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Today was the day of the Yule Ball, and due to the events that took place a couple nights ago I had a pit in my stomach which I could not seem to get rid of. Since the party Fred had not spoken to me at all. Once I had seen his reaction to George and I's kiss he immediately took Angelina by her arm and stormed out of the party to do Merlin know's what. George and I were seemingly still fine. We hadn't talked since the party but he wasn't deliberately avoiding me like Fred had been. Surprisingly the twins seemed alright with each other too.

George was still talking to Fred... Fred just wasn't talking to me. As usual. I do regret my kiss with George, I don't know what I was trying to prove with my unclear judgement. I wish I could go back and erase that night from my memory. Especially now, on a day where I am supposed to have the time of my life. Hermione, Ginny, and I had all planned for us to get ready together for the ball. I had yet to leave my own dormitory that day, leaving plenty of time for Angelina and her goons to get ready in our dorm. I had put all of my things together in a small trunk. My dress, my makeup, my hair products. I did not want to have to come back to this room before I had to go to bed tonight. 

Angelina and her friends were hovering around her mirror, some of her friends had rollers covering their heads, some using muggle straightening irons that their parents had sent them. No one had gotten into their dresses yet as we still had a couple hours until the ball. "Oh look girls, it's y/n, make sure to lock up the Weasleys. It's like she can't keep her hands off of any of them." One of the girls mocked while taking her gaze off the mirror and looking over at me.

"I bet Ron's not even safe." Another one of them giggled.

"Or Ginny, they're practically glued at the hip." One added.

The girls erupted into a fit of chuckles and laughter, I couldn't wait to get to Ginny and Hermione's room. Ever since the party Angelina had been taunting me about the kiss. Planting her metaphorical flag into Fred and I's relationship to signify her victory. I could not stand her. I quickly made my way out the door, still being able to clearly hear their laughter through the doors. I trudged through the dorm halls until I found myself in front of Hermione and Ginny's room. I had gone to reach for the door handle until my thoughts were interrupted by a shout. "Do not disturb!" The shrunken head hanging off of the door handle yelled.

"Excuse me?" I asked, looking down at it. 

"Teenage girls getting ready for a ball! Need I say more?!"

Before the head kept shouting Ginny had eagerly opened the door, "Y/n! Come in, come in." Ginny said motioning for me to enter the room. Once I had entered the room I noticed that it was vacant of anyone but Ginny and Hermione. Hermione was sat in front of one of the mirrors with hot rollers in her hair, the desk being covered with various different kinds of makeup. Both Ginny and Hermione's dresses were hung up on the ceiling light, which queued for me to take my dress  out and hang it up as well. The light illuminated the sparkles on each of the gowns, sending out a mirrorball effect across the room. "Y/n! Where have you been?" Hermione asked, putting the last clip on one of the rollers.

"What do you mean? I've been in my dorm." I explained, an awkward smile showing on my face.

"I mean the last couple days! I've spotted you a couple times in the common room since the party but you have been kind of... missing in action."

"Oh I don't know, I guess I just haven't been feeling that well."

"WHAT, y/n I know for a fact that you are not sick. What have you been up to-"

"Don't press the poor girl, Hermione." Ginny interjected while making her way towards Hermione. She placed her hands on her shoulders and gave them a reassuring squeeze. "If anything happened that night y/n would have told us, right?" Ginny asked, both of them turning their heads to look at me. "Oh, yeah." I assured. I tried to hide the obvious lie that was behind my claim, I am honestly shocked that they hadn't heard about what had happened at the party. Usually students would be buzzing with gossip. 

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