
10.5K 272 211

         Oh my gosh. Thank you guys so so so much for 4K reads. I know I'm late to 1K but I still wanted to thank you all.

It was three days after the champions were chosen. (Ooh another time skip woooww) Those three days were pretty chaotic but I'm not expecting anything less of today. Hermione and I had been helping Harry go over his spells. Mostly defensive but we threw in some other ones as well. We would pull all nighters just researching. We stuck to a strict schedule, everyday after class we would all practice spells together outside and then right after dinner we would hold a study group in the common room. We did become kind of a nuisance to other students but we didn't care. Cedric and I hadn't been talking a whole lot lately, but you can't really blame him he's probably of training too.

Today at breakfast Harry looked disheveled and his hands were shaking. He didn't eat a lot as well which may not be a good thing but we'll just have to see. I was standing in between Fred and George. It was during the first task and everyone had already gone we were just waiting for Harry. I mean watching Cedric do it alone probably made me sprout some gray hairs. Once Harry emerged my heartbeat instantly increased. I know I helped him train but what if it wasn't enough? I mean he's like my little brother if anything happened to him because I didn't teach him something he needed or we didn't go over a certain spell enough I wouldn't be able to live with myself.

Harry kept walking towards the golden egg across the rocky terrain probably not seeing the ginormous dragon sharing the space with him. The dragon struck her spiked tail towards Harry but hitting a boulder next to him. It did the same striking the rock on the other side of Harry. Harry began to run after the dragon started to chase him. I could see my hands shake with anxiety as they rested on the wooden railing. Harry hid behind a rock and then drew his wand to the sky. "Accio Firebolt!" Harry yelled as he sat back behind the rock. The dragon continued blowing fire at the rock but failing to get Harry.

       Harry's firebolt instantly zipped through the air and into Harry's grasp. He mounted it with great speed and flew towards the egg. He was troubled though, with the dragon chasing closely behind him spewing fire. On one of Harry's laps around the arena the dragon broke the strong metal chain on its back leg. Harry then dived through the teacher's seats with the dragon following. Loud crashes and rips echoed as dragon tore through the wooden bleachers and the fabric covering. Both now completely out of the barriers of the stadium. "Well done dragon!" Fred yelled leaning over the railing. I held onto Fred's sleeve watching Harry's broom fade into the distance.

     Every moment that passed with the battle out in the open the more uneasy I became. Roars would erupt. Roars that were loud yet faint, which made it more treacherous. You couldn't tell where they were amongst the fog. My grip on Fred's sleeve kept getting tighter. George looked down at my hand and then looked at me. His eyebrows raised and he looked at me as if he was asking a question. I rolled my eyes and let go of Fred's sleeve. After what felt like a lifetime of waiting Harry finally flew through the bleacher and into the barrier of the playing field. He dived down scooping up the egg from the nest as cheers echoed all around him.

In the common room

     All the gryffindors decided to throw a party to celebrate Harry's success. Some seventh years students were able to sneak fire whiskey in. I didn't have any like Hermione and Ginny. Hermione thought of it as idiotic and Ginny just wasn't really one to party super hard. On the other hand most of the people who attended were hammered. They were going wild, running around like drunk toddlers. Amaria had brought Lydia and they were on the couch talking to some other students. There was music blasting and people dancing on tables. The music was loud but with the mixture of people talking and yelling you could barely hear what anyone was saying. You could just hear noise.

    I found myself sitting on a couch to the side of the room with Hermione and Ginny. "I just don't understand why they have to play the music so loud!" Hermione exclaimed. It was more quiet were we sat but we still had to talk quiet loud to hear what we were saying. "If they played it softer they wouldn't be able to hear the music over all the talking." Ginny said taking a swig if her pumpkin juice. Hermione looked down at her hands and started fidgeting with her nails. "Is Ron even here?" She asked.

"I think he's upstairs in his room moping." I explained.

"Why would he be moping?"

     "I think Harry and him are fighting for some reason." Hermione sighed looking back down at her fingers. I looked up seeing Lydia speed walk over to me. The couches where she was sitting were pretty full. Amaria must have not noticed that she left because she kept going on with her conversation knocking back fire whiskey as if it were water. I've noticed that with her over the years. She has always been able to drink a lot at a party and then it not even phase her. Lydia grabbed my arm and brought me into one of the quiet hallways. "Lydia, What are you doing?" I questioned.

"Amaria told me she loves me!" She beamed letting go of my arm.

"Did you say it back?!"


"That's amazing!" I squealed pulling her into a hug.

    "But, do you think it's too soon? We've only been dating a couple months." Her face practically snapped from happiness to worry in seconds. "No no no if you guys both think it's time then it's time. Just calm down." I tried to reassure her. I even threw in a comforting hand on the shoulder. "Okay. Thanks I should probably go back." She added skipping back off to the couches.

      I walked back to the couch and plopped down next to Ginny. "What was that about?" She questioned sitting up.

"Amaria told Lydia that she loved her." I answered.

"Did she say it back?!"

     "Yep!" She gave me a smile and looked up to see Lee and the twins walking over to us. Lee was walking beside Fred and George while George had Fred's arm slung around his shoulders helping him walk. "Hey ladies!" Lee slurred "How are y'all doin tonight." He was obviously tipsy.

"We're great." Hermione spat. It didn't seem like she was great.

     "Oooh Granger is mad." George teased, still holding up a dazed Fred. Fred looked completely zoned out. I could tell that he was the most drunk. Since he was probably also the instigator. He didn't look good. He looked pretty ill. "Hey, I think I'm gonna put Fred to bed." I claimed standing up, grabbing Fred and put his arm around my shoulders to help him walk. "But the party is still going." Fred protested. They all waved goodbye as I went into the hallway where the stairs were.

     "You need to go to bed." I said walking him to the stairs. It was hard trying to support him because he was practically a foot taller than me. Fred chuckled as I struggled to make it up the stairs. Once I schlepped up the stairs I dragged him to his dorm room. I opened the door and walked him to his bed. I let go of his arm and he plopped on the bed. I turned around and opened his dresser. "Do you have any pajamas you want to change into?" I questioned.

"I don't want to get up." Fred slurred.

"Okay, then. Is there anything else you want?"

"Can you give me a blanket." I went to his bed and and covered him in his sheets.



"Do you think I'm pretty?"


"Do you think I'm pretty?"

"Yes, Fred. You're very pretty." He looked at me and gave me a sly smirk.

"Haha, you think I'm pretty." He motioned me over with his hands. I walked over and stood beside his bed. He lifted himself up with his hands and planted a soft kiss to my cheek. "You're pretty too."

"Thank you. Goodnight, Fred." I went and planted a small kiss on his forehead.

"Night, (Y/N)."

I walked out of the room and as soon as I closed the door I pressed my hand against the cheek he kissed which was now a soft shade of pink. I put my hands back to my sides and walked to my dorm room.

Hope you all enjoyed this part. I don't know why it took me so long to write this part. It is a little longer than the ones I usually right. See you guys later!

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