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          It was a couple of days after the fight. It was different, it was as if not much had happened. I wasn't that sure if it was exactly a good thing. It had caused weird tension between Fred, Cedric, and I. Cedric and I were still friends but Fred and I are also
still friends which made things... interesting. I could tell that something wasn't the same in both of the friendships. It was slightly more awkward every time I would hang out with either of them.

          They hated each other which was expected but it was mostly like passive aggressive energy with mixes of death stares. I tried closing my eyes for a second to clear my mind, we were sitting in the Great Hall. The blue fire from the goblet was illuminating the room with the blue hazes hitting each wall. Hushed chatter was falling over the room while we waited. We were all called to the Great Hall because the champions were finally going to be chosen and in three days the first task would happen. Dumbledore had finally arrived next to the goblet placing his hands comfortably to his sides.

        "Now the moment you've all been waiting for!" He announced bringing up his hand and dimming down lights. He kept his hand up walking closer to the goblet resting both of his hands on the bodice of it he then moved farther away as it started angrily rumbling he gestured to the fire as it puffed out and turned red quickly releasing a tinged piece of paper. He looked at it a then spoke, "The champion for Durmstrang is, Victor Krum!" Cheers and applause erupted from the Durmstrang bleachers.

Victor got down from the bleachers and shook Dumbledore's hand, Dumbledore gestured to a small hallway at the side of the room that Victor then went down. The goblet started rumbling again, another piece of paper very delicately launched out of the flames. It was a very nice piece of paper. It was blue and almost in a shape of a pencil shaving that I would see at home. Dumbledore grabbed the paper and said, "The champion for Beauxbatons is, Fleur Delacour!" A cheer passed through the Ravenclaw table, Beauxbatons shared the table with them which made me kind of confused as to why Durmstrang got a whole set of bleachers to themselves. A pretty girl with blonde hair slicked into a perfect ponytail walked up to Dumbledore and did the same as Victor. She seemed very dainty but also very intimidating, I had never seen her before but she seemed like a very nice person.

Once again the goblet shot out a piece of paper. This one felt more suspenseful, this person was going to be the Hogwarts champion. Cedric and Amaria had both put there names in. I remember the day after Cedric entered his name, he wouldn't shut up about it. "And the champion for Hogwarts is, Cedric Diggory!" Dumbledore yelled. Cheers erupted through the hall as Cedric made his way from his table through the doors. I clapped and cheered and I saw Fred slow clapping, extremely slow clapping.

       "Our three champions have now been selected! Each one now in a competition for glory and the Triwizard cup!" Dumbledore announced gesturing towards a cup that had a glowing blue hue to it and a sliver stand with handles that looked like dragons. Right after he said that the goblet started growling. It seemed angrier more aggressive as if it was growling like a big cat. All the teachers looked concerned looking back and forth at each other. I feel like all the kids just didn't know what to do we all just sat there and didn't talk. Another paper shot out of the now furious red flames. Dumbledore grabbed the paper urgently and looked at it with shock and anger in his eyes. "Harry Potter... Harry Potter!" He shouted. Harry didn't respond it was like he was paralyzed. He still stayed in shock everyone was looking back and forth from him to Dumbledore. "Harry Potter!" Dumbledore screamed.

       "Harry, go!" Hermione said shoving Harry out of his seat. He practically looked like a deer in the headlights. A buzz of whispering hit all the tables as Harry made his way to Dumbledore. "He's a cheat! He's not even 17!" One student yelled from the Slytherin table. I kind of wanted to yell back at him but I knew I shouldn't. Lots of the kids looked livid and I saw that the twins looked speechless and almost proud. Harry had finally gotten out of sight but the chatter just got louder. "All students must go back to their common rooms this instant." Mrs. Mcgonagall announced. People started grouping up with their friends and started chatting and gossiping on their way to the common rooms.

          The twins, Lee, and I all walked through the doors. "How do you think he got his name in?" George asked.

"I don't think he did. Harry wouldn't do that." I stated.

"Do you think a professor did it?" Lee asked

"I mean I'm not sure, maybe."

"I still can't believe his name was called after all champions were selected. They shouldn't let him compete right?" Lee questioned.

"Yeah it would be mental." Fred said.

"Well guys I think I should get to bed." I said. We had reached the doors of the Gryffindor common room. Fred uttered the password and we all entered. "Goodnight, guys." I muttered making my way up the stairs.

"Goodnight." They all beamed.

    Hey guys! I'm sorry that this part is shorter than the rest but I really wanted to get a part out. I hope you all enjoyed it! See you later!

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