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Once we finally made it my dorm it was hard to speak. I didn't look either Ginny or Hermione in the eyes. A couple tears feel from my eyes but not enough to the point where I was sobbing. Even though I wasn't talking the girls still sat next to me both of their heads on my shoulder as they waited for me to calm down. "Why didn't I see this coming?" I asked. Ginny had then gotten up from the bed and stood in front of me to talk. "None of us saw it coming." She hummed, I could tell she was trying to make her tone sound comforting. "Please, I haven't really been talking to them recently and I knew Fred and Angelina had a small fling over the summer. It was probably foolish of me to think he'd ask me." I stated standing up from the bed and walked over to the window to open the curtain.

The sun was warm and slightly fiery against my tired eyes. Ginny had now gotten up and stood beside me and rested her hand on my shoulder. "Y/N we all knew he was crazy about you, him and Angelina won't stand a chance."

"Still, I have been talking to Cedric a whole lot this year. He probably got the wrong message when I started hanging out with someone else."

    "It's still shocking, Y/N." Hermione added rising up from the bed and joining us at the window. Yes I should have known there was the possibility of Fred being interested in someone else. I know it sounds stupid but sometimes when I talked to him it just felt like something was there, for both of us. "I know it is probably weird to say but, there was a part of me that thought he would ask me. I mean we have known each other for six years and when I took him back to his dorm at the party-"

   "Wait! I never asked about that! What happened?" Hermione blurted.

     "Yeah! What happened?" Ginny said while raising her eyebrows.

     "Well, I brought him back up and put him to bed to make sure he didn't end up passed out on the floor. And then-" I tried to say as I was interrupted again.

      "Wait! Oh my god! Did you guys?" Ginny asked while raising her eyebrows trying to put through smoothly what she meant without having to say it. "No! No! Nothing like that happened! He just kissed me on the cheek." I explained.

"Well that certainly isn't as interesting."

     "Ginny! We're talking about your brother!" I went back down to sit on bed. "I guess I just thought that moment was special." I stated looking back up to the girls who were now standing in front of me. Hermione had folded her arms and looked me up and down. It is kind of scary how intimidating Hermione can get, she looked as if she was a professor about to give me a detention. "Y/N, knowing how drunk he was that night he probably forgot it even happened. I'm not saying he did but a kiss on the cheek might not have been the most memorable thing." Hermione claimed as she started to fidget with the ends of her sleeves. "Wow, way to make her feel better." Ginny mocked lightly pushing Hermione's shoulder.

"What? It's true!

"It was still important to her!"

"What I meant was that maybe you should give him something to remember."

"Wait, I kind of like the sound of that." They then both looked back at me with very mischievous grins.


      "Where are we going?" I asked as the girls and I walked hand and hand down the icy roads of Hogsmeade. For some reason the ground was a lot more slippery than usual so the girls and I all linked our arms in case one of us slipped. "Mabel's Robe Shop." Hermione said as she slightly tightened her grip on my arm. "Mabel's? I thought that place shut down a while ago." I replied. Mabel's Robe Shop is a quaint little shop across the road from Honeyduke's. It was run by Mabel a sweet old woman who had graduated from Hogwarts. She hand made all of the garments by hand in the small shop and it was about 10 years old. Sadly two years ago Mabel passed away which caused the place to shut down so, I am very confused as to how and why we're going to Mabel's. "Actually Mabel's grandson reopened the place a couple months ago." Hermione said

"Really? You'd think there would be more people talking about it." I replied

"This is my first time hearing about it as well, I was just following Hermione's lead." Ginny chimed

We had then reached the door to Mabel's, it was a cute rustic little building. Even though it was recently reopened the outside looked like it hadn't changed a bit. The paint was chipped severely around the edges and the door looked like it hadn't been fixed up in years. There were chips and a deep gash next to the handle. Despite the old rough look it still had a classic old charm to it. Once we walked in to the shop we could see a desk to the right and to the left racks upon racks of clothes. "Hello!" We heard someone chime from behind the desk. The man behind the desk had floppy dark hair and thick square shaped glasses. He had a very scrawny and awkward look to him but he still kept this type of charm to him. He looked about 23 but still had a very youthful teen vibe to him. "Hi! You must be Mabel's grandson." I claimed walking towards him.

"Yes, I'm Corey, the new owner of this fine establishment." He said cheekily letting out a small chuckle.

"Did you really renovate this?" Ginny asked in disbelief.

"Well I didn't renovate it myself, I had help with my partner Ez and a couple of their siblings." Corey replied "Anyways, is there anything in particular you guys are looking for today?"

"We need three gowns for the Yule ball at our school." I confirmed

"Well the dresses are mostly towards that corner." He pointed towards the racks which displayed a plethora of sparkles and shine with a variation of different colored dresses, some with large puffy skirts and some made entirely of silk but all of the glamor faded away when the shop door opened and there stood,


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