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       Hello everyone welcome back! Now I just want to say in this chapter when Hermione got tortured by Bellatrix the same thing will happen to you in this story. Don't come for me but I thought it would be a something that you and Hermione could bond over.

Trigger Warning

Reader's POV

      "(Y/N)! (Y/N)! Wake up!" I had woken up to see Fred standing over me and shaking my shoulders. "W-What?" I questioned while looking at him confused what the heck was he doing! It was around midnight and he was waking me up! And I was having a really good dream.... that totally wasn't about him. "We need to leave now!" He stated while pulling me out of bed I could also see George doing the same to Hermione and Ginny. Fred, George, Ginny, Hermione, and I ran out of the tent to see one of the most horrific sights I had ever seen. Tents had been lit on fire and burned to the ground while witches and wizards were being flipped upside down and being tormented and attacked by people with masks that I had already figured were death eaters. Arthur, Percy, and Bill had gone to help with the ministry while Fred instantly grabbed my arm and I was running with him George and Ginny. Hermione had gone to help Ron and Harry. Fred had a tight hold on my arm as we ran through the busy crowd. The crowd was going crazy and going in every direction possible it felt like we were salmon trying to go upstream. The crowd was so rough that I had been separated from my group. My heart started beating rapidly as I ran to find my group but they were nowhere to be seen. But I had found a forest clearing and ran towards it. I had made it to the clearing as I fell on to the ground trying to figure out where I was and where the others were as I sat near a tree thinking that I could wait this out.


     I then felt frozen in fear as right before my eyes was a death eater. Shoot! I had checked my pockets as I realized I had left my wand in the tent. The death eater started walking fast towards me as they backed me up against the tree. I instantly felt my body hit the ground as they tackled me. The dirt and gravel felt cold against my skin as I could feel the rocks leaving small scrapes on my hands. I had tried to kick and fight it of but they were to strong. I was sprawled on the ground my back laid against the tree as my hands a legs were sprayed out. I was still shocked to why my attacker had still not brought out their wand. But, I had thought to soon as the death eater reached in there pocket and to my surprise instead of their wand it was a dagger. They had instantly were on top of me in no time as I felt the dagger cut my skin on my exposed upper bicep. The pain was awful as it had struck the whole left side of my body. The pain had gone on for a while as I could feel my scarlet blood drip down my arm as I screamed in pain and agony. Tears had rolled down my face as I had got more and more exhausted. The death eater had finally stood up and put the dagger back in there pocket as they had revealed the boot that they had been wearing under their black robe. It looked very heavy as if it were made of metal. It was a beautiful boot as the moonlight hit it making it shine but before I could even yell for help the death eater had used all their strength and stomped straight on my ankle. The pain was shocking as they dug their shoe deep into my ankle making me weep in pain.

    Suddenly I heard a shout from the campground. As the death eater looked in its direction. I couldn't make out what the mystery person was saying but the voice wasn't familiar either. The death eater then ran into the woods and out of sight. I was confused why the death eater hadn't just killed me. It had grown cold as I looked over to my arm only using my neck to turn my head as I saw blood it made a word but I couldn't quite make it out. My vision had gone blurry as everything around me faded black as my eyes grew heavy my eyes closed every thing went black.

Fred's POV

    Fear had filled my mind as we walked through the campground searching for (Y/N). It had been about an hour. An hour. I kept repeating it in my head.
"(Y/NNNN)!" I shouted cupping my hands around my mouth.

No response.

"(Y/NNNN)!" I yelled again

No response.

    I can't loose her. What if she was taken or kidnapped! Or worse.... killed. I didn't even want to think about it. "Don't worry Fred we'll find her." George said while patting me on the back. Though he didn't sound too sure. The air was smoky as we kept searching there was a lot of ash everywhere but some of the tents were still intact like ours. Ginny looked quite worried which was a slight first. Her fingers were in her mouth as she chewed on her nails trying to handle her emotions. We had soon found a clearing in the forest when my body filled with dread when I saw (Y/N) passed out leaning against a tree. We instantly ran to her side as I kneeled down next to her. My eyes ran over her body rapidly. She was paler than usual and she had bags under her eyes and her cheeks were tear stained like she was crying a river. But the main thing was the blood dripping down her arm. I slowly turned her arm around too look at the wound and found etched into her skin the word "Mudblood". My heart sunk when I saw the word it was terrible. I looked over at George and Ginny, George looked shocked his jaw was practically touching the ground and Ginny looked like she was on the verge of tears. Ginny instantly grabbed a canteen that she was carrying and threw the water onto (Y/N)'s face.

Reader's POV

   I instantly jolted awake when I felt the feeling of cold water splashing on my face. "(Y/N)" Ginny sighed in relief as she tightly hugged my shoulders.
"We were so worried." She said letting go. But I instantly felt another squeeze around my shoulders. "Never scare me like that again!" Fred said as he hugged me tight.

"You were scared?" I said sarcastically. I mean I was the one who got tortured by a death eater.

"Oh yeah..." He said pulling away.

"What happened to you?" George asked me with concern in his face.

I sighed and then started to speak "Well, when we got split up I found this clearing, I thought I was safe but I guess I was wrong... a death eater came and carved this word into my arm" I started to tear up when I finally saw the whole word on my arm. "The pain... it was awful... they also did something to my ankle..." I finished my eyes swelling up. The pain was awful and it just kept playing through my mind on repeat. "Well we should go we need to get back." George said I could see he was slightly uncomfortable. I stood but then instantly crumbled to the ground I gasped as the pain in my ankle shot through my body. "Here (Y/N/N)." Fred said as he picked me up bridal style. My cheeks flamed up as we continued to walk to the others.

    Wow. I am so sorry I haven't written in like forever but in my defense school did just start and I am having troubles in math sooo, yeah. But, I am planning on posting every weekend or maybe a little more if I have the time. See you later!

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