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Reader's POV

   When we had gotten out of the train it was pouring down rain outside. We had saw in the distance the horseless carriages which led us to the castle. I looked over to my side to see Fred staring at me with a glint in his eyes. "Race you!" He yelled as dashed out of the train towards. I started chasing him through the crowd. I could feel my hair and clothes getting absolutely soaked in the process, I was chasing toward the carriage when I saw Fred had already gotten onto the carriage.

   I jumped onto the carriage with Lee and George following behind me. I sat down next to Fred. "I win! I win!" Fred playfully chanted as he stood and started doing a stupid little victory dance, the carriage lunged forward and started to make its way too the castle making Fred slip and fall on his back which started a fit of laughter from everyone on the carriage. He stood back up and rubbed his back and sat down beside me. It was quite cold outside, and being drenched from the rain didn't help. I started too shiver heavily and my teeth started too chatter.

     Fred looked over at me and probably saw how cold I was and he put his arm around me. I instantly felt my cheeks heat up, I probably looked as red as a tomato to Harry and Ron who were sitting across from us.

We had finally arrived to the castle where we were met with the large staircase. It was still raining but not as hard, the ground was still wet and cold so I probably had to be careful walking up to the castle. I started trudging up when my foot slipped of the step. I was about too face plant onto the ground when someone grabbed my forearm and caught me. I looked up too see who it was and it was Fred, our faces were an inch apart, so close that I could feel his breath on the tip of my nose. We looked at each other for a while till I heard a faint squeak from behind us. I moved my head over to see Ginny with her eyes wide and her lips put into a tight smirk.

I stood up properly, dusted myself off, and walked up the stairs.


     All the first-years had all finally all gotten sorted as we waited in the great hall to eat. Dumbledore had finally started the feast and we all dug in. "So, Cedric told me that you guys left the compartment for a little bit, What was it about?" I asked while putting a serving of mashed potatoes on my plate.

"Oh, we were talking about how Fred-" Lee answered, but before he could finish I heard a thud under the table "Owwwww." Lee whined giving Fred a pouty look.

"About how Fred What?" I questioned

"How I was going to... prank Snape!" Fred stammered

"Well, what are you gonna do?" I asked

"Um I was going to... never mind, the plan is still in the works." He scoffed

"Okaaaay." I doubted, going back to stuffing more food on my plate. I looked up to see Dumbledore standing back up at his golden podium. "Now I sadly have to inform you that this year the school's own quidditch cup will be canceled." He announced, Fred and George looked livid. I remember Ginny writing me multiple letters about getting upset when bludgers came flying through her window from them practicing just for this one match that is now not going too happen. Lee also looked upset, no quidditch match meant no announcer which meant no Lee. "But, this will be due to an event that will be starting in October and going throughout the year, it will take up lots of time that would usually be spent in classes, so I pleased to announce that Hogwarts-"Dumbledore projected, but he was interrupted by a loud rumble and crack came from the ceiling, in the process the doors were also swung open.

    A mysterious figure stood in the doorway and made his way to Dumbledore. There was a clunk every time he stepped, I then looked down to see he had a wooden leg. He had long stringy hair and scars all over his face, but his eyes really creeped me out. He had one tiny beady black one and a huge fake electric blue eye that was held up with a some sort of goggle. He walked over to the headmaster and shook his hand, he then sat down in an empty chair with the rest of the Professors. "Now may I introduce or new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, Professor Moody." Dumbledore stated.


   Usually after a new Professor has been announced they get a warm welcome with applause and cheering, but this time it was dead silent throughout the entire hall. "Now as I was saying this year Hogwarts will be hosting a legendary event, the annual Triwizard Tournament!" Dumbledore beamed. There was loud cheers coming from every direction, I still sat down in my seat confused as too what the 'Triwizard Tournament' was. "Now, to the people who already know what the Triwizard Tournament is I'm sorry for explaining, the Triwizard Tournament is a legendary event made around seven hundred years ago, the three most popular European wizarding schools: Hogwarts, Beauxbatons, and Durmstrang. One champion will be chosen from each school to compete in three magical tasks. The schools took turns hosting the event every five years, it was generally agreed that it was an amazing way for students to sink ties, until it got quite dangerous and that is when it got cancelled. Recently the tournament has been trying to be brought back several times now has just been brought back for goodby the Department of magical cooperations and Magical games and sports. The headmasters of Beauxbatons and Durmstrang will be bringing there students here to Hogwarts in October and the champions will be chosen on Halloween. We have also discussed that we will be adding a thousand galleons prize money to the winning champion." Dumbledore declared.

Fred and George stared at eacother wide eyed with huge gaping smiles on there faces. The haul filled with cheers and whistles. "Although we have made a rule that all students under seventeen will not be able to enter there names into the tournament." Dumbledore explained. "What?!" Fred yelled

"That's rubbish!!" George screeched

"You don't know what your doing!!"

"That's RUBBISH!!"

"Know students this rule is only for your safety, these tasks will involve intense magic for advanced witches and wizards. Now these rules will also apply for the competing schools now off to bed. All of you." Dumbledore said leaving his podium.

"We should be able to enter!" George complained "We turn seventeen in April!"

"C'mon you guys wouldn't actually do it. Would you?" I asked

"Um, hell yeah! Thousand galleons in prize money, sign me up!" Fred beamed.

"Seriously? I don't even know what it is exactly but it seems dangerous." I mumbled

"Ha! Why would that scare me I laugh in the face of danger!" Fred projected loudly through the corridor.

"Well you can't even do it anyway, so don't get your hopes up." I teased. I was getting frustrated with him, I knew this was Fred just being Fred but, he could probably get easily hurt. I pushed past them just wanting to get to my dorm to sleep. "You'll see (L/N) we've got a plan!" Fred yelled down the practically empty hall.

There you guys go! I'm sorry this one is probably super boring. But after all this back to school introducing the tournament stuff, it will get more fun, I PROMISE. Bye! SEE YOU LATER!

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