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I'm sorry about not having a key for the first chapter but I did post one after I published the first part so, sorry for the confusion.
Reader's POV

It had been another hour since I had gotten on Fred's back. It was normal and quiet during the walk but every once in a while George and Charlie would quietly snicker in Fred's ear which would make Fred's face go bright red and I mean he looked like a friggin tomato! And sometimes Hermione and Ginny would start whispering and end the quiet conversation with a fit of giggles. "Okay, Fred you can put me down now." I said

"Oh, alright (Y/N/N) hop of." He said crouching down. I hoped of his back and took my luggage from him. All of a sudden the group came to a stop. We had stopped by a big beautiful tree in the middle of a tiny clearing in the woods where a middle aged man stood. The man had longish grey hair with small rectangular glasses. "Well it is about time you showed up!" The man said

"I'm sorry Amos some of us had a sleepy start!" Said Mr. Weasley while eyeing down Harry and Ron. "Kids this is Amos Diggory he works with me in the Ministry." Mr Weasley claimed.Then suddenly an attractive young man about the same age as me and the twins jumped out of the tree. It was quite shocking I probably jumped up 2 feet I was so startled. "And this strapping young lad must be Cedric!" Mr.Weasley stated while shaking Cedric's hand. I remember Cedric he and the Hufflepuff team had recently beaten the Gryffindor team at quidditch. The twins glared at Cedric as everyone went through and shook his hand, they must still be mad at him about the quidditch game. "Hello Cedric, my name is (Y/N)." I said putting my hand out to shake his but, he suddenly took my hand and flipped it over to tenderly kissed the top of my hand. The blood rushed to my cheeks when he let go of my hand and smiled. I then saw in the corner of my eye Fred giving Cedric and even bigger a angrier glare. He must really be upset over the whole quidditch thing. "Well c'mon kids we don't want to be late!" Mr. Weasley declared. We then started trudging up a hill when Ginny had pulled me away to join her and Hermione's conversation.

"(Y/N)! Isn't Cedric cute" Ginny squealed

"Umm... he is alright." I stated

"Alright? I'm not one to talk about boys but he is pretty attractive" Hermione stated

"I just have eyes for someone else..." I explained while a faint pink stained my cheeks.

"Adsfdsfklask! Who is it!" Ginny squeaked. I didn't respond which made Ginny and Hermione give me a frustrated look. I had expected this from Ginny she is a romantic at heart. One of her craziest moments was when some Ravenclaw boy smiled at me and I smiled back, she then interrogated and questioned me the rest of the day. Hermione on the other hand I didn't expect this she usually focuses on her studies she will talk about a boy once in a while but it is not very likely. "Ok everyone we're here!" Amos explained while pointing to an old dirty boot.

"What's that?" Harry questioned

"It's a portkey!" George claimed

"A what" Harry asked

"Okay kids grab a good place on the boot so we can get going." Mr. Weasley stated as I grabbed a part of the portkey next to Cedric. As I sat down next to him he smiled at me and I smiled back at him but once again in the corner of my eyes I got a glance of Fred giving Cedric a death stare. I know Fred and he doesn't usually get this mad over a quidditch game. "Harry!" Mr.Weasley said noticing Harry wasn't holding on. Harry then quickly grabbed the boot and then in a matter of seconds we went flying in the air while spinning rapidly. While we were in the air I felt free like nothing was going to stop me from being happy... on the other hand I thought I was going to puke all my guts out.


It had been at least 2 minutes til Mr. Weasley started yelling "let go!" Almost on cue everyone let go as we plummeted back down to earth, it felt as if the world got turned upside down as I got closer and closer to the ground. We were about to reach the ground when. "Ow!" Fred winced I had then noticed I had landed on top of him! My face then went red of embarrassment. Oh my gosh I just landed on top of him! Did I hurt him?! Oh my gosh what if I did! "Oh gosh Freddie are you okay?!" I gasped

"Oh I'm alright the ground broke my fall." He teased while looking up at me. His face was a little dirty from face planting into the ground but then I noticed his nose crooked with blood dripping down to his lips. "Oh gosh Fred your nose!" I shouted

"Hmm? Oh." Fred said placing his hands to his nose. He then winced in pain.

"Wait let me help!" I declared while grabbing my wand and a few tissues from my bag.

"No (Y/N) I'm fine"

"Fred stop. You are NOT fine and I am going to fix your nose if you like it or not." I then grabbed a grabbed and tissue a started dabbing were blood had fallen. As I was nursing his nose I looked up from his nose and noticed his beautiful brown eyes staring at me we then made eye contact for what felt like hours and I didn't want to look away it was as if I saw him for the first time again. "Ooooohhhhh" said Ginny while I shot my head over to look at Ginny, Hermione then quickly covered Ginny's mouth with her hand. I then quickly wiped of the blood under Fred's nose and grabbed my wand a pointed it at his nose and said "Episkey" to see that his nose was fixed and back to it's original shape I then grabbed my bag a hurried toward our group who had already started walking.

    I hope you enjoy the new chapter I tried to make it longer so, it may not be as good. And sorry for it being kind of boring this is just the start of a new story. See you later.

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