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    Here you go another chapter! And I am going to completely over exaggerate but oh my gosh! We are almost at 20 reads! And I'm sorry that I am so excited about this but I'm excited about it. Enjoy the chapter!
Reader's POV

I had finally caught up to the group who were gazing upon a camp ground filled with all different types of tents. Some tents had lots of different types of patterns from a very bright and colorful paisley to a very standard striped pattern. It was also amazing at how small some of the tents were, so small that I couldn't even fit my luggage in it. There were so many things happening as we walked through the crowd of people to get to our tent, some people on tall stilts,  some people were on their brooms flying dangerously low towards the crowd, and lots of people representing the teams who were playing, a juggler wore a striped black and red suit that represented Bulgaria and some people paraded around the campground wearing green and white face paint to represent Ireland. "Well I think this is were we part ways." Amos said looking at Mr. Weasley

"We will see you at the match!" Mr. Weasley said while vigorously shaking Amos's hand

"See you at the match." Amos said while patting Mr.Weasleys back and dragging Cedric to leave as we all waved goodbye. We finally kept trudging through the camp ground when we finally come to a stop when Mr. Weasley gestured to a small tent. "Home sweet home." He said cheerfully while crouching and walking into the tent. Soon then all the others had gone in until it was just me. How did all of them fit in that little tent? And even if everyone could be in the tent we would probably feel like sardines packed into a small tin can. "C'mon (Y/N) we don't bite!" Fred chuckled as he grabbed my hand from inside the tent and pulled me forcefully into it. I was not expecting the sudden force when I had gone through the door I had tripped on my ankle and fell right into Fred's chest. Oh.... my..... gosh. Why does stuff like this keep happening!! First the ride on his back, second the whole gazing into each others eyes while I fixed his broken nose, and now third I fall straight into his chest, and then especially I see basically everyone (except for Percy and Mr. Weasley) were all grinning from ear to flipping ear! I had finally stopped leaning on Fred and stabilized myself and walked over to Ginny and Hermione. The tent had ended up to be pretty big, it had a small kitchen and dinning room as well as a small living space in the middle. On the sides I also saw to curtains that looked like they were supposed to be separate rooms. The whole tent was decorated so almost everything looked like it was a shade of oranges and reds, also instead of traditionally having the roof of the tent end in a point like how it looked on the outside I had different types of curtains draped everywhere. "Ron get out of the kitchen! Everyone else is hungry to!" Mr. Weasley demanded. Ron then walked back out of the kitchen looking quite sad that he wasn't able to do a kitchen raid yet.

"Bu-but I'm hungry..." Ron whined

"Hey Ron if you really that hungry me and Fred brought some toffee." George said with a mischievous grin, which I already know is bad news but Ron did not look like he cared.

"Oh gosh! Can you give me some I'm starving!" Ron asked basically pleading. I cannot believe he is falling for this the candy it is obviously going to do something weird to him. Is he that dim witted?

"Well if you insist Ron." Fred said while smirking and grabbing a rapped piece of toffee from out of his back pocket and handed it to Ron. Ron instantly grabbed the toffee unwrapped it in like .5 seconds and plopped it into his mouth. Fred and George watched Ron intently with huge grins on their faces when Ron face turned puzzled when he then stuck out his tongue. His tongue had grown 4 feet and almost touched the ground. "Bwha have ou bone to me?!" Ron said while trying to talk.

"That my friend is our ton tongue toffee." George chuckled.

"And now since we know it works it will be sold in our soon to be joke shop" Fred said while High-fiving George and running away to the living space.

"Buh wha abou my pongue!" Ron yelled still struggling to talk.

"Oh calm down!" I said while swiftly grabbing my wand from out of my bag. "Reducio" I said while pointing my wand at his tongue "How the heck did you fall for that Ron! It was pretty obvious that it wasn't a regular toffee." I practically scolded while putting my wand away.

"What I was hungry!" Ron whines as his tongue went back too its original size.

"Alright kids calm down! We need to get settled in. The cup is only in a few hours." Mr. Weasley demanded.

"Um where are we sleeping?" Harry asked looking around still amazed at how big the tent was.

"Well girls you will sleep in the second tent on the left that is through those curtains over there" Mr. Weasley while gesturing to the left "Boys same for you just to the right." He said while then gesturing to the right.

"Thanks Mr. Weasley." Harry said as he ran to the boy's tent with the rest of the guys following behind.

"Hey, Mr. Weasley I never thanked you for letting me come with you guys." I said as I smiled at him.

"Oh, (Y/N) your welcome and how many times do I have to say this you can call me Arthur." Arthur said while smiling back.

"Well then thank you Arthur." I said while the girls and I went through the other curtain door towards the left to the the girls tent. This area was like the main tent but it had 2 sets of bunk beds in on the far right and to the left there was a table with chairs and a small dresser.

"I call top bunk!" Ginny yelled as she threw her backpack onto the bed.

"I guess I will take this one." I said while placing my bag on the bottom bunk of Ginny's bed.

"And I'll have this one." Hermione said while placing her bag on the bottom bunk of the extra bunk bed next to ours.

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