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"Mr. Weasley... you do know that it is unacceptable to leave your common room after curfew, correct?" Snape asked from behind his desk.

Once Snape had awkwardly found Fred and I in the woods he practically dragged us all the way to his classroom by our dignity. Snape did not speak a word the entire cold walk to his classroom but you could feel the disapproval radiating off of him. On the walk back Fred gave me his jacket to help cover up my arms from the cold. I was really grateful that he had given me his jacket, since my dress only had spaghetti straps I was shivering like crazy. Once Snape had gotten us to the classroom he stood behind his desk and slammed his hands on the table while Fred and I awkwardly stood in front of the table.

Despite the fact that I had broken the rules with the twins on multiple occasions they had always helped me escape before I got in trouble. This was probably the first time I had ever been interrogated by a teacher, and I am definitely hoping that it'll be the last time. Fred however, was standing with much more pride than I was. I could tell he had more confidence in these situations than I did. He stood with his hands at his sides in his white button up and black pants, his bowtie was untied and rested on his neck. His hair and parts of his clothes were slightly wet due to the snow. The same was said for the bottom of my dress, except it was practically drenched.

"Yes, Professor." Fred mumbled, trying to keep the corners of his mouth from curling up.

"And you do know that luring Ms. y/L/n into the woods also gets her in trouble as well? I believe that should knock some sense into your empty skull given the affinity you have for her? You will have to deal with the consequences of your actions."

"Yes... Professor." Fred's body language had instantly tensed as he seemed to realize that he roped me into all of this. His head slightly fell as he stared at his dress shoes.

"Ms. y/L/n, you may go while we discuss Mr. Weasley's punishment. But... ten points from Gryffindor."

"Excuse me, Professor?" I interrupted before Snape could continue with his lecture.

"Yes, Ms.y/L/n?" Snape asked.

"It was my decision to go out in the woods and meet up with him. I am just as guilty as he is, I didn't have to go and I chose to."

I had folded my arms in front of my chest, which over the course of these few months I noticed to be a habit of mine. I did it to try and harden my exterior, maybe he would take me more seriously. It didn't feel right that Snape was plastering most of the blame on Fred while I was also out of the common room after curfew. I honestly felt like I was floating off the ground as I confronted him, I had never really talked back to a teacher before and honestly... it was exhilarating. I could tell that this did anger Snape more, he clenched his fists as he laid them on the table.

"Alright then... Ms. y/L/n. If you are just as guilty then both of you can have the same reparations..." Snape spat. He stood up straight and crossed his arms, almost mimicking me. "Both of you will cleanup up the great hall while the other students get on the train home. No magic allowed!" Snape finished.

"How are we supposed to get home if we're cleaning up?"


I could not believe that the punishment Snape had come up with would keep us from leaving the school for winter break. My parents had everything planned out for the next week to accommodate all of the Weasleys, and it surely would be kinda awkward if all of my friends were there except for me. And everything with Fred and I was finally mended so we didn't have to worry about anything being awkward. My dad probably wouldn't have been too happy though... "Now both of you, back to bed and in the morning report immediately to the great hall to get your instructions... don't make me wait." Snape demanded.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2023 ⏰

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