Detention with Lockhart and the Disembodied Voice

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(Short Chapter)

Saturday evening Harry leaves the common room and heads to Lockhart's office, knocking on the door and making it swing open at once "Ah, here's the scalawag! Come in, Harry, come in!" Lockhart grins, ushering Harry in. Harry looks round to see the walls covered in framed photographs of Lockhart, some of them signed "You can address the envelopes! This first one's to Gladys Gudgeon, bless her, huge fan of mine." Lockhart grins. Harry tries to block Lockhart's voice out with the occasional "Mmm", "Right" and "Yeah." Coming from him. Catching the occasional phrase such as "Fame's a fickle friend, Harry," or "Celebrity is as celebrity does, remember that." coming from Lockhart. As the candles burn lower Harry drags his hand over another envelope, writing out Veronica Smethley's address and wishing it was time to go. Suddenly jumping as he hears a disembodied voice "Come... come to me... Let me rip you... Let me tear you... Let me kill you..." it says in a bone chilling tone. "What?" he asks loudly. "I know! Six solid months at the top of the best- seller list! Broke all records!" Lockhart grins. No! That voice!" Harry says. "Sorry? What voice?" Lockhart asks in confusion. "That...that voice that said...didn't you hear it?" Harry asks. "What are you talking about, Harry? Perhaps you're getting a little drowsy? Great Scott, look at the time! We've been here nearly four hours! I'd never have believed it, the time's flown, hasn't it?" Lockhart smiles, looking at his clock. Harry doesn't respond, trying to listen out for the voice again as he leaves.

Harry walks into the Gryffindor common room and straight up to the dormitory, finding Draco waiting up and eating "You alright?" Draco asks. Harry groans and collapses onto his bed "It was awful, he had me writing addresses for nearly four hours." he responds. Draco closes his book and moves onto Harry's bed, beginning to play with his hair "Could be worse." he tells him. "How?" Harry asks. "He could have made you take pictures with him." Draco responds. "Ugh, don't." Harry whines, smiling at the sensation of Draco playing with his hair. After half hour Ron walks in, carrying the smell of polish into the room "My muscles have all seized up. Fourteen times he made me buff up that Quidditch cup before he was satisfied. And then I had another slug attack all over a Special Award for Services to the School. Took ages to get the slime off... How was it with Lockhart?" Ron asks. Harry explains about the letter before telling both his and Draco about the voice "And Lockhart said he couldn't hear it? D'you think he was lying? But I don't get it, even someone invisible would've had to open the door." Ron frowns. "I know, I don't get it either." Harry sighs. "We'll work it out Hare, for now get some sleep." Draco tells him.

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