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We had gotten settled into school, we got our schedules and got unpacked into our dorms. It was the end to the first week of school me twins and Lee were all walking to potions class. "So you still haven't told me your plan." I stated looking over at Fred.

"Oh that. Well it's not just me, George is getting in on it as well but, we won't be doing it till October." Fred answered. I didn't have a good feeling about his plan, I think I'm going to be somehow roped into this and get detention. We had reached the potions classroom and like usually Snape was standing near a cauldron with his nose curled. He looked like he didn't want to be here, but when does he? I sat between the twins as usual and Lee sat next to George. Snape came up to the tables and adjusted his sleeves. "Now today class we will be learning about a new potion that all 6th year students must learn. Amortentia. This is my least favorite class of the year so I am demanding that there will be no horseplay or troublemaking" he looked straight at me and the twins. "Now Amortentia is one of the most powerful love potions in the entire world. The affects aren't love but an artificial obsession and that is why it is illegal. Now Amortentia has a certain smell to each person, it smells like what your attracted to, now sadly I was told that I would have to bring up a volunteer to come up and smell the potion." Snape said in a very unhappy monotone voice. I for some reason raised my hand like a freaking idiot. "Yes, Ms. (L/N)." He said. I got out of my chair and walked over to the couldron. I looked back at the twins and Lee. They all had huge grins on there faces as if I was going to embarrass myself. Then I started to say what I smelt. "I smell, clean linen, roses, and Fre-" Oh my god I smelt Fred's hair. And I was about to broadcast it in front of the whole class. My face went red and I looked over at my friends, George and Lee both had suprised looks on there faces and Fred looked very confused. "Professor may I go to the bathroom?" I asked

"Go." Snape spat

"We need to go to the bathroom too!" Lee and George yelled at the same time. I had already left the classroom and was speed walking to the girl's bathroom. My face and ears were still bright red and felt like I had butterflies flying in my stomach. I ran over to the sink and splashed water on my face and I looked up too see Lee and George behind me through the mirror. "AH!" I yelled, I don't like being sneaked up on. Their lucky I didn't punch them.

"YOU LIKE FRED!!!" They yelled at me with huge smiles on there faces.

"I-I do not!" I stuttered looking at them slightly scared.

"You just said his name when you smelt the Amortentia!" Lee stated

"Noooo I-I was gonna say... FREnch bread, not Fred." I stuttered. I even put one of those awkward laughs at the end.

"You are the worst lier." George said leaning against the sink next to me.

"Y-you guys aren't supposed to be here! This is the girl's bathroom." I yelled

"So, when did you start liking him?" Lee questioned

"Ugh!" I scoffed, I dried my face and ran out of the bathroom. I could hear George and Lee walking behind me. How could I be so freaking stupid! Of course I was gonna say Fred! I had reached the classroom and sat down in my seat and soon Lee and George sat down as well with huge grins on there faces. "What was that about?" Fred asked.

"Nothing." I probably Said way too quickly. I could hear George humming to the side of me. I couldn't make it out- Wait he's humming... Here comes the bride. Seriously. "Did you say something George?" Fred asked.

"Nope." George said giving me a cheeky smile. I looked over at him and gave him a glare. Time flew fast pretty quickly after that, during class I had to hit Fred a couple of times to keep him awake. The bell rung and luckily it was the last class of the day. I grabbed my books and walked to the common room with the boys. We had gotten back to the common room and I went up and read in my dorm which I shared with Amaria Kiburi and Angelina Johnson. They weren't there and I was alone but I needed some alone time. A few hours had passed and Ginny came up to my room. "Hey, it's time for dinner come on." Ginny said.

"Oh okay." I replied getting up from my bed. "And maybe you'll get a spot right next to Fred." She giggled. I just rolled my eyes and followed her downstairs. "Alright let's go people I want some food!" I yelled.

"Yeah!" Fred yelled jumping off the couch. "Race you (L/N)!" Fred said running out the door.

"Hey! No fair!" I stated running out the door towards him. The others were walking behind as we ran down the hallway to the great hall. Fred reaches the table before me and did his stupid victory dance.
I sat down and started piling food on my plate. I had too skip lunch for a detention with Mr. Flitwick. What happened was I was I was practicing dueling spells with one of my good friends Lydia Evergreen. She was a muggleborn slytherin with strawberry blonde hair she wore in a side braid. She had piercing grey eyes and freckles that splayed over her fair skin. She was really nervous and shy, so when I had dodged one of her spells, to cheer her up I quoted the amazing vine. "Don't f*ck with me! I have the power of god and anime on my side! Ahhhh!" Lydia had started belly laughing on the floor but Mr. Flitwick was pretty mad. So I'm pretty hungry. Dinner had gone pretty fast, I didn't talk much cause I was stuffing my face with food. Dinner was over and we reached the door to the great hall. "Do you want a rematch (Y/N)? Or are too scared?" Fred teased.

"Don't under estimate me Weasley." I scoffed. "Harry give us a countdown!" I demanded.

"Umm Alright..." Harry replied "1...2...3!" Harry yelled. I dashed through the hallway and was inches behind Fred. I started to pick up the pace and ended up leaving him in the dust. I had reached the fat lady portrait. Fred had arrived seconds after me and the others were behind him. It was the first race I won against him this year so I was going too run it in his face. I started doing the stupid little victory dance he did while chanting. "I winNnN. I winNnN." I heard Fred mumble the password making the door open. But I was shocked when he grabbed my waist and put me over his shoulder like a bag of potatoes. "Hey! Fred! Put me down!" I chuckled. He walked over to the couch and flipped me over onto it. I looked up at him seeing his huge smirk on his face. He then started viciously tickling me. "No! Fred! Stop!" I laughed. He tickled me for a while and both of us were laughing hysterically. He stopped and looked at me realizing the others were smiling at us. My cheeks went pink and I went upstairs to get in bed and sleep.

   There you go guys! I'm sorry I haven't posted in a long time but school has been not a nice person. I just hope you enjoy this! Bye!

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