Potions And Hagrid's

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The boys rushed to the Dungeons where the potions classroom was. Once arriving they found out that they had this lesson with the Slytherins. They spotted Nott talking to two other boys before he noticed them. He smirked and walked over to the trio. "Crabbe, Goyle look at who we have here. A Slytherin in Gryfdindor robes, a blood traitor and our local celebrity." he laughed. Draco grabbed the back of Ron's robes before he did something stupid. "Go away Nott. You're lowering the IQ of me and my friends by talking to us" Draco told him with his signature smirk. Nott growled before walking back over towards the other Slytherins with his goons behind him.
As soon as he left Harry and Ron started laughing. "That was great Draco." Ron spluttered between laughs. Harry nodded along unable to say anything. Draco smiled shaking his head at the pair of them. They soon calmed down and it was time to go in.

Harry sat next to Draco at the front with Ron on the table next to them next to Hermione, who Draco and Harry had discovered was his Soulmate but was too embarrassed to say anything to her. Snape walked into the class room with is black cloak flowing behind him making it look like he was a giant bat. As he started talking Harry copied down what he was saying. "Potter what do I get if I add powdered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood?" "I don't know sir" he responded look at his friends who looked just as confused, except Hermione who had her hand up. "Where would you find a bezoar?" he saw Nott, Crabbe and Goyle shaking with laughter. "I don't know sir." he responded once again, Hermione still had her hand up. "What is the difference between Monkshood and Wolfsbane?" Snape asked him sneering. "I don't know sir but Hermione has her hand up so why don't you ask her?" Harry responded quietly.

"For your information, Asphodel and Wormwood make a sleeping potion called Draught of Living Death. A bezoar is a stone from the stomach of a goat and will save you from most poisons. As for Monkshood and Wolfsbane they are the same also known as aconite. Why is noone writing this down. Also Potter a point will be taken from Gryffindor for your cheek." Snape tells him. The lesson didn't improve much for them as Neville got hurt and was sent to the hospital wing. "Potter why did you not tell him he had it wrong? Another point from Gryffindor." Harry went to retort but Draco stopped him. "Don't push it he's always like this to Gryffindor." Harry sighed and nodded.

Soon the lesson was over and the three of the climbed the steps out of the Dungeons. "Cheer up, Snape's always taking points from Fred and George." Ron told Harry. Harry nodded "You guys want to come see Hagrid?" the blonde and ginger nodded in response. They head down to Hagrid's hut and knocked on the door. There was barking and scratching behind the door. "Fang down." they heard Hagrid. The door opened and Hagrid let them in. Fang, who turned out to be a big black boarhound, sniffed them as they sat down before plonking his head on Harry's leg. Harry smiled and started stroking his head not noticing Draco smiling at him. "This is Ron and Draco." Harry introduced his friends."Another Weasley, spent half my time chasing Fred and George away from the forest." Hagrid told Ron.

They all laughed at that. "Sounds about right." Draco laughed. "Hagrid? Do you know why Professor Snape hates me?" Harry asked tentivley. "Why would he hate you?" Hagrid asked not looking at Harry. "How's Charlie doing?" Hagrid asked Ron changing the subject. Looking at the paper Harry saw that there was a Gringotts robbery the same day he was there. When he asked Hagrid he didn't meet Harry's eye. Harry looked at Draco who shrugged and held his hand comfortingly. The three headed back up to the castle chatting about the day and what they think tomorrow will hold.

Author's note: sorry I haven't updated recently I have been busy catching up with coursework. Hopefully I will be able to update more regularly now. Any feedback is welcome as long as it's not horrible.

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