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Ginny's eyes widened as she turned her head to me. As i glanced back towards Angelina it was as if she was trying to stand as tall as she could, or at least taller than me. I kept glancing back from her to the dresses as if I was trying to ask the dresses what to say. Before I could think of something to do I heard Angelina's voice glide through the air "Hello (y/n)!" that was one thing about Angelina, it was hard to dislike her. Angelina just exuded perfection, her voice sounded as if it chimed like a church bell and her skin always seemed to glow. It was no wonder why Fred had taken an interest in her. "Hi Angelina! How are you?" I asked as i began to approach her with Ginny and Hermione quickly tagging behind.

      "Oh I am just ecstatic! I couldn't believe that Fred had actually asked me to accompany him to the ball!" She beamed.

     "That's amazing! I'm so happy for you." That wasn't entirely a lie. She seemed very happy and she deserved to have a guy like Fred. Although I still could not hide the slight sting the words had left.

      "Are you here to look for dress?" Hermione questioned peaking out from behind me.

      "We'll kind of, i'm just browsing at the moment." She stated as she let her eyes gaze upon the sparkly glow the dresses admitted. An awkward silence had fallen upon our once cheerful conversation. "We could help you look if you like." I offered. In some weird way I thought it might help me calm my inner turmoil if I helped the girl that may potentially be dating the guy I have been in love with for 6 years. I know it doesn't make sense but even though Angelina and I were dorm mates we had never really gotten to know each other, she had always had her own group of people. I was hoping that if I got to know her better that her victory would help my loss flake away. "Yeah that would be great." She responded already blazing her way through the racks of gowns.

      There were gowns of every style, there were varieties of lengths and the options between glimmer, shimmer, and shine. Lots of the dresses felt very soft to the touch, of course they probably weren't as comfortable on the body but they were definitely well made. I caught Hermione looking intently at one dress in particular, it was a pink dress that was layered, as the layers went by each shade of pink had grown to a cooler darker tone of the previous color. "Heyyy, what treasure have you found?" I asked while sneaking up on her left.

     "This dress is absolutely gorgeous." Hermione gawked as she held the dress up from its hanger.

     "You should try it on!" Ginny chimed as she popped up from behind the rack Angelina was near. Angelina didn't make any audible noise but you could see her eyes widen as Ginny emerged from the gowns. "Alright, I'll go try it on." Hermione said while a smile erupted from her lips. She dashed towards the the changing rooms in the back. The changing rooms weren't anything special just 3 separate cubbies that had green velvet curtains instead of doors. With Hermione back in the changing room I continued to skim the stock of dresses. I rested the tip of my index finger on the rack and ran it across, listening to the ribbed sound of my finger clashing the wire hangers. My finger had landed on one dress in particular, it was a beautiful floor length purple satin dress with a more form fitted bodice. "Hey, Angelina! What about this one!" I called out, I looked over to her and watched her scurry over to me. She retrieved the hanger from my hand, "Oooo this one is pretty, i'll go try it on." She beamed making her way to the vacant fitting room next to Hermione's.

     Once the curtain to Angelina's change room had closed I huffed letting my shoulders fall, I was trying my best to have a nice time with Angelina but it still felt exhausting. "(y/n)! Ginny! Come over here!" Hermione called. She had made her way out of the dressing room to the oak-lined mirror that centered the back wall. You could see on her face how happy she was to wear the dress with the gigantic grin she had spread across her face. "Dang, Hermione! You look fantastic!" Ginny exclaimed  while crossing her arms.

     "You look stunning!" I cheered as I ran over to her corner of the room. The grazed the floor making the dress the perfect length, it was long enough to be a full length dress while also having the novelty of not tripping over the dress. Hermione twirled in front of  the mirror and watched the fabric shined. I don't think i've ever seen her this giddy. That was when i heard the other curtain open to reveal Angelina in the beautiful purple gown. The satin fabric made the dress gleam in the shop lights. It complimented Angelina perfectly, although giving her the dress almost seems like self sabotage but it would have been criminal of me to not let her see it. "(y/n)! This was an excellent find!" She beamed shifting her way towards the mirror. Her eyes brightened when she saw herself, she took her hands and dusted the bodice as if the pristine condition of it still needed to be tampered with. "Weren't you going to look for a dress, (y/n)?" Hermione asked.

     "Oh um, I'll be fine. I think my mom wanted to send me one of her old dresses from highs school." I responded, I had honestly forgotten about choosing my own dress. And the statement about my mother was a complete guess, I'm not exactly sure why I lied. All of the dresses were absolutely gorgeous but I couldn't see myself in any of them. "Are you sure you're good?" Hermione questioned.

"Yeah I'll be fine." I said making sure to add a smile afterward.


    Once we payed at the register Angelina said goodbye and went on her own way. It had already started to get slightly dark as we made our way back to the castle. It was bitterly cold with the icy roads still being as slippery as they were when we entered the shop. There were a couple of 4th years sliding on the frost paved roads and many upset shop keepers trying to handle said 4th years. There wasn't many people, or at least no one that I could recognize. That was when I felt a tug on my sleeve.

"Did you hear much about Fred and Angelina's summer fling?" Ginny asked.

     "Not really, I kind of ignored it mostly." I replied trying to think back to the summer. I do remember the mentions of a fling and getting quite upset. That was when I had started a fling of my own that summer, the only thing about it though was that no one from Hogwarts knew. And I planned to keep it that way.

       "It was honestly kinda weird," Ginny continued "She didn't come over a whole lot but when they did hangout they mostly just stayed up in the twins' room."

    "Well that makes me feel great." I joked trying to keep the tension of the matter down. Although I didn't like the idea of Fred dating other people I still did the same things myself. I mean we are teenagers and we are both single, it was bound to happen at some point.

Ummmmm hi. Soooo it's been a year. YEAH A YEAR. I'm and very sorry about how long it takes for me to update, if i'm going to be honest I still can't promise that I will ever have a regular updating schedule. I mean I did start writing this when I was like 12 and i'll be turning 16 in a couple months. ALSO THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH! 203K????? HOW????????

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