have something to give you after breakfast." Sirius tells him making him nod. "Oh, I just remembered I needed to get something!" Hermione says before running out the room. Draco, Harry and Ron smile and shake their heads "You three don't seem surprised that she just got up and ran off." Remus comments. "She does it all the time. She's either gone to her her room or-" Ron starts. "-The library." Draco and Harry finish the same time as him. Hermione walks back in with a book making the three boys look at each other "Library." they nod making her glare in response. "Actually it's going to help with our homework." she tells them. "And you needed it now because?" Ron asks confused. "I'm going to read it first." she responds with a shrug.

After breakfast Harry and Draco side along apparatus with Sirius, Remus and Narcissa to the Dursley's "This the house?" Sirius asks. Harry nods in response "Remember it's just for a night." Narcissa tells him assuringly. Draco holds Harry's hand while Remus rings the door bell, Harry's Aunt Petunia opens the door "Good Morning. You must be Petunia Dursley." Narcissa greets. "Yes, come on in." Petunia tells them. The five of them follow her inside "Harry, you've got Dudley's second bedroom for the night." Petunia tells him. Sirius opens his mouth to say something but is stopped by a look from Remus, Harry nods and puts his bag by the stairs ready to take up "Before we leave we have a few things we'd like to discuss." Remus tells her. Petunia nods and leads them into the living room where Dudley and Uncle Vernon sit watching television "Vernon, the boy's arrived and some people want to talk to us." she tells her husband. Vernon sighs and turns the television off "Dad!" Dudley whines. "Now now Popkin, your dad and I need to talk to some people." Petunia soothes. Draco and Harry look at each other before looking away as they try not to laugh "What do you lot want to talk about?" Vernon asks. Sirius glares "We want to talk about how you treat my Godson while he's here." he responds. "So you're his Godfather then?" Vernon remarks, raising his eyebrows. Harry feels the tension rise as Sirius clenches his jaw, Remus grabbing his had "Yes, Sirius is Harry's Godfather. He was James' best friend, basically his brother. As was Remus here." Narcissa tells Vernon.

"Well get on with what you wanted to say." Vernon tells them. "If we hear that you have mistreated Harry in any way, we will be back to be having more than a few words with you." Sirius threatens. "Was that a threat?" Vernon asks outraged. "Yes it was. I'm glad you understood." Remus snarks. Draco squeezes Harry's hand gently as Vernon goes a shade of purple "You alright? Draco asks Harry. "Not really. I don't want to stay here." Harry responds shakily. Narcissa over hears this and apparatus away before coming back minutes later with Dumbledore "I am not leaving this child in the care of these people!" she tells the old professor. "I'm afraid my dear he has to." Dumbledore responds. "Well how about we discuss this in your office because no way am I leaving my nephew here." Sirius glares. "Sirius you have to understand they are Lily's only living relatives. Harry needs to stay here." Dumbledore tells him. "Don't you dare drag Evans into this! She would be outraged if she knew that you have been letting Harry live here." Sirius growls. "In their will Lily and James clearly stated that they wanted Sirius and I to take Harry in if something happened to them." Remus adds. "Let us go discuss this in my office." Dumbledore decides.

They arrive in Dumbledore's office where they find McGonagall their "Albus whats going on? I got a patronus from Narcissa to come here." she asks. Narcissa smiles "Thank you for coming Professor, I was wondering if we could have your support in fighting Dumbledore over what he thinks is best for Harry. He wants him to go back to the Dursley's a night each summer, however when we arrived we discovered how they are. Harry has told us what they were like to live with and we believe it would be child endangerment if we let him go back there." Narcissa explains. Draco squeezes Harry's hand and looks at him "We're sorting this out." he promises. "Albus, I'm with Narcissa, Remus and Sirius in this. I told you from the beginning that Harry should have been put in the care of Remus til Sirius was proven innocent." McGonagall speaks up. "Minerva, it is in Harry's best interest that he goes to the Dursley's atleast one night a summer." Albus tells her. "No it's not, my Nephew is not going back there. We will take you to the Ministry if we have to." Sirius warns Dumbledore.

Just then a cupboard in the corner starts shaking "What's in there?" Remus asks. "Nothing of importance." Dumbledore responds. "Hmm." Sirius glares looking at the cupboard. "Sirius?" Narcissa asks. "I recognise the cupboard. My father, if you can call him that, had the exact same in his study." Sirius explains. "Sirius." Dumbledore warns. "Who's in it?" Sirius asks. "What?" Remus questions. "It's a carceris armarium (prison cupboard in Latin), a dark object that wizards and witches would use to lock up their enemies. Dumbledore has someone locked in here." Sirius explains pointing at it. "Sirius, I'm warning you." Dumbledore glares. Remus, Narcissa and McGonagall look at Dumbledore in surprise "Harry, Draco, come stand behind us." Narcissa tells the boys. Nodding the two of them go over and stand behind the four adults "Do you know how to open it?" McGonagall asks Sirius. "Please, my father is to show us how to use it for when we'd take over the Nobel House of Black." Sirius responds. Going over to the cupboard Sirius mutters a few incantations while tapping a certain place with his wand, making the doors open.

(A/N: Who do you think is in the cupboard? One clue, there's three people in it.)

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