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    We walked through the brick wall that led us to platform 9 3/4. When I looked over near the train I saw a puddle of orange hair and ran towards it. I saw Molly saying her goodbyes to the boys and Ginny.
"Hey!" I said pushing my trolley as I walked over to see them.

"Hey (Y/N)!" Fred said pulling me into a tight hug. I could see Ginny smiling wide with her teeth showing as if she was going to squeal like a fan girl, which made me just roll my eyes. Everyone had said hello to me and I got some goodbyes from Arthur and Molly. We were pretty early to the station it was about 10:00 in the morning so we still had about an hour. We were about too get aboard the train when I felt a light tap on my shoulder. "Hey (Y/N)." Cedric beamed.

"Hi!" I replied turning around. He also brought me into a big hug.

"Hey, I was wondering if I could sit with you guys on the train?" He asked looking slightly flustered and bashful.

"Yes, of course you can, c'mon." I stated walking into the train with Cedric dragging behind me. We had gotten into the cabin with Lee, Fred, and George. The boys all sat in a row of three on the right side of the compartment and me and Cedric sat on the left side. Fred looked awfully uncomfortable during the trip while we all talked which was kind of strange. We also had too introduce Cedric and Lee which was kinda awkward as well.


We had been on the train for about 6 out of the 9 hours. Throughout that period of time I would catch Cedric staring at me our maybe even playing with my hair. Fred just looked unhappy the whole time, he was just grumpy I guess. I was starting to get tired and sleepy, my eyes grew heavy as minutes passed until I felt my head land on Cedric's shoulder as the world went black around me.

Fred's POV

I could feel my skin getting more red and hot as I saw (Y/N) asleep on Cedric's shoulder. All I wanted to do was smack that smug look of his stupid face. It made me angry seeing him be able too just waltz on in and being able too sweep (Y/N) of her feet. I looked down at my hands which were bunched into tight fists, so tight that my knuckles were bright white. I looked back up to the upsetting image to see something worse. (Y/N) had started stirring and Cedric kissed her forehead which made her calm down. He kissed her forehead. He kissed her forehead!! I was about to lose it when I said "George. Lee. Talk. Outside. NOW."

"Umm why." Lee questioned

"Just come!" I yelled even more annoyed then I had previously been. Lee, George, and I all went into an empty compartment across the aisle. "Jeez whats up with you?" Lee questioned looking at me like I was insane.

"Nothing." I said

"Really." George said

"Yeah I just needed too get out of there for a second." I stated I didn't exactly need them too know why I needed to leave that compartment. "Why..." Lee Said mockingly as if he was a 5 year old teasing me.

"I-i just needed some... air." I lied

"Air or because your mad that Cedric has been getting pretty close to (Y/N) lately?" George asked

"W-why would I be mad?!" I yelled

"Dude it's obvious, your crazy about her." Lee stated

"No I'm not!" I yelled

"Oh cut the crap! I have at least caught you sniff her hair several times." Lee explained

"And you kiss your pillow for practice!" George chuckled

"I do not!" I whined

"You don't think I hear you? We share a room?!" George yelled. I could hear Lee having a laughing fit in the corner which made me whip my head around and glare at him. " I don't like her." I sneered. It wasn't true but I just didn't want them too know officially. "Okay Wait here is a list of proof on to how we know you like her.
1. You have basically followed her around like a puppy dog for years.
2. That pillow thing George said, which I believe.
3. You sniff her hair.
4. You are the first one to clear your schedule when she needs something.
5.You actually give her meaningful things for her birthday when me and George basically write "Happy Birthday" on an old piece of parchment.
6. You get furious and jealous when she interacts with other guys.
7. You make excuses just to hangout with her.
8. You punched Malfoy in the face after he called her a "Mudblood"
And that is some too name a few." Lee explained

"Okay fine! I like her. I really really like her." I admitted.

"Finally!" George cheered

  Here is another short chapter! Sorry I have been updating really short parts but I just want too get something it because it is getting late and it is a school night. And I'm really slow at these things and it takes me all day and night too write a long chapter. At least I hope you enjoy it! See you later!

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