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"So he didn't tell you?" Ginny asked sitting on my bed. None of my roommates were in the dorm and I needed to talk to Ginny and Hermione about the whole Fred situation. "Yeah! He didn't tell me ANYTHING! But then he told everyone else and left me out of it!" I yelled I was pacing back and forth in front of my bed pinching the bridge of my nose. "That's weird." Hermione claimed, she was sitting next to Ginny on my bed fidgeting with her fingers.

"Yeah it's really weird! It's just like everything changed this year. Fred and I were basically inseparable from years 1-5 but as soon as we got back to school everything just got awkward!" I complained, my arms had fallen to my sides and I was now balling up my fists out in frustration.

"Do you know any reason why he'd act this way?" Ginny asked, she had a puzzled look on her face. She knew that this wasn't like Fred. "No! That's the problem." I screamed.

"What if it was because you started hanging out with Cedric a lot?" Hermione mentioned.

"Why would that be a problem?"

"Well I've lived with Fred my whole life, maybe he's jealous." Ginny acknowledged.

"W-why would he be jealous?!" I stuttered looking straight at her, my face was probably flustered and red.

"Well maybe he likes you." Ginny said wiggling her eyebrows. I tried to brush it off but I couldn't help but blush more. Both Ginny and Hermione looked at each other and giggled. "Know what it's getting late I should probably go to bed." I added, I needed to be alone right now. I was starting to think to much on it and I was bound to come up with wilder accusations than him liking me if I don't get some sleep. "Alright then, goodnight, (Y/N)." Hermione said making her way to the door.
"Yeah goodnight, (Y/N)... try not to dream about Fred to much!" Ginny giggled speed walking to the door. I rolled my eyes while I closed the door behind them. It was almost as though my crush on Fred was more of a teasing opportunity for Ginny, George, and Lee. Again I needed to clear my mind, so I got ready for bed and went to sleep.

~The next day~

      It was Saturday and Cedric had asked if if I could hangout at the Three Broomsticks and of course I said yes. He said that he wanted to catch up on some Defense Against the Dark Arts work. I quickly threw on a jacket and made my way downstairs to see the Twins and Lee sitting on the couch. "Bye, guys." I said making my way to the door.

"Hey, where are you off too?" Lee asked sitting up.

"To the Three Broomsticks." I replied turning around and fiddling with the zipper on my jacket.

"With who?"


"Big surprise..." Fred mumbled

"What?" I asked

"Oh, nothing."

"Why does it matter?"

"Oh um... we were planning on going as well." George said.

     "Oh okay, well I'm gonna go now. Bye." I heard them say bye as well as I made my way through the door. The hallways were as usual the occasional group of students walking through the halls and some people reading on the benches next to the walls.  I saw Cedric at the end of the hall with three books in his hands. His cheeks were tinged the usual rosy pink but for some reason it seemed more vibrant today. "Hey, (Y/N)!" He chimed and then put the stack of books on a bench near by and went in for the regular bear hug. "So, shall we?" He said gesturing to the door.

     "Yes we shall." I answered, he held open the door for me and I pranced outside and waited for him. "Let's go!"

"You look beautiful today."

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