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       Hey everyone!! So I'm trying to get started into the Triwizard Tournement so this is probably going to be a big time skip. Now I couldn't find the date of when the other students arrive so I made up a random date. Sorry for having such a large time skip I just kind of want to get things started.

      It felt as though the month of September had flown by. I noticed Lydia and Amaria had started dating at the end of  the month. It kinda felt like a lot of stuff was changing, like I had noticed that Fred had started acting weird around me recently, as if he put a thin wall between our friendship. We still hung out a lot but he acted almost as if he was annoyed or mad at me. The other schools had arrived today, the French school Beauxbatons had arrived in a carriage pulled by flying horses. All the students were covered in baby blue silk uniforms. Their headmistress Madame Olympe Maxime was quite... tall, even taller than Hagrid. The second school Durmstrang had arrived in a large ship. Everyone was excited when Durmstrang arrived, the famous Viktor Krum attended the school. I remember previously before they arrived that Ron was having emotional breakdowns knowing that Durmstrang was coming to Hogwarts. The Durmstrang uniforms were decked out in brown and had dark brown boots. It was kind of strange seeing new faces in the school.

Me and Cedric were also hanging out a lot more as well. We would run around Hogsmeade together and study in the library. We had started becoming really good friends but I did notice that he almost basically acted a little flirtatious around me. I mean I've thought about it a lot but that could just be how he acts, like I don't call out Fred for being a funny spontaneous doof because that's just how he acts, so Cedric could just be naturally flirtatious... Right? Me and Hermione were currently studying in the Great Hall while watching students put their names into the Goblet. Many students came and left, some had whole groups with them hyping them up. Hermione looked annoyed every time the door had opened as if she was waiting for something absolutely stupid to happen. I heard voices then coming through the doors "Come on Cedric!" They chanted throughout the hall. I looked up from my book to meet eyes with Cedric. His hair was wet and shaggy and he was in front of his large group of friends standing in front of the goblet. We made eye contact for a good 30 seconds until one of his friends pushed him towards the goblet. He gave me one last look and put his piece of paper into the goblet watching it vanish into the vibrant blue flames. He ran back to the group of his friends as they cheered and chanted and ran out of the hall. Hermione had looked up from her book and raised her eyebrows while giving me the "What was that about" look. "What?" I asked.

"So you don't like him?" She replied


"Oh come on! I know you like Fred but what the hell was all that about?"

"Shhhhhhh!!!" I quickly covered her mouth with my hand. She just freaking yelled I like Fred! Everyone could've heard her. I'm surprised no one was staring at us. She looked at me and rolled her eyes while pushing my hand of her face. "I mean this is utter rubbish. You like him. You don't like anyone else. You've liked him since your 1ST YEAR. But you have refused to confess your feelings." She complained

"Do I like him? Yes. Have I liked him for a long time? Yes. Do we know if he likes me? No. Do I want to ruin our friendship because of my stupid feelings? No. So knock it off!" It looked like she was about to reply when yells came booming through the Great Hall doors. "Yessssss!" The twins yelled high fiving every kid in their path. "We've done it!" Fred broadcasted.

"Cooked it up just this morning!" George added. I was confused, they usually would tell me when they were scheming and what it was. "It's not going to work!" I heard Hermione yell beside me.

"Yeah and why is that Granger?" George asked. He sounded kinda smug.

"Well. This is an age line Dumbledore drew it himself." She said said while tracing out the line with her pointer finger.

"So?" Fred asked

"So, a genius like Dumbledore couldn't possibly be fooled with something as dim witted as an aging potion!"

"That's why it's so brilliant." Fred claimed

"Because it's so perfectly dim witted." George added, both of the boys ran over and stood on benches in front of the age line. "Ready Fred?" George asked while shaking a bottle in his hand.
"Ready George!" Fred answered while shaking the same type of bottle from his pocket. "Bottoms up!" They both yelled downing the potion at the same time. They then jumped into the circle of the aging line towards the goblet. Everyone went quiet for a second to see if their crazy scheme had worked. When nothing had happened and the twins were in the border for a few minutes and then everyone started cheering. Well except for Hermione for obvious reasons. They walked up to the goblet and gently put their names into the blue flames. Cheers and applause roared through the great hall. The boys high fived cheering as well, until blue flames shot out of the goblet making everyone duck and hide their faces while Fred and George were shot flying back closer towards where the Teacher's table was. They clambered on to the floor getting chased after by the other students. They sat up revealing that white hair and beards were growing at a fast pace and they started growing the features of elderly men.

"You said!" Fred yelled

"You said!" George yelled back. They both then tackled each other breaking out into a wimpy fight. I mean it was a fight. But wimpy. Everyone somehow crowded around them more and started clapping and chanting "Fight! Fight! Fight!" It started getting more rowdy and Hermione still stayed in her seat studying. I stayed right beside her. What they did was stupid and childish. Well actually that's not saying much when talking about the twins, but they didn't even tell me about it! How could they do something so stupid and not tell me. I have always known about every prank and trick they were doing. Did they not want to tell me because they knew I would think it was stupid?! They whole room had then gone silent as loud footsteps rang through the hall. Victor Krum was marching through towards the goblet with his headmaster. I noticed though as he put his name into the goblet he and Hermione made almost intense eye contact. At the same time Fred and George were rushed to the Hospital Wing by some professors that heard everything that was happening. I almost stopped to interrogate Hermione about the eye contact she made with Victor like how she yelled at me about Cedric, but I was to angry right now I wanted to know why the twins didn't tell me they were going to do that.

I had already started speed walking through the hall straight to the Hospital Wing. I saw that George was assigned to the bed closest to the door and for some reason Fred was a couple beds down. I walked straight towards George. "Why the hell did you not tell me that you were going to do that?!" I yelled. I could easily see his eyes widen. He was scared. "I-I-I" George stuttered.

"What George?! What?!"

"Fred was supposed to tell you."


"Fred was supposed to tell you a few days ago. I told him to and he said he would. He even left our dorm and told me that he went and told you about it."

"Why would he lie?"

"I don't know."

"Why didn't he want to tell me?"

"I don't know." It was confusing as to why he wouldn't tell me. I was his best friend since first year! And yeah maybe things have been awkward between us but he could've told me that they were going to try and cheat the goblet. The thoughts kept whirling around in my head as I stormed off to the common room.

Hey guys! I'm sorry that this one seems a little rushed. I really wanted to get something finished before I have to go to school tomorrow. I really hope you enjoyed it and I will see you later.

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