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  We had finally gotten back to the tent and as soon as I got back everyone acted strange and uncomfortable. Fred had gotten bandages and wrapped my arm up and we started packing up to leave even thought it was the middle of the night.

Time skip to the morning

  We were almost back to the burrow and surprisingly I didn't pass out from sleep deprivation. We had gotten to the front door and walked into the house. "Oh thank goodness you are all okay!" Mrs. Weasley practically screamed. "Oh boys" she said wrapping the twins in a big hug "I'm so sorry, what if something happened to you and the last thing I did to you both was scold you about your O.W.L.S!" She said squeezing them harder than ever. "Oh and Harry dear!" She said letting go of the twins and then giving Harry a bone crushing hug, until her eyes landed on me. Well not exactly me my bandaged up arm. "Oh (Y/N) what happened?!" She asked in a state of shock. I was about to unravel the bandage until. "(Y/N) you don't have too." Hermione said comfortingly.

"No it's fine." I insisted. I then kept unraveling the bandage until the crimson letters were visible to Mrs. Weasley. "Oh dear!" She sobbed hugging me tightly while my head ended up smashed into the crook of her neck. She started crying quite loudly "I-I'm so so s-sorry!" She sobbed into my shoulder.

"No no Mrs. Weasley I-it isn't your fault." I reassured her while moving her so I could look her in the eyes which were red and puffy. "Please call me Molly..." She sniffed while wiping tears from her eyes but then giving me a reassuring smile.


The rest of the day was hard. I went home and stayed in my room. Packed for school tomorrow but mostly I just kind of sat on my bed looking at the huge bulky bandage on my arm. I was slightly confused on to why I needed dress robes but if I did really need them I could probably just go to hogsmeade and get some. My Dad was quite uncomfortable too but he was furious when I showed him but he automatically thought it was one of the boys. He was at work but Mom was downstairs cooking lunch. "Honey! Lunch is ready!" Mom yelled from downstairs. I trudged downstairs to see the dining room table filled with sandwiches and fruit salad. "So, how is your arm?" She said bringing over a bowl of chips that she then put on the table.
"It still hurts but... its better." I sighed pulling out a chair and sitting down at the table. She then brought over two glasses of water from the fridge and set them down on to the table as well. "So how was it spending the day with the Weasley's without the... event."

"Well it was... nice we met this guy named Cedric and he was... friendly but, Fred acted really strange around him."

"Did you consider that Fred might be jealous?"

"N-no he can't be jealous, why would he be jealous?! T-there is nothing to be jealous of!" I flustered and my face started to turn red.

"Do you like Fred?"


"Don't lie to me...."

"Yeah... I like him."

"Oh that's nice... but what about that other boy from this summer I really liked him and didn't you guys like break up a few weeks ago?"

"Yeah but It was just a fling."

"Just a fling, I thought it was pretty serious didn't he even say the L word. Why did you guys break up anyways?"

"He was a muggle and he lives in America, it just wouldn't have worked, and plus I'm over him." I was done eating so I went back up to my room to pack.

Sorry for the short chapter but I just wanted to post something since I haven't worked on this story in a while and started writing my new one which you should all check out. So see you next time!

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